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《灵界经历》 第694节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 694

694. About belief

Again today I spoke with souls and spirits about belief, saying that the belief of Christians at this day is a memorized faith, only recited by mouth, and therefore outside of the person; while a belief that is inside of the person is today almost non-existent. For their works reveal what their belief is, namely, the opposite of belief. Such is their character in the other life. There, when [souls and spirits] want to search out where someone's belief resides, it is [found] outside of the person, as far away as the moon is from the earth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 694


Today, I also spoke with souls and spirits concerning faith: that the faith of Christians at this day is the faith of the memory, thus only of the mouth, and so outside man; but there is almost no faith within man at this day, for their works manifest the quality of their faith, namely, that it is the opposite of faith. Such is their disposition in the other life, where, when they want to inquire where faith is, [they are told] it is outside man, thus as far away from man as the moon is from the earth.

Experientiae Spirituales 694 (original Latin 1748-1764)

694. De fide

De fide etiam hodie loquutus sum cum animabus spiritibus, quod nempe fides Christianorum hodie sit fides memoriae, sic modo oris, ita extra hominem, at vero fides quae intra hominem, hodie, paene nulla est, nam opera eorum manifestant, qualis fides, nempe quod sit contrarium fidei, talis est indoles eorum in altera vita, ubi dum quaerere volunt ubi fides, extra hominem est, sic dissita ab homine sicut luna a terra.

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