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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第55节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 55

55. A body of teaching made up of genuine truth can actually be drawn entirely from the literal meaning of the Word because in that meaning the Word is like a clothed person whose hands and face are bare. Everything that has to do with how we live and therefore with our salvation is bare, while the rest is clothed; and in many places where the meaning is clothed it shows through like a face seen through a thin veil. As the truths of the Word are multiplied by being loved and in this way gain coherence, they shine through their clothing more and more clearly and become more visible. A body of teaching is the means to this too.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 55

55. A doctrine of genuine truth can also be fully drawn from the Word’s literal sense. For the Word in that sense is like a person clothed, with his face exposed, and also his hands exposed. Everything pertaining to a person’s life, thus to his salvation, are there exposed, while everything else is clothed. In many places, too, where they are clothed, truths shine through, like a face through thin silk.

Moreover, as the Word’s truths are multiplied out of a love for them, and as they are set in order by that love, they shine through their clothing and are seen more and more clearly as a result. But this, too, is owing to doctrine.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 55

55. The doctrine of genuine truth may also be fully drawn from the literal sense of the Word; for the Word in that sense is like a person clothed, but whose face and hands are uncovered. Everything in the Word pertaining to man's life, and thus to his salvation, is there unveiled. The rest is veiled; and in many places where it is veiled it shines through as the face appears through a thin veil of silk. Moreover, as the truths of the Word increase from the love of them, and are co-ordinated by love, they shine more and more clearly through their coverings and become more obvious. But this also is brought about by means of doctrine.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 55

55. The doctrine of genuine truth can also be drawn in full from the sense of the letter of the Word, because in this sense the Word is like a man clothed whose face and hands are bare. All things that concern man's life, and consequently his salvation, are bare; but the rest are clothed. In many places also where they are clothed they shine through their clothing, like a face through a thin veil of silk. The truths of the Word also appear and shine through their clothing more and more clearly in proportion as they are multiplied by a love for them, and are ranged in order by this love. But this also is by means of doctrine.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 55 (original Latin 1763)

55. Doctrina genuini veri ex sensu litterali Verbi etiam plene potest hauriri; nam Verbum in illo sensu est tanquam homo vestitus, cui facies est nuda, et quoque manus sunt nudae. Omnia quae ad vitam hominis ita quae ad salutem ejus pertinent, sunt ibi nuda, reliqua autem vestita; et in multis locis, ubi vestita sunt, transparent, sicut facies per tenue sericum. Etiam Vera Verbi, sicut multiplicantur ex amore illorum, et sicut per hunc ordinantur, ita clarius et clarius per vestes pellucent et apparent. Sed hoc quoque per doctrinam.

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