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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第11节





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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 11

11. It says in Revelation 7:4-8 that one hundred and forty-four thousand were sealed, twelve thousand from each tribe of Israel: Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. The spiritual meaning of this is that everyone is saved who has accepted the church from the Lord. Being marked or sealed on the forehead, spiritually understood, means being recognized by the Lord and saved. The twelve tribes of Israel mean everyone from that church: twelve, twelve thousand, and one hundred and forty-four thousand mean all; Israel means the church; and each tribe means some particular aspect of the church. Anyone who does not know the spiritual content of these words may think that only that many people are going to be saved and that these will come only from the Israelite and Jewish people.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 11

11. The seventh chapter in the book of Revelation tells us that one hundred and forty-four thousand [of the servants of God] were sealed, twelve thousand out of each tribe of Israel — out of the tribes of Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.

The spiritual meaning of this is that all people are saved who have the church in them from the Lord. For in the spiritual sense to be sealed or to have a mark placed on the forehead means, symbolically, to be acknowledged by the Lord and saved. The twelve tribes of Israel symbolize all people of the church. The numbers 12, 1,200, and 144,000 symbolically mean all people. Israel symbolizes the church. And each of the tribes symbolizes some particular aspect of the church.

People who are not aware of the spiritual content of these words may suppose that only that number of people are to be saved, and these solely from the Israelite and Jewish nations.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 11

11. In Revelation, chapter 7, it is said that there were sealed one hundred and forty and four thousand, twelve thousand of each tribe of Israel; the same number of the tribe of Judah, of Reuben, of Gad, of Asher, of Naphtali, the tribe of Manasses, of Simeon, of Levi, of Issachar, of Zebulon, of Joseph and of Benjamin.

The spiritual sense of these words is, that all are saved with whom there is the Church from the Lord, For in the spiritual sense, to be marked in the forehead, or sealed, signifies to be acknowledged by the Lord and saved. By the twelve tribes of Israel are signified all of that Church; by twelve, twelve thousand, and one hundred and forty and four thousand, are signified all; by Israel is signified the Church; and by each tribe something specific of the Church. Anyone who does not know this spiritual meaning of these words may suppose that only a certain number are to be saved, and these only from the Israelitish and Jewish nation.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 11

11. In Revelation, chapter 7, it is said:

That there were sealed one hundred and forty-four thousand-twelve thousand of each tribe of Israel-of the tribe of Judah, of the tribe of Reuben, of Gad, of Asher, of Naphtali, of Manasseh, of Simeon, of Levi, of Issachar, of Zebulon, of Joseph, and of Benjamin (Revelation 7:4-8).

The spiritual sense of these words is that all are saved in whom is the church from the Lord; for, in the spiritual sense, to be sealed on the forehead, or to be sealed, signifies to be acknowledged by the Lord and saved. The twelve tribes of Israel signify all of that church; twelve, twelve thousand, and a hundred and forty-four thousand, signify all; Israel signifies the church; and each tribe some specific thing of the church. He who does not know this spiritual signification of these words may imagine that only this precise number are to be saved, and they solely from the Israelitish and Jewish nation.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 11 (original Latin 1763)

11. In Apocalypsi 7, dicitur,

Quod centum quadraginta quatuor millia obsignati essent, duodecim millia 1ex unaquavis tribu Israelis; totidem ex tribu Jehudae, ex tribu Reubenis, Gadis, Ascheris, Naphtali, Menassis, Simeonis, Levi, Jisascharis, Zebulonis, Josephi et Benjaminis.

Sensus spiritualis horum est, quod omnes, apud quos ecclesia a Domino est, salventur: in spirituali enim sensu per "signari in frontibus," seu "obsignari," significatur agnosci a Domino et salvari; per "duodecim tribus Israelis," significantur omnes ab illa ecclesia; per "duodecim," "duodecim millia," 1et "centum quadraginta quatuor millia," omnes, per "Israelem" ecclesia, et per unamquamvis "tribum" aliquod specificum ecclesiae: qui hoc illorum verborum spirituale non scit, opinari potest quod solum tot salvandi sint, et illi modo a gente Israelitica et Judaica.


1. duodecim millia pro "1200"

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