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《灵界经历》 第721节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 721

721. Those reflections I could best compare with people's reflection on themselves. They are unaware that their hand or face is cold, or that their foot is pressed when they walk, or that they are speaking words when they speak, or that any other condition anywhere in their body exists, unless they reflect on it, or direct their thought toward it. There are besides many similar confirmatory examples, such as the fact that if we do not reflect upon the sounds of bells, or on the objects of sight around us, we are entirely unaware of having heard or seen them. 1748, 10 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 721

721. I cannot better compare these reflections than with the reflections of man himself upon himself. He does not know that his hands or face are cold, or that his foot presses the ground when he walks, nor that he is uttering words when he speaks, or in like manner whatever else exists anywhere in the body, unless he reflects upon it, and directs his thought to it. There are many similar confirming things, as that, if man does not reflect on the sound of bells, or on the objects seen about him, he is altogether ignorant that he has heard or seen them. 1748, Feb. 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 721 (original Latin 1748-1764)

721. Reflexiones istas non potui melius comparare, qua cum reflexione ipsius hominis in se, qui nescit, quod frigeat manus, vel facies, vel quod pes prematur dum ambulet, nec quod verba loquatur, dum loquitur, vel quicquid aliud corpore alicubi simile existit, nisi super id reflectat, cogitationem illuc dirigat, praeter plura similia, confirmantia, sicut quod homo si non reflectat ad campanarum sonos, vel ad objecta visus circum se, quod prorsus nesciat ea se audivisse, aut vidisse. 1748, 10 Febr.

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