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《灵界经历》 第702节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 702

702. However, it was said that this process goes on continually throughout the universal heaven, as if in a chain, from one place to the next. So in this case also, after its own cycle, so to speak, an admission of this kind repeats. And it was said that heaven can never be filled, but that this fantasy that all the places were already filled had taken over because of the prevailing despair of ever being let in, because there was no room left - brought on, no doubt, by the wolf, or evil spirits. 1748, 10 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 702

702. It was said, however, that such a thing happens continually throughout the whole heaven, thus from one place to another as though in order; therefore a similar admission may recur here also after their completion [of preparation]. Heaven can never be filled, but such a phantasy - that all places would now have been filled - ruled for the reason that such a despair governed them, that they could no longer be admitted, because there was no more room - a despair doubtless induced by the wolf or by evil spirits. 1748, Feb. 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 702 (original Latin 1748-1764)

702. Sed usque dicebatur, quod tale continuo fiat, per universum coelum, sic ordine quasi ab uno loco ad alterum, sic ut hic quoque post quasi periodos suas redeat similis admissio, et quod nusquam coelum impleri queat, verum quod ideo talis phantasia regnaret, quod omnia jam plena forent, quia desperatio talis regnabat, quod non potuerint amplius intromitti, quia nullus amplius locus, procul dubio a lupo, seu malis spiritibus ita infusa 1

. 1748, 10 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has infusus

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