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《灵界经历》 第969节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 969

969. This, too, I have learned from actual experience, for there are also some who constitute the province of these capsules and perform the duty belonging to them. This is to draw the purer reasonings to themselves and pass them on, so to speak, although it seems to them that they keep them. But they are still communications with heaven.

Consequently, when my thoughts were of the kind to be directly taken up by heaven, some female spirits from this province said that they were moved with great anxiety, and they did not know its source. Yet is was caused by the fact that in this case, they were not drawing to themselves the spiritual and heavenly elements and communicating them, as before, and for this reason, were feeling an unusual anxiety.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 969

969. I have also learned this from living experience. There are those who apply themselves to the province of these capsules, and draw to themselves, and thus as it were transmit, the purer kinds of reasonings, although they seem to themselves to retain them; there are, nevertheless, communications with heaven. When, therefore, my thoughts were such that they were immediately carried away from heaven, certain female spirits of that province said that they were affected with great anxiety, and did not know whence it came. The reason came from the fact that thus they would not draw to themselves and communicate spiritual and celestial things, as before; they were then affected with an anxiety to which they had not previously been accustomed.

Experientiae Spirituales 969 (original Latin 1748-1764)

969. Hoc quoque per experientiam vivam didici, sunt etiam qui provinciam harum capsularum [constituunt et earum officium] obeunt, et sic puriora ratiociniorum ad se trahunt et sic quasi transmittunt, quamvis sibi videntur, ea retinere sed usque sunt communicationes cum coelo; cum itaque cogitationes meae tales essent, ut immediate a coelo auferrentur, tunc quaedam ex hac provincia, dixerunt, quod anxietate multa afficerentur, et nescirent unde, cum tamen causa inde veniret, quod sic non ad se traherent spiritualia et coelestia, et communicarent ut prius, inde anxietate insueta prius affectae sunt.

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