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《灵界经历》 第929节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 929

929. At times, something like very sharp little spikes appeared to me, threatening the head of this soul, so that I feared he might be hurt, for such things usually bring on pain, generally fright, as if sharp points or the tips of swords should fall on someone's head. This means that such souls are thinking something different than they would like to say, as I was also told, for everything that is sharp symbolizes deceit, or cunning. 1748, 21 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 929

929. There sometimes appeared to me something like sharp little points suspended above the head of a soul, so that I was afraid he would be injured, for such things usually induce pain and dread in general, as when sharp points or the points of swords might fall upon one's head. They signify that such spirits are thinking otherwise than they want to speak, as was also told me; for everything pointed signifies deceit or cunning. 1748, Feb. 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 929 (original Latin 1748-1764)

929. Quandoque mihi apparuerunt sicut spicula acutiora, quae capiti ejus animae imminebant, sic ut timerem quod laederetur, nam similium solent inducere dolorem, in genere terrorem, sicut dum spicula, seu cuspides ensium capiti alicujus inciderent: significant 1

, quod tales aliud cogitent, quam velint dicere, sicut mihi dictum quoque est, nam omne acutum significat dolum, seu astutiam. 1748, 21 2



1. The Manuscript has num significent, ubi num potius deletum esse nobis videtur

2. sic manuscript

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