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《灵界经历》 第815节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 815

815. About the first entrance of souls into the other life

As soon as souls come into the other life, they are for the most part received among societies of good spirits, unless they had been such as had led a contrary life or had been completely evil. Those in whom there is goodness and uprightness, or any such qualities, are received by societies of good spirits, and by them are shown every kindness, in fact, even to introducing them into heaven, or into companies of angels - although only for the purpose of showing them heaven and its happiness and glory. For afterwards they are let back into their original state, and then examined by spirits, both secretly and openly, as to their quality; so they are either separated from the society or brought into it, depending upon their character thus tested.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 815


As soon as souls come into the other life, they are for the most part received among societies of good spirits, unless they had been such as had led a contrary life, or had been altogether evil. Those in whom there had been what is good and just, and like qualities, are received by societies of good spirits who perform all kind offices; yea they even go so far as to introduce them into heaven, or into the company of angels, but only for the purpose of showing them heaven and its happiness and glory. Afterwards, however, they are remitted into their former state, and so their quality is examined by spirits, both covertly and openly. In this way they are either dissociated or associated according to their disposition as then proved.

Experientiae Spirituales 815 (original Latin 1748-1764)

815. De ingressu primo animarum in alteram vitam

Ut primum animae in alteram vitam veniunt, tunc inter societates spirituum bonorum, utplurimum recipiuntur, nisi tales fuerint, ut contrariam vitam egerint, seu prorsus mali fuerint; in quibus bonum et justum, ac 1

simile, ii a societatibus spirituum bonorum recipiuntur, et ab iis praestantur omnia officia, imo eo usque ut introducantur in coelum, seu in consortia angelorum, sed solum coelum et ejus felicitatem et gloriam monstrandi gratia, postmodum vero remittuntur in pristinum statum, et sic examinantur et clam et manifeste a spiritibus quales sunt, ita vel dissociantur, vel associantur secundum eorum tunc probatam indolem.


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