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《真实的基督教》 第116节


  这从以东的波斯拉来,穿红衣服,装扮华美,能力广大,大步行走的是谁呢? 就是我,是凭公义说话,以大能施行拯救。你的装扮为何有红色?你的衣服为何象踹酒醡的呢?我独自踹酒醡,众民中无一人与我同在;我发怒将他们踹下,发烈怒将他们践踏。他们的胜利溅在我衣服上,并且污染了我一切的衣裳;因为报仇之日在我心中,救赎我民之年已经来到。所以我自己的膀臂为我施行拯救,又使他们的胜利下到地上。祂说,他们诚然是我的百姓;不行虚假的子民。这样,祂就作了他们的救主;祂以慈爱和怜悯救赎他们。(以赛亚书63:19
  因为主独自战胜地狱,没有任何天使的帮助,故祂被称为“勇士和战士”(以赛亚书9:642:13),“荣耀的王,大能的耶和华,在战场上有能的耶和华”(诗篇24:810),“雅各的大能者”(诗篇132:2);在很多地方还称为 “万军之耶和华”;祂的到来被称为“耶和华的日子,可畏、残酷的日子,发怒、烈怒、愤怒的日子,报仇、毁灭的日子,战争的日子,吹号、哄嚷、喧闹的日子等等。我们在福音书中读到:

真实的基督教 #116 (火能翻译,2015)

116. 聖言中有大量篇幅講述, 當主在世時, 祂與地獄戰鬥,勝過並征服地獄, 使其服從於祂。我列舉一二, 先看『以賽亞書』:

這從以東的波斯拉來, 穿紅衣服, 裝扮華美, 能力廣大, 大步行走的是誰呢? 就是我, 是憑公義說話, 以大能施行拯救。你的裝扮為何有紅色?你的衣服為何象踹酒醡的呢?我獨自踹酒醡, 眾民中無一人與我同在; 我發怒將他們踹下, 發烈怒將他們踐踏。他們的血濺在我衣服上, 並且污染了我一切的衣裳; 因為報仇之日在我心中, 救贖我民之年已經來到。所以我自己的膀臂為我施行拯救, 又將他們的血倒在地上。祂說:"他們誠然是我的百姓; 不行虛假的子民。"這樣, 祂就作了他們的救主。祂以慈愛和憐憫救贖他們(以賽亞書63:1-9)。

這些話描述了主與地獄間的戰鬥。華美和紅色的衣裳, 表示已被猶太百姓侵犯歪曲聖言。與地獄之間真實的戰鬥以及祂戰勝地獄, 以"發怒將他們踹下, 發烈怒將他們踐踏"來形容。祂獨自戰鬥且靠自己能力, 以"眾民中無一人與我同在; 我自己的膀臂為我施行拯救, 又將他們的血倒在地上"來形容。祂的拯救和救贖這樣描述:"祂就作了他們的救主, 祂以慈愛和憐憫救贖他們。"這就是祂降臨的原因, 正如這句所表達的:"報仇之日在我心中, 救贖我民之年已經來到。"

[2]『以賽亞書』中還說:祂見沒有一個人, 無人代求, 甚為詫異, 就以自己的膀臂就給祂施拯救, 祂自己的公義就扶持祂。祂穿著公義為鎧甲, 將拯救的頭盔戴在頭上; 祂穿著替人伸冤的衣裳, 披著熱心為外袍。於是救贖主來到錫安(以賽亞書59:16-17, 20)。

在『耶利米書』:他們都驚慌, 他們的勇士被擊敗了, 倉倉皇皇逃跑, 並不回頭。那日是主萬軍之耶和華的日子, 是祂向祂敵人伸冤的日子, 祂的刀劍必吞吃得飽, 喝血喝得滿足(耶利米書46:5, 10)。

這些經文都是描述主與地獄間的戰鬥, 以及祂戰勝他們。

在大衛的『詩篇』:大能者阿, 願禰的大腿邊佩刀。禰的箭鋒很快, 眾外族民都僕倒於禰之下, 射中了王敵的心。禰的寶座永永遠遠; 禰喜愛公義, 故此上帝膏了禰(詩篇45:3-7)。


[3]因為主獨自戰勝並征服地獄, 無需任何天人的幫助, 因此祂被稱為"英雄和戰士"(以賽亞書9:6; 42:13), "榮耀之王, 大能之耶和華, 戰場上的英雄"(詩篇24:8, 10), "雅各的大能者"(詩篇132:2), 在很多地方還稱為 "萬軍之耶和華。"祂的降臨被稱為"耶和華的日子, 痛苦之日, 憤怒,發怒,生氣,報仇,毀滅,戰爭的日子, 吹號,發聲,喧鬧的日子, 等等。"

在福音書, 我們讀到:現在這世界受審判, 這世界的王要被趕出去(約翰福音12:31); 這世界的王受了審判(約翰福音16:11); 放心, 我已勝了這世界(約翰福音16:33); 我看見撒旦從天上墜落, 像閃電一樣(路加福音10:18); 世界, 世界的王, 撒旦和魔鬼, 都表示地獄。

[4]此外, 『啟示錄』從頭到尾都是描述基督徒教會的現狀,預言主的再次降臨,祂征服地獄,新造一個全新的天國,在地上建立一個全新的教會。所有這些事情在那裡都預言了, 只不過在這之前並未揭示出來。因為這『啟示錄』, 如同聖言其他所有預言部分, 完全以對應的方式寫的, 倘若這些未被主揭示, 幾乎無人能明白其中一小節。現在, 為了新教會的緣故, 『啟示錄』的所有內容都被揭示, 記在我的著作『破解啟示錄』中(1766年發表於阿姆斯特丹)。將會在書中看到主在『馬太福音』二十四章所言的, 是指現今教會的狀態以及祂的再次降臨。實際上, 有些人矛盾重重, 就是那些心中深深印著當今教會兩大信條之人。因為紮根太深, 而無法自拔。這兩大信條就是:第一, 相信從永遠就有三個神性位格; 第二, 相信基督的十字架受難是真正的救贖行為。就像上述某些人的經歷那樣(113), 他們如同裝潢鐵屑和硫磺粉的皮袋, 當有水流入時, 先是升溫, 然後著火, 爆裂皮袋。類似的, 當這些人聽到某些活水, 也就是聖言中真正的真理,映入眼簾或進到耳中時, 就會一下子發起火來, 極力抗拒, 仿佛某些東西要爆了他們的腦袋。

上一节  目录  下一节

True Christianity #116 (Rose, 2010)

116. Many passages in the Word make it clear that while he was in the world the Lord fought battles against the hells, conquered them, brought them under control, and made them obedient to himself. I will extract just a few.

In Isaiah:

Who is this who comes from Edom, from Bozrah with his clothes spattered, this one honorable in his clothing, walking in the magnitude of his strength?

"It is I who speak with justice, great in order to give salvation. "

Why are your clothes reddish? Why are your clothes like those of someone trampling in a winepress?

"I trampled the winepress alone. There was no man from the people with me. Because I trampled people in my anger and stamped on them in my rage, their victory was spattered on my clothes. For the day of revenge was in my heart and the year of my redeemed had come. My arm performed salvation for me. I made the enemies victory go down into the ground. "

He said, "Behold those others are my people, my children. "

That is why he became their Savior. Because of his love and his mercy he redeemed them. (Isaiah 63:19)

These words are about the Lord's battles against the hells. The clothes in which he was honorable and which were reddish mean the Word, to which the Jewish people had done violence. The combat itself against the hells and victory over them is described by his trampling people in his anger and stamping on them in his rage. The fact that he was alone and fought from his own power is described by these phrases: "there was no man from the people with me;" "my arm performed salvation for me;" and "I made the enemies' victory go down into the ground. " His bringing salvation and redemption as a result is described by these phrases: "That is why he became their Savior;" and "because of his love and mercy he redeemed them. " The fact that this was the reason for his coming is meant by these phrases: "the day of revenge was in my heart and the year of my redeemed had come. "

[2] Also in Isaiah:

He saw that there was no one and was astounded that there was no one interceding. Therefore his own arm performed salvation for him and justice made him stand up. Then he put on justice like a breastplate and a helmet of salvation on his head. He put on the clothes of vengeance and covered himself with zeal like a cloak. Then the Redeemer came to Zion. (Isaiah 59:16-17, 20)

In Jeremiah:

They were terrified; their mighty ones were broken. They fled in flight and did not look back. That day belonged to the Lord Jehovih Sabaoth, a day of retribution for him to take revenge on his enemies, for the sword to eat and be satisfied. (Jeremiah 46:5, 10)

These last two passages are about the Lord's combat against the hells and victory over them.

In David:

Strap the sword on your thigh, Powerful One. Your arrows are sharp. Populations fall beneath you - enemies of the king at heart. Your throne is for an age and forever. You have loved justice. God anointed you for this. (Psalms 45:3-7)

There are also many other relevant passages in the Psalms.

[3] Because the Lord conquered the hells alone with no help from any angel he is called Hero and a Man of Wars (Isaiah 42:13; 9:6), the King of Glory, Jehovah the Mighty, a Hero of war (, ), the Mighty One of Jacob (Psalms 132:2), and in many passages "Jehovah Sabaoth," that is, "Jehovah of Armies. " For the same reason his coming is called the terrible day of Jehovah; a cruel day; a day of indignation, rage, anger, revenge, destruction, and war; a day of the trumpet, of the call to arms, of uproar; and so on.

In the Gospel writers we read the following:

Now is the judgment of the world; the Prince of This World is cast to the outside. (John 12:31)

The Prince of This World has been judged. (John 16:11)

Have confidence; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

I saw Satan falling like a thunderbolt out of heaven. (Luke 10:18)

In these passages "the world," "the Prince of This World," "Satan," and "the Devil" mean hell.

[4] In addition, the Book of Revelation from beginning to end de scribes the condition of the Christian church today and the fact that the Lord is going to come again, take control of the hells, make a new angelic heaven, and then establish a new church on earth. All this is foretold there but it has not been disclosed before today. The reason is that the Book of Revelation, like all the prophetic portions of the Word, was written in pure correspondences. If the correspondences had not been disclosed by the Lord, hardly anyone could have correctly understood a single verse there.

Now, for the sake of the new church, everything in the Book of Revelation has been disclosed in Revelation Unveiled, published in Amsterdam, 1766. Some will see those things - those who believe the Word of the Lord in Matthew 24 about the state of the church today and about his coming. In fact, the only people who are still ambivalent are those who have planted two of the modern-day church's beliefs so deeply in their own hearts that those beliefs cannot be uprooted: the belief in three divine Persons from eternity; and the belief that the suffering on the cross was the actual redemption. As noted in the memorable occurrence above at 113[:2], these people are like beakers full of iron filings and powdered sulfur. If water is poured in the beakers, first there is increasing heat and then there is fire, which breaks the beakers. Likewise, when these people hear some living water, which is the genuine truth in the Word, and it goes into their eyes or ears, they burst violently into flames and expel it as something that is about to break their heads.

True Christian Religion #116 (Chadwick, 1988)

116. There are many passages in the Word which prove that, when the Lord was in the world, He fought against the hells, overcame and conquered them and thus made them obedient to Him; I will quote only these few.

In Isaiah:

Who is this coming from Edom, with stained clothes from Bozrah? A fine figure he is in his clothing, striding out in the excess of his strength. It is I who speak in righteousness, I who am mighty to save. Why are your clothes ruddy, like the clothing of one who treads the wine-vat? I have trodden the wine-vat alone, and of the people there was not a man with me. Therefore I trod them down in my anger, and I trampled them in my wrath. Hence their victory is sprinkled over my clothing. For the day of vengeance is in my heart, and the year of my redeemed has come. My arm was my salvation, I brought their victory down to the ground. He said, Behold, they are my people, my sons. Therefore he became a saviour for them. For his love and tenderness he redeemed them, Isaiah 63:1-9.

This is a description of the Lord's battle against the hells. The clothing which is ruddy and in which He is a fine figure, means the Word, to which the Jewish people offered violence. The actual battle with the hells and His victory over them is described by His treading them down in His anger and trampling them in His wrath. His fighting alone and by His own power is described by the words 'of the people there was not a man with me, my arm was my salvation, I brought their victory down to the ground.' His saving and redeeming is described thus: 'Therefore he became a saviour for them, for his love and tenderness he redeemed them.' This was the reason for His coming, as is meant by 'the day of vengeance is in my heart, and the year of my redeemed has come.'

[2] In another passage of Isaiah:

He saw that there was no one, and was amazed that there was none to intercede, Therefore his arm was his salvation and righteousness raised him up. So he put on righteousness as a breast-plate, and the helmet of salvation on his head, and he put on the clothing of vengeance, and covered himself with jealous anger like a cloak. Then the Redeemer came to Zion, Isaiah 59:16-17, 20.

In Jeremiah:

They were broken, their brave men were bruised. They fled away and did not look back. That is the day of the Lord Jehovih Zebaoth, a day of revenge, that He may take vengeance on his enemies; let the sword devour and be sated, Jeremiah 46:5, 10.

Both of these passages describe the Lord's battle against the hells and His victory over them.

In the Psalms of David:

Gird your sword on your thigh, o mighty one. Sharp are your arrows, the peoples will fall before you, the enemies of the king will lose heart. Your throne is for ever, eternal; you loved righteousness, therefore has God anointed You, Psalms 45:3-7.

There are many other passages besides.

[3] Since the Lord conquered the hells alone with no help from any angel, He is therefore called 'Hero and Man of War' (Isaiah 42:13; 9:6), 'the King of glory, Jehovah the strong, the hero of war' (Psalms 24:8, 10), the strong one of Jacob (Psalms 132:2) and in many places 'Jehovah Zebaoth', that is, 'Jehovah of hosts.' His coming is called 'the day of Jehovah, terrible, cruel, the day of indignation, of anger, of wrath, of vengeance, of ruin, of war, of the trumpet, of sounding off, of uproar, etc.'

In the Gospels we read:

Now is the judgment of the world; the prince of this world shall be cast out, John 12:31.

The prince of this world has been judged, John 16:11.

Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, John 16:33.

I saw Satan falling from heaven like a thunderbolt, Luke 10:18.

The world, the prince of the world, Satan and the devil all mean hell.

[4] Apart from these passages, the whole of Revelation from beginning to end describes the present state of the Christian church, and prophesies the Lord's second coming, His conquest of the hells, the creation of a new heaven of angels and then the establishment of a new church on earth. All these things were there foretold, but they have not been revealed before the present time. The reason is that Revelation, like all the prophetical parts of the Word, was written purely in correspondences, and if these had not been revealed by the Lord, hardly anyone could have correctly understood a single verse. Now for the sake of the new church all its contents have been revealed in my book "The Apocalypse Revealed" (published at Amsterdam, 1766).

Those will see this who believe the Lord's words in Matthew, chapter 24, about the state of the church today and about His coming. But this is only a flickering faith so far with those who have, so deeply that it cannot be extirpated, imprinted on their hearts the faith of the present-day church about a Trinity of Divine Persons from eternity, and about Christ's passion as being the real act of redemption. But these people are (as was said above in the experience related in 113) like leather skins filled with iron filings and powdered sulphur; if water is poured in, heat is first produced, then flame which makes the skins burst. It is the same with those who hear something about living water, which is the genuine truth of the Word, and this enters through their eyes or ears; they become hot and inflamed with anger, and they reject it as something which would burst their heads.

True Christian Religion #116 (Ager, 1970)

116. That when the Lord was in the world He fought against the hells, and conquered and subdued them, and so reduced them to obedience, is evident from many passages in the Word, from which I will present the few which follow. In Isaiah:

Who is this that cometh from Edom, His garments sprinkled from Bozrah? this that is glorious in His apparel, walking in the multitude of His strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in Thine apparel, and Thy garments like his that treadeth in the wine-vat? I have trodden the wine-press alone; and of the people not a man was with Me therefore have I trodden them in Mine anger, and trampled them in My wrath; therefore their victory is sprinkled upon My garments. For the day of vengeance is in My heart, and the year of My redeemed hath come. Mine arm brought salvation to Me; I have made their victory to go down into the earth. He said, Surely they are My people, children; so He became a Savior for thee Because of His love and His pity He redeemed them (63:1-9).

This refers to the Lord's combat against the hells. The "apparel" in which He was glorious, and which was red, means the Word, to which the Jewish people had done violence; His combat against the hells and His victory over them are described by His "treading the people in His anger, and trampling them in His wrath;" that He fought alone from His own power is described by the words, "of the people not a man was with Me; Mine arm brought salvation to Me; I have made their victory to go down to the earth;" that thereby He wrought salvation and redemption is declared in the words, "So He became a Savior for them; because of His love and His pity He redeemed them." That this was the reason of His coming is meant by the words, "the day of vengeance is in My heart, and the year of My redeemed hath come."

[2] Again in Isaiah:

He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore His arm brought salvation unto Him, and his righteousness sustained Him. For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation upon His head; and He put on the garments of vengeance, and clothed Himself with zeal as with a robe. Then the Redeemer came to Zion (59:16, 17, 20). In Jeremiah:

They were dismayed, their mighty ones were beaten down, they fled apace and looked not back. For this is the day of the Lord Jehovih of Hosts, a day of vengeance that He may avenge Him of His adversaries; and the sword shall devour and it shall be satiate (46:5, 10).

Both of these passages refer to the Lord's combat against the hells and His victory over them. In David:

Gird the sword upon the thigh, O mighty One. 'Thine arrows are sharp; the people shall fall under Thee, enemies of the king from the heart; Thy throne is for the age and for eternity; Thou hast loved righteousness, therefore God hath anointed Thee (Psalms 45:3-7);

also in many other places.

[3] Because the Lord conquered the hells alone, with no help from any angel, He is called:

Mighty and a man of war (Isaiah 42:13; 9:6)

The King of glory, Jehovah the Mighty, Mighty in battle (Psalms 24:8, 10)

The Mighty One of Jacob (Psalms 132:2);

and in many places "Jehovah of Hosts," that I, Jehovah of armies; and His coming is called the day of Jehovah, terrible, cruel, the day of indignation, of wrath, of anger, of vengeance, of destruction, of war, of a trumpet, of a noise, of a tumult, and so on. And we read in the Gospels:

Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out (John 12:31).

The prince of this world hath been judged (John 16:11).

Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (John 16:33).

I beheld Satan as lightning falling from heaven (Luke 10:18).

"The world," "the prince of this world," "satan," and "the devil," mean hell.

[4] Moreover, in the Apocalypse from beginning to end the present character of the Christian church is set forth, also that the Lord is to come again, and is to subjugate the hells, and form a new angelic heaven, and at last establish a new church on earth. All these things are there predicted, but have not been disclosed until now. This is because the Apocalypse, like all the prophetical parts of the Word, was written in pure correspondences; and unless these had been disclosed by the Lord scarcely anyone would be able to understand rightly a single verse in that book; but now, on account of a new church, all its contents have been laid open in the Apocalypse Revealed (Amsterdam, 1766); and will be seen by those who believe the Word of the Lord in Matthew 24, about the present state of the church, and His coming. But this is as yet only a vacillating belief with those who have impressed on their hearts, so deeply that it cannot be rooted out, the faith of the church at this day in three Divine persons from eternity, and in Christ's passion as being redemption itself. But such (as has been said in the Memorable Relation above, n. 113) are like bottles filled with iron chips and pulverized sulfur, in which, if water be added, first heat is produced, and then flame, which bursts the bottles. So when these hear anything about the living water, which is genuine truth from the Word, and that truth enters their minds through the eyes or ears, they become violently excited and inflamed, and reject the truth as something that might split their heads.

True Christian Religion #116 (Dick, 1950)

116. While the Lord was in the world, He fought against the hells, overcame and subdued them, and so brought them under obedience to Himself. This is evident from many passages in the Word, of which I will quote these few:

"Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in His apparel, travelling in the greatness of His strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to sate. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? I have trodden the wine-press alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment. For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. . . Mine own arm brought salvation unto me... and I will bring down their strength to the earth. . . For He said, Surely they are my people, my children. . . So He was their Saviour... In His love and pity He redeemed them" Isaiah 63:1-9.

These words are spoken of the Lord's combat against the hells. By the garment in which He was honourable, and which was red, is signified the Word, which was violated by the Jewish people. His combat against the hells and His victory over them are described by His treading them in His anger, and trampling them in His fury. That He fought alone, and from His own power, is described by these words:

"Of the people there was none with me. Mine own arm brought salvation unto me... and I will bring down their strength to the earth." That He thus saved and redeemed them, is signified by these words: "So He was their Saviour... In His love and pity He redeemed them." That this was the cause of His Coming is under-stood by these words: "The day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come."

[2] Again, it is written in Isaiah:

"And He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore His arm brought salvation unto Him, and His righteousness, it sustained Him. For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon His head; and He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak... And the Redeemer shall come to Zion" 59:16-17, 20.

In Jeremiah it is written:

They were dismayed. "Their mighty ones are beaten down, and are fled apace, and look not back... For this is the day of JEHOVIH ZEBAOTH, a day of vengeance, that He may avenge Him of His adversaries: and the sword shall devour, and it shall be satiate" Jeremiah 46:5, 10.

These passages relate to the Lord's combat against the hells, and His victory over them. It is written also in David:

"Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O Most Mighty... Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever. . Thou lovest righteousness... therefore God hath anointed thee" Psalms 45:3-7;

and in many other places.

[3] As the Lord conquered the hells alone, without help from any angel, He is therefore called Mighty, and a Man of War, Isaiah 42:13; 9:6;

the King of glory, JEHOVAH strong and mighty in battle, Psalms 24:8, 10;

the mighty God of Jacob, Psalms 132:2;

and in many places He is called JEHOVAH ZEBAOTH, that is, JEHOVAH of Hosts. Further, His Coming is called 'The day of JEHOVAH, terrible and cruel, a day of indignation, of flaming anger, of wrath, of vengenance, of destruction, of war, of a trumpet, of noise, of tumult,' and so on. It is written also in the Evangelists,

"Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out" John 12:31;

"The prince of this world is judged" John 16:11;

"Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" John 16:33.

"I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" Luke 10:18.

By the world, the prince of the world, Satan, and the Devil, is signified hell.

[4] Moreover, in the Revelation, from beginning to end, is described the character of the Christian Church at the present day; and there is foretold that the Lord will come again, and subdue the hells, and form a new angelic heaven, and afterwards establish a New Church on earth. All these things are there predicted, but they have not been disclosed till the present time. The reason of this is that the Book of Revelation, like all the prophetical parts of the Word, was written by pure correspondences; and unless these had been disclosed by the Lord, scarcely any one could have rightly understood a single verse in that Book. However, for the sake of the New Church, all things therein have now been made known in the work entitled, APOCALYPSE REVEALED, published at Amsterdam, in the year 1766; and they will understand these things who believe the Word of the Lord as it is written in Matthew 24, concerning the present state of the Church and His Coming. But this belief is as yet only vague and uncertain with those who have the belief of the Church of to-day in a trinity of Divine Persons from eternity, and in the Passion of Christ as constituting redemption itself, so deeply implanted in their hearts that it cannot be eradicated. They resemble those described in the incident recorded in 113. They are like bottles filled with fragments of iron and powdered sulphur. When water is poured into them, heat is at first generated and then fire, which causes the bottles to burst. In like manner when they hear anything of that living water, which is the genuine truth of the Word, and when it enters into their minds either through their eyes or their ears, they become heated, and violently flare up, and cast it out as something which would burst their heads.

Vera Christiana Religio #116 (original Latin,1770)

116. Quod Dominus dum in Mundo fuit, pugnaverit contra Inferna, ac illa vicerit et subjugaverit, et sic illa sub suam obedientiam miserit, constat ex multis locis in Verbo, ex quibus haec pauca depromam; apud Esajam, Quis Hic qui venit ex Edom, conspersus vestes ex Bozra, hic honorabilis in vestitu suo, incedens in multitudine roboris sui: Ego qui loquor in justitia, magnus ad salvandum; quare rubicundus quoad vestem tuam, et vestis tua sicut calcantis in torculari; torcular calcavi solus, et de populo non vir mecum: propterea calcavi illos in ira mea, et conculcavi illos in excandescentia 1 mea, inde sparsa est victoria eorum super vestes meas; nam dies vindictae in corde meo, et annus Redemptorum meorum venit; salutem praestitit Mihi brachium meum; descendere feci in terram victoriam eorum: dixit, ecce populus meus illi, filii, ideo factus est illis in Salvatorem; ob amorem suum et ob clementiam suam Ille redemit eos, 63:1-9. Haec de pugna Domini contra Inferna; per vestem, in qua honorabilis, et quae rubicunda, intelligitur Verbum, cui violentia a populo Judaico illata est; ipsa pugna contra Inferna, et victoria super illa, describitur per quod calcaverit illos in ira sua, et conculcaverit in excandescentia sua; quod solus et ex propria potentia pugnaverit, describitur per haec, de populo non vir Mecum, salutem Mihi praestitit brachium meum, descendere feci in terram victoriam eorum; quod per id salvaverit et redemerit, per haec, ideo factus est illis in Salvatorem, ob amorem suum et 2 ob clementiam suam Redemit illos; quod hoc fuerit causa adventus Ipsius, intelligitur per haec, dies vindictae in corde meo, et annus Redemptorum meorum venit.

[2] Iterum apud Esajam, "Vidit quod non quisquam, et obstupuit quod non esset intercedens; ideo salutem praestitit Ipsi brachium suum, et Justitia suscitavit Ipsum; inde induit Justitiam sicut loricam, et galeam salutis super caput suum, et induit vestes vindictae, et texit Se zelo sicut pallio; tunc venit Zioni Redemptor;" Esajas 59:16-17, 20. Apud Jeremiam, "Illi consternati sunt, fortes eorum contusi sunt; fugam fugerunt, nec respexerunt; dies ille Domino Jehovih Zebaoth, dies ultionis, ut vindictam sumat de hostibus suis; comedat gladius et saturetur," Jeremias 46:5, 10, haec et illa de pugna Domini contra Inferna, et de victoria super illa. Apud Davidem, "Accinge gladium super femur, Potens; tela tua acuta, populi cadent sub Te, e corde hostes Regis: Thronus tuus in saeculum et aeternum, amasti Justitiam, propterea unxit Te Deus," Psalm 45:4-8; 3 praeter in permultis aliis locis.

[3] Quoniam Dominus Solus vicit Inferna, cum nulla ope alicujus Angeli, ideo vocatur HEROS et VIR BELLORUM, Esaias 42:13, 4 9:5. 5 REX GLORIAE, JEHOVAH 6 FORTIS, HEROS BELLI, 7 Psalm 24:8, 10. 8 FORTIS JACOBI, Psalm 132:2 et multis in locis Jehovah Zebaoth, hoc est, Jehovah Exercituum: et quoque Adventus Ipsius, vocatur Dies Jehovae terribilis, crudelis, indignationis, excandescentiae, irae, vindictae, exitii, belli, buccinae, clangoris, tumultus, etc. Apud Evangelistas leguntur haec, Nunc Judicium est Mundi, Princeps Mundi hujus ejicietur foras, Johannes 12:31. Princeps hujus Mundi judicatus est, Johannes 16:11. Confidite, Ego vici Mundum, Johannes 16:33. Vidi Satanam sicut fulmen e Coelo cadentem, Luca 10:18 per Mundum, Principem mundi, Satanam et Diabolum, intelligitur Infernum.

[4] Praeter haec in Apocalypsi a principio ad finem describitur, qualis Ecclesia Christiana hodie est, tum quod Dominus iterum venturus sit, ac Inferna subjugaturus, ac Novum Coelum Angelicum facturus sit, et deinde Novam Ecclesiam in terris instauraturus. Haec omnia ibi praedicta sunt, sed non prius quam hodie detecta; causa est, quia Apocalypsis, sicut omnia Prophetica Verbi, conscripta fuit per meras Correspondentias, quae nisi a Domino detectae fuissent, vix aliquis potuisset rite intelligere unum versiculum ibi, at nunc propter Novam Ecclesiam, omnia quae ibi, in APOCALYPSI REVELATA, Amstelodami, An. 1766 edita, detecta sunt, et videbunt illa, qui credunt Verbo Domini apud Matthaeum 24, de statu Ecclesiae hodiernae, et de adventu Ipsius; sed haec fides vacillat solum apud illos adhuc, qui fidem hodiernae Eecclesiae de Trinitate Personarum Divinarum ab aeterno, et de Passione Christi quod fuerit ipsa Redemptio, tam alte impresserunt cordibus suis, ut eradicari non possit; sed hi sunt, ut in MEMORABILI supra 113, dictum est, sicut utres repleti ramentis ferri, et pulvere sulphureo, in quae si immittitur aqua, fit primum incalescentia, et postea flamma, ex qua utres illi rumpuntur; similiter illi, dum audiunt aliquod de aqua viva, quae est genuinum verum Verbi, et hoc intrat per oculos aut aures, vehementer excandescunt et inflammantur, et rejiciunt sicut tale, quod rumperet Capita illorum.


1. Prima editio: excandeseentia.
2. Sic supra et Vera Christiana Religio 92, sed prima editio: amorem et.
3. Sic Schmidt et Biblia Hebraica, sed 45:3-7 apud Biblia Anglica. Prima editio: Psalm. 45:4-7.

4. Prima editio: 15.
5. Sic Schmidt et Biblia Hebraica, sed 9:6 apud Biblia Anglica.

6. Prima editio: JEMOVAH.
7. Prima editio: PELLI.
8. Prima editio: Psalm. XIV.

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