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《灵界经历》 第886节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 886

886. Moreover, I have observed that when souls are kept in a universal, indefinite state, they are thinking almost nothing, but dwelling upon something general without any clear idea, almost as people on earth do when they seem to themselves to be thinking nothing. Nevertheless, this what might be called general contemplation has its own focusses and consequently, changes, unfamiliar to man, but recognized in heaven.

However, in this state I was able to realize, as was also corroborated by spirits, that as a result, a soul cannot be reformed as to outer life, before he is brought back into a state where his mind is directed toward mental images familiar to him, or dominant in him during his life. Then for the first time, [thoughts] conducive [to his reformation] can be inspired and take hold.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 886

886. Moreover, I have observed that while souls are held in a universal state, they think almost nothing, and generals are regarded without a distinct idea, almost as men do when they seem to themselves to be thinking nothing. Nevertheless, this general speculation, as it were, has its own determinations, and thus variations, which are not recognized by the man, but still are recognized in heaven. But I could observe - and it was also confirmed by spirits - that in this state a soul cannot be reformed in respect to his externals, before he is reduced into a state determined to ideas familiar to him, or to those prevailing with him during his life; then for the first time can those things which are conducive [to his welfare] be insinuated and fixed.

Experientiae Spirituales 886 (original Latin 1748-1764)

886. Praeterea observavi, quod animae dum tenentur in statu universali, quod paene nihil cogitent, sed commune 1

absque distincta idea obversentur, qualiter homines fere, cum nihil sibi videntur cogitare, sed usque communis haec quasi speculatio, habet suas determinationes, et sic variationes, homini non cognitas, sed usque in coelo cognitas; sed in hoc statu animadvertere potui, sicut etiam a spiritibus confirmatum est, quod sic quoad externa anima non queat reformari, priusquam in statum determinatum ad ideas ei familiares 2

seu apud eum regnantes in vita, redigatur, tunc primum ea quae conducunt, insinuari et figi possunt.


1. In the Manuscript communia in commune emendatum

2. The Manuscript has familiare

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