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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第28节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 28

28. The learned world understands that this series of three can be called the purpose, the means, and the result, as well as being, becoming, and achieving full manifestation. Being is the purpose, becoming is the means, and achieving full manifestation is the result. This means that there is a series of three in everything that is complete - a series called first, intermediate, and last; or purpose, means, and result; or being, becoming, and achieving full manifestation.

Once this is understood we can also understand that every work of God is complete and perfect in its final stage and also that the whole, which is a series of three, is in the final stage, because the prior stages are together in it.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 28

28. An educated person sees that these three elements can be termed end, cause and effect, also being, becoming, and expression, and that the end is the being, the cause is the becoming, and the effect is the expression. He sees, too, that as a consequence, every complete entity has in it a trine comprising a first, intermediate, and final element, or an end, cause and effect, and also a being, a becoming, and an expression.

Seeing this, he also sees that every Divine work is complete and perfect in its final expression, and also that the whole of any trine is found in the final expression, because the prior elements are at the same time present in it.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 28

28. It will be comprehended by the learned that these three may be called end, cause and effect; also being, becoming and existing: the end is being, the cause is becoming and the effect is existing. Consequently, in everything that is complete there is a trine, called the first, the middle and the last; also, the end, the cause and the effect; and also being (esse) becoming, (fieri), and existing (existere). When one understands these things then also does one understand that every Divine work is complete and perfect in its last; and also that the whole is in the last, which is a trine, because the prior things are simultaneously therein.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 28

28. The learned reader will comprehend that these three may be called end, cause, and effect; also esse, fieri, and existere; 1and that the end is the esse, the cause the fieri, and the effect the existere; consequently, that in every complete thing there is a trine, which is called first, middle, and ultimate; also end, cause, and effect; and also esse, fieri, and existere. When these things are comprehended, it is also comprehended that every Divine work is complete and perfect in its ultimate; and likewise that the whole is in the ultimate, which is a trine, because the prior things are together, or simultaneously, in it. 2


1. That is, "being," "becoming," and "coming forth." The "being" of a thing is what we call its existence; and therefore it was said by the ancients that "in God we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts of the Apostles 17:28). Here our being means the inmost of our life (Arcana Coelestia, 5605e). The "becoming" of a thing is its being taking form. And the "coming forth" of a thing is the presentation or manifestation of that thing as an actual reality. Thus the Latin word existere has a very different meaning from the English "exist," and cannot be translated by it without causing a complete misconception in the mind of the English reader. [Translator]
2. That is, the two prior degrees are in the ultimate degree in simultaneous order; for a full explanation of which see below at n. 38, and also Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Love and Wisdom (n. 205-207). [Translator]

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 28 (original Latin 1763)

28. Ab erudito comprehenditur, quod illa tria nominari possint finis, causa et effectus, tum esse, fieri et existere; et quod finis sit esse, causa sit fieri, et effectus sit existere; consequenter quod in omni re completa sit trinum, quod vocatur primum, medium et ultimum; tum finis, causa et effectus; et quoque esse, fieri et existere. Cum haec comprehenduntur, etiam comprehenditur quod omne Divinum opus in ultimo sit completum et perfectum; et quoque quod in ultimo, quod trinum est, sit omne, quia in illo priora simul.

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