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《灵界经历》 第995节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 995

995. There was another spirit too, who darted between his feet from front to back, two or three times. Then there was also another one pursuing the fleeing renal spirits in order to frighten them even more, to strike them with greater terror of him. This is because the kidneys are enveloped by the peritoneum. 1748, 25 February.

995. 1/2. Such a spirit also appeared just now, 1and swelled up higher than my head, terrifying the spirits of the kidneys, ureters and bladder with his great size, so that they took flight; yet he was almost silent.

This is how they behave when looked upon by the angels, and thereby it is recognized who they are and what they are like. 1748, 12 September.


1. Note the date following this paragraph. At this time, the author was working on the index.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 995

995. There was also another spirit who darted between the feet of that spirit, from the front to the back, and he did this two or three times. There was also another who followed after the fleeing renal spirits in order to terrify them still more, and fill them with fear of him. This took place because the kidneys lie in the fold of the peritoneum. 1748, Feb. 25.

995 1/2. A spirit of this kind now appeared, and swelled out above the head, striking terror; and because he was so great, the renal spirits and those of the ureters and bladder fled, but he himself was almost silent. Such is the case when they are viewed by angels; hence also it is recognized who they are, and of what quality. 1748, Sept. 12. 1


1. This paragraph was added later while Swedenborg was indexing the work.

Experientiae Spirituales 995 (original Latin 1748-1764)

995. Alius etiam erat, qui inter pedes ejus ab anteriori retrorsum pervolavit; et hoc bis et ter; tum etiam alius qui fugientes renales insequutus, sic ut terrificaret eos magis, seu terrorem ejus iis incuteret; hoc quia in duplicatura ejus sunt renes. 1748, 25 Febr.

995a. Talis etiam nunc apparuit, intumuitque super caput, terrorem incutiens, et fugiebant, quod tam magnus, renales, ureterum et vesicae spiritus, sed [is] paene tacitus; ita se habent, quando ab angelis inspiciuntur, inde qui et quales sunt, quoque cognoscuntur. 1748, 12 Sept.

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