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《真实的基督教》 第100节



真实的基督教 #100 (火能翻译,2015)

100. 除非是互相和彼此的結合, 否則不可能發生真正聯合的關係。因此, 主與我們的聯合關係也當是互相的和彼此的, 從下述章節顯然可知:吃我肉,喝我血的, 在我裡面, 我在他裡面(約翰福音6:56)。住在我裡面, 我會住在你裡面。那些住在我裡面的, 多結果子(約翰福音15:4-5)。任何人開門, 我將進去, 將與他們,他們與我, 一同坐席(啟示錄3:20)。以及其它地方。這樣的夥伴關係發生在我們接近主,主接近我們,彼此互相接近的情況下。一個鐵定不變的規律:我們越向主靠近, 主就越靠近我們。(更多信息, 在講到義與信的那部分, 第336-462節)

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True Christianity #100 (Rose, 2010)

100. A real partnership is not possible unless it happens mutually and reciprocally. Therefore the Lord's partnership with us is mutual and reciprocal, as is obvious from the following passages: "Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood live in me and I in them" (John 6:56). "Live in me and I [shall live] in you. Those who live in me and I in them bear much fruit" (John 15:4-5). "If any open the door, I will come in and will dine with them and they with me" (Revelation 3:20); and other passages as well. This partnership comes about as we move closer to the Lord and the Lord moves closer to us; for it is a fixed and unchangeable law that the closer we move toward the Lord, the closer the Lord moves toward us. (For more on this, see the chapters on goodwill and faith [336-462].)

True Christian Religion #100 (Chadwick, 1988)

100. Now because no linking is possible unless there is a mutual and reciprocal bond, the link between the Lord and man is no different, as is obvious from the following passages, among others:

He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him, John 6:56.

Remain in me, and I in you. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, John 15:4-5.

If anyone opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with me, Revelation 3:20.

This link is produced by a person approaching the Lord and the Lord approaching him. For it is a fixed and immutable law that the Lord approaches a person to the extent that he approaches the Lord. This subject will be discussed further in the chapters on charity and faith.

True Christian Religion #100 (Ager, 1970)

100. Since then, no conjunction that is a conjunction is possible unless it is effected reciprocally and mutually, so the conjunction of the Lord and man is such, as may be clearly seen from these passages:

He that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood dwelleth in Me and I in him (John 6:56).

Abide in Me and I in you. He that abideth in Me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit (John 15:4, 5).

If anyone open the door I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with Me (Revelation 3:20);

and elsewhere. This conjunction is effected by man's approaching the Lord, and the Lord's approaching him, for it is a sure and immutable law, that so far as man approaches the Lord so far does the Lord approach man. But more will be seen on this subject in the chapters on Charity and Faith.

True Christian Religion #100 (Dick, 1950)

100. Now since it is not possible for union, properly so-called, to be effected unless it be reciprocal and mutual, therefore the conjunction of the Lord and man is of this nature, as is evident from the following passages:

"He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him" John 6:56;

"Abide in me and I in you... He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit" John 15:4-5;

"If any man... open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" Revelation 3:20; besides other passages. This union is effected by a man drawing near to the Lord, and by the Lord, drawing near to him; for it is a sure and immutable law that so far as a man draws near to the Lord, the Lord draws near to him. More will be seen concerning this in the chapter on Charity and Faith.

Vera Christiana Religio #100 (original Latin,1770)

100. Nunc quia non dabilis est conjunctio quae conjunctio, nisi fiat reciproce et vicissim, ideo conjunctio Domini et hominis non alia est, ut manifeste patet ex his locis, Qui manducat meam carnem, et bibit meum sanguinem, in ME MANET, ET EGO IN ILLO, 1 Johannes 6:56. MANETE IN ME, ET EGO IN VOBIS; QUI MANET IN ME ET EGO IN ILLO, hic fert fructum multum, Johannes 15:4-5. Qui aperit januam, ingrediar ad illum, et COENABO CUM ILLO, ET ILLE MECUM, Apocalypsis 3:20, praeter alibi; haec Conjunctio fit, per quod homo accedat ad 2 Dominum, et Dominus ad illum; nam certa et immutabilis Lex est, quod quantum homo accedit ad Dominum, tantum Dominus accedat ad hominem; sed de hoc, in Cap. de CHARITATE ET FIDE plura videbuntur.


1. Prima editio: illo.
2. Prima editio: a.

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