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《灵界经历》 第896节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 896

896. Souls have a memory of personal circumstances when these are displayed to them spiritually

Whenever any soul who had been known to me during his bodily life came up to me, not knowing that he was in the other life, but thinking he was still in the body, or the world, and I then displayed to him by spiritual mental images, as if they were actual, persons, places, cities, houses, rooms, where he had been or which he had seen in bodily life, then he recognized all things, just as they were.

Thus souls can have such personal matters recalled to their mind by others, although they cannot do this of themselves. But it can be done by a person with whom the soul is, and in this way also he may learn that he is in the other life, as well as by various questions, such as Where does he suppose himself to be, in what place? 1748, 20 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 896


Whenever any soul whom I had known in the life of his body came to me, being unaware that he was in the other life and supposing that he was still in the body or in the world, and I represented to him by means of spiritual ideas, as if to the life, the persons, places, cities, houses, rooms where he had been or which he had seen in the life of the body, he then recognized them all, just as they were. Thus in the case of souls, particulars also can be recalled to mind by others; they cannot, however, do this of themselves, but only from the man with whom they are. In this way also he can learn that he is in the other life, as well as by many inquiries, such as, Where does he suppose himself to be? in what place? 1748, Feb. 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 896 (original Latin 1748-1764)

896. Quod animae memoriam particularium habeant, dum iis repraesentantur eadem spiritualiter

Quoties aliqua anima, in vita corporis ejus, mihi cognitus 1

ad me pervenit, dum non scivit, quod in altera vita esset, sed putaret adhuc in corpore, seu mundo, tunc dum ei repraesentabam per spirituales 2

ideas, quasi ad vivum, personas, loca, urbes, domos, conclavia, ubi in vita corporis fuerat, aut [quae] viderat, tunc ea omnia cognoscit, sicut essent, ita ab aliis revocari animabus in mentem possunt particularia, ex 3

se vero non possunt, sed ab homine, apud quem est, ita quoque idem potest scire, quod in altera vita est, praeter per interrogationes plures, sicut 4

ubinam autumat se esse, ubi loci. 1748, 20 Febr.


1. In the Manuscript cognita imperfecte in cognitus emendatum esse videtur

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has spiritualis ut videtur

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition legit possunt, particularia quoque, ex: Manuscript possunt, ex particularia, a causa quoque, quod sic intret induat quoque hominisex

4. nisi legendum sicuti

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