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《灵界经历》 第655节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 655

655. What a miracle is

A miracle is what is done by the Lord, when there is something that concerns Himself, belief in Him, His Heaven, or the Church as a whole, which then passes through His Heaven, and is then carried out by spirits without any of their own cooperative power [entering into it]. This is a miracle, and is called "the finger of God" [Ex. 8:19, 31:18, Deut. 9:10, Luke 11:20].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 655


A miracle is that which is done by the Lord when it is something that concerns Himself, faith in Him, His Heaven, or the Church in a universal sense, and thus it passes through His Heaven, and spirits effect it without any co-operative force of their own. This is a miracle, and it is called "the finger of God" [Ex. Viii 19; xxxi 18: Deut. ix 10; Ps. xiii 3: Lk. xi 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 655 (original Latin 1748-1764)

655. Quid miraculum

Miraculum est quod fit a Domino, dum Ipsum, fidem in Ipsum, Coelum Ipsius, aut Ecclesiam in universali quid concernit, et sic per Coelum Ipsius transit, et sic spiritus id efficiunt, absque eorum ulla cooperatrice vi, hoc est miraculum, et vocatur "digitus Deut. [Exod. VIII: 19, XXXI: 18, Deut. IX: 10, Luc. XI: 20].

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