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《灵界经历》 第670节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 670

670. The province of the eye

The eye pertains to the very inward angels, because it is in the face and projects from the brain. The mouth indeed is in the face, but it leads into the body, that is, into the stomach and into the lungs, as well as away from the same; so that they who are in the province of the mouth are less esteemed than those in other regions of the face.

The eye is the noblest region of the face and also excels the rest of the senses, and it pertains to the spiritual class, over which it presides, because its sight interacts with spiritual sight.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 670


The eye belongs to the more interior angels, because it is in the face and comes forth out of the cerebrum. The mouth indeed is in the face, but it leads into the body, namely, into the stomach and into the lungs, and also leads from them, wherefore those who are in the province of the mouth are less esteemed than those who are in other regions of the face. The eye is the noblest region of the face, and surpasses the other senses. It belongs to the spiritual class over which it presides, because of sight corresponding to spiritual sight.

Experientiae Spirituales 670 (original Latin 1748-1764)

670. De provincia oculi

Oculus pertinet ad intimiores angelos, quia in facie, et prodit ex cerebro, os quidem est in facie, sed ducit in corpus nempe in ventriculum et in pulmones, etiam ducit ab iisdem, quare ii qui sunt in provincia oris, minus aestimati sunt, quam qui in aliis faciei locis, oculus est locus faciei nobilissimus, et praeest quoque reliquis sensibus, adque classem spiritualem pertinet, cui praeest, quia est visus correspondens spirituali visui.

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