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《灵界经历》 第789节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 789

789. But they are brought back, or they thus put on those elements one after another, for the sake of being perfected. For the elements still clinging to them, of nature, of the world, of the body, joined together, while they are gradually being resolved are like a ferment, so that their life ferments, so to speak. In order for these elements also to be as if separated, or to become harmless, the souls are brought back to their original state, thus being made still more perfect.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 789

789. But they are reduced or clothed in such an order, so that they may be perfected, for the things which still inhere, as the natural, worldly, and corporeal things joined one with the other, are like ferment, when they are gradually resolved. In order that the life may thus ferment, as it were, so that such things may also be as though separated or rendered innocuous, the spirits are reduced almost to their former state; thus they become still more perfect.

Experientiae Spirituales 789 (original Latin 1748-1764)

789. Sed reducuntur seu induuntur sic ordine iis, ob causam ut perficiuntur 1

, nam quae adhuc inhaerent, naturalia, mundana, corporea, inter se juncta, cum sensim resolvuntur, sunt instar fermenti, sic ut vita sic quasi fermentet, ut haec quoque quasi separentur, seu nihil noceant, in statum pristinum fere reducuntur, sic perfectiores adhuc fiunt.


1. sic manuscript

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