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《灵界经历》 第987节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 987

987. On the communication of human mental images with spirits

Human thought is communicated to some spirits by speech, or by thought reduced to words and then to mental images from which a meaning arises. For some, the meaning is richer through words, that is, it is richer using the mental image conveyed by a word, for others [through] thoughts just like those in a person who visualizes them imaginatively, as when we direct our mind to any subject, and picture many points to ourselves as if they were at the same time visual objects, about which we afterwards speak or write.

This whole composite idea, or imaginative portrayal, is normally communicated in its entirety to spirits, but its impact varies with the abilities of the individual spirit - for the angels grasp simultaneously what is in the mental image, and what is inside of the mental image. 1748, 26 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 987


Man's thought is communicated to some spirits by means of speech, that is, by thought distinguished into words, thus into ideas, whence arises the meaning. With some this is done more fully by means of words, that is, the idea of the word and its meaning is fuller. To some the thoughts are just as they are in man, together with his speculation and imagination, as when a man holds his mind intent upon some subject, and represents to himself many things as though they were at the same time seen, about which he afterwards speaks or writes. The whole of this composite idea, or imaginative representation, is usually communicated to spirits in its entirety, but a spirit's capability of receiving it is varied according to his faculties. Angels apprehend at the same time the things that are in the idea, and those that are within it. 1748, Feb. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 987 (original Latin 1748-1764)

987.De communicatione idearum hominis cum spiritibus

Quibusdam communicatur cogitatio hominis per loquelam, seu cogitationem distinctam in voces, sic in ideas, unde sensus; quibusdam plenius per voces, plenior nempe idea vocis, est 1

sensus; quibusdam cogitationes prorsus sicut in homine, cum speculatione ejus et imaginatione, sicut dum homo intendit mentem alicui rei et sibi repraesentat multa, tanquam visa simul, quae postea loquitur vel scribit, tota haec idea composita, seu imaginativa repraesentatio prorsus communicari solet spiritibus, sed susceptibilitas ejus variatur secundum facultates spiritus: nam angeli capiunt simul quae in idea, et quae intra ideam. 1748, 26 Febr.


1. inclarum in the Manuscript; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition et

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