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《真实的基督教》 第123节


  123. (4)救赎纯粹是神性行为。人若知道地狱的性质,在主来之时它已上升到何等高度,并如何淹没整个灵人界,以及主用何等大能将它扔下去,并驱散它,然后将地狱和天堂归入秩序,必忍不住惊呼,所有这一切纯粹是神性行为。

真实的基督教 #123 (火能翻译,2015)

123. (4)救贖完全是神性的作為。

如果你知道了地獄像什麼, 以及在主降臨那時,地獄興起何等高度來淹沒整個靈界, 你若看到主用何等的能力將地獄勢力扔下並驅散它,然後按聖規來重建它, 同時重建天國, 你定會忍不住驚呼, 並認定這完全是神性的作為。

首先, 地獄像什麼。它由無數個靈組成, 包括所有從世界被造時起,因著邪惡生活和錯誤信仰而自行疏遠上帝之人。

其次, 在主降臨那時,地獄興起何等高度來淹沒整個靈界。在前面章節有些說明(第115-122節)。無人知道主第一次降臨時的情形, 因為在聖言的文字中未曾揭示這些。但是我被允許用自己的雙眼看見祂二次降臨時的情形。可以此為參考, 對前面的事件得出一些結論。這些描述記錄在我所寫的小冊子『最後的審判』之中, 1758年在倫敦發表。

第三, 那本書也展示了主降服並驅散地獄的能力。在此就不必重複那本書上所給的親眼見證了, 因為已經印出, 而且尚有一大批在倫敦的印刷商那裡。任何人讀了, 都會清楚看見這是大能上帝的作為。

[2]第四, 主如何按照聖規重建天國和地獄的一切。我尚未描述這些, 因為天國和地獄的重建已在持續進行,自從最後的審判直到現在,以後還會繼續進行。儘管如此, 在我發表這本書後, 如果需要進一步闡述, 我會將這些公佈於眾的。

如果我可以在關於這個主題上加上我個人的意見, 那就是:我每天見到主的神性全能, 如同面對面。

嚴格來說, 心靈世界的重建與救贖同步進行, 之前的階段是最後的審判。人們若將救贖和最後的審判分開看待, 就能從聖言關於預言的章節中看到更多的內容。這些事情, 儘管在那裡以象徵的形式隱藏起來, 仍然描述清晰; 只要解釋出它們所對應的事物, 就能領悟其義,如同光照。

[3]救贖和最後的審判, 這些神性的作為只能用比喻方式來描述, 或許這樣比喻並不十分恰當:

主與地獄之戰就好比某人與全世界所有國家的軍隊進行的一聲戰鬥, 這些軍隊配備了長矛,盾牌,刀劍,火槍,大炮, 由那些訓練有素,狡猾多端的將軍和長官帶領。(我加上後面這句, 是因為地獄眾多靈熟悉一些人間未知的技巧, 並彼此操練——就是用來偷偷接近那些天國之民, 埋伏,包圍並攻擊他們的各樣方法)。

[4]主與地獄之戰也可比作某人與全世界的野獸作戰,擊殺或征服它們, 直到沒有一隻野獸敢外出攻擊主所保護的任何人。倘若哪一隻野獸哪怕是稍露威脅或恐嚇的目光, 會立馬被制止, 它會感覺內心刺痛, 再也不感放肆了。

事實上, 野獸在聖言中用來描述地獄之靈。與主共處四十天的野獸(馬可福音1:13)也指地獄之靈。

[5]最後的審判和救贖也可比作阻擋整個大海, 當潰堤後, 巨浪衝擊田地和城鎮。

事實上, 當主制伏大海時, 說"住了吧!靜了吧!"(馬可福音4:38-39;馬太福音8:26;路加福音8:23-24), 表示主征服地獄的過程。在這裡, 以及其它許多地方, 海表示地獄。

[6]現今, 每一個正在重生之人的裡面, 主用類似的神性能力來與地獄戰鬥。地獄以殘忍邪惡來攻擊所有這樣的人, 除非是主抵擋並制伏地獄, 他們不可避免地被屈服。地獄就是一個巨型如怪物般的人, 或者像頭巨獅——聖言中另一個比方。因此, 除非主捆住那獅或怪物的手腳, 要不然就只有一個結果:當人脫離一種邪惡時, 必然墮入另外的邪惡, 一個接一個, 實際上會墮入許多其它的邪惡之中。

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True Christianity #123 (Rose, 2010)

123. 4. Redemption was something only the Divine could bring about. If you knew what hell is like, and you knew how high it swelled and how it flooded the entire world of spirits at the time of the Lord's coming, and you saw the great power with which the Lord cast hell down and scattered it and then restructured both it and heaven in accordance with the divine design, you could not help being stunned and exclaiming that all of it was something only the Divine could do.

First, what hell is like. It consists of millions, since it consists of all from the creation of the world who have alienated themselves from God through their evil lives and false beliefs.

Second, how high hell swelled and how it flooded the entire world of spirits at the time of the Lord's coming. This has been somewhat explained in the earlier points [115-122]. No one knows the situation at the time of the First Coming, because it has not been revealed in the literal sense of the Word. I have been allowed to see with my own eyes the situation at the time of the Lord's Second Coming. One can draw conclusions about the earlier situation from that. I described this situation in the little work Last Judgment, published in London in 1758.

That little work also covers the great power with which the Lord cast hell down and scattered it. My eyewitness accounts appear in that little work, but copying them here would be a pointless exercise because it is in print and there are still many copies available at the printers in London. Everyone who reads it can clearly see that the Last Judgment was the work of Almighty God.

[2] The fourth point, how the Lord then restructured everything in heaven and in hell in accordance with the divine design, I have not yet described, because the restructuring of the heavens and the hells has been going on since the day of the Last Judgment until the present time and is still going on. Nevertheless, after I have published this book, if further information is desired, I will present it to the public.

If I may add a personal comment on this topic: I see the face, so to speak, of the Lord's divine omnipotence every day.

Strictly speaking, this restructuring of the spiritual world has to do with redemption, whereas the stages before it had to do with the Last Judgment. People who keep redemption and the Last Judgment separate are capable of seeing many things in prophetical passages in the Word. These things, though hidden in allegories there, still give clear descriptions - provided that their correspondences are explained in such a way as to allow the light of the intellect to fall on them.

[3] Redemption and the Last Judgment can be illustrated only with comparisons, and even these are inadequate.

They could be illustrated by comparison with a battle against the armies of every nation in the entire world, armed with spears, shields, swords, guns, and cannons, under generals and officers who are cunning, experienced strategists. (I say this last part because many spirits in hell are skilled in practices unknown in our world, which they rehearse on each other - ways of stalking those who are from heaven, and ambushing, setting siege to, and attacking them.)

[4] The Lord's battle with hell can also be compared, although inadequately, with someone fighting against all the wild animals in the world, slaughtering or taming them until not one animal would dare to go out and attack any human being who is with the Lord. Then if any wild animal so much as put on a menacing look, it would suddenly stop itself as if it felt a vulture deep inside its chest trying to pierce it to the very heart.

In fact, the wild animals in the Word depict hellish spirits. The wild animals with which the Lord spent forty days (Mark 1:13) also mean hellish spirits.

[5] The Last Judgment and redemption could also be compared to resisting the whole ocean after dikes have broken and waves are pounding cities and the countryside.

In fact, when the Lord controls the sea by saying "Peace, be still" (Mark 4:38-39; Matthew 8:26; Luke 8:23-24), it means the Lord's process of gaining control over the hells. There and in many other passages the sea means hell.

[6] The Lord uses the same divine power today to fight against hell in every one of us who is being regenerated. Hell attacks us all with diabolical fury. If the Lord did not counter hell and control it, we could not help succumbing. Hell is like one monstrous human being or a massive lion; in fact, it is compared to a lion in the Word. The Lord has to chain the forelegs and shackle the hind legs of that lion, that monster. Otherwise the only possible outcome would be that once we were rescued from one evil we would spontaneously fall into the next, and in fact into many others.

True Christian Religion #123 (Chadwick, 1988)


If anyone knows the nature of hell, and how high it rose to flood the whole of the world of spirits at the time of the Lord's coming, as well as the power the Lord used to cast it down and scatter it, and afterwards to reduce it, together with heaven, to order, it must make him cry out in wonder that that deed was entirely Divine. First, the nature of hell: it consists of myriads of myriads of spirits, since it contains all those who from the creation of the world have estranged themselves from God by wicked lives and false beliefs. Secondly, the height to which hell rose to flood the whole of the world of spirits at the time of the Lord's coming has been described to some extent in the preceding paragraphs. No one has had knowledge of the situation at the time of the first coming, because it was not revealed in the literal sense of the Word; but I have been permitted to see with my own eyes the situation at the time of His second coming, and this allows some conclusions to be drawn about the earlier event. A description is contained in my short book THE LAST JUDGMENT, published in London in 1758; and, thirdly, this also shows the power the Lord used to cast down and scatter that hell. But it is superfluous to repeat here the eye-witness descriptions given there, since the book is available, and there is still a large stock of copies at the printer's in London. Anyone who reads that can see clearly that it was the work of almighty God.

[2] Fourthly, I have not yet written a description of how the Lord reduced to order everything both in heaven and in hell, because the ordering of the heavens and the hells has continued from the time of the Last Judgment until the present day, and is still going on. But after the publication of this book, I shall publish this too, if there is a demand. For my part in this affair, I have seen day by day, and continue to see, the Lord's Divine omnipotence, as it were face to face. This last action is really concerned with redemption, the earlier one is really part of the Last Judgment. Those who are prepared to look for this distinction can see that much which is concealed under metaphors in the prophetical parts of the Word is none the less a description of it, when the understanding is enlightened by the explanation of the correspondences.

[3] Both of these Divine actions can only be illustrated by. comparisons, and then only to a limited extent. A possible comparison might be with a battle against the armies of all the nations of the whole world equipped with spears, shields, swords, muskets and cannon, and led by skilled and cunning generals and officers. I say this because many in hell possess skills unknown in our world, and devote themselves to practising how they can attack, ambush, besiege and engage those who are from heaven.

[4] The Lord's battle against hell can also be compared, though very imperfectly, with a battle against the wild beasts of the whole earth, in which they are killed or subdued, until not a single one dares to venture out and attack anyone under the Lord's protection. If any of them shows a threatening face, it retires at once, as if it felt a vulture battening upon its breast in the attempt to break through to its heart. The Word too describes the spirits in hell as wild beasts, and this is also the meaning of the wild beasts among which the Lord spent forty days (Mark 1:13).

[5] It can also be compared with stemming the whole ocean, when it bursts the dykes and breaks into fields and towns with its waves. The subduing of hell by the Lord is also meant by His calming the sea, when He said 'Hush, be still' (Mark 4:38-39; Matthew 8:26; Luke 8:23-24). The sea there, as in many other passages, means hell.

[6] The Lord employs similar Divine power to-day to fight against hell in every person who is undergoing re-birth. For all these people are attacked by hell with devilish fury, and unless the Lord resisted and subdued hell, they would inevitably be overcome. For hell is like a single monstrous person, or a huge lion, another comparison found in the Word. So unless the Lord kept that lion or monster fettered hand and foot, that person would inevitably in trying to escape one evil fall into many others, one after another, of his own accord.

True Christian Religion #123 (Ager, 1970)

123. (4) Redemption was a work purely Divine. He who knows what hell is, and to what a height it had risen and how it had overflowed the whole world of spirits at the time of the Lord's coming, and with what might the Lord cast it down and scattered it, and afterwards brought into order both hell and heaven, cannot but wonder and declare that all this must have been a purely Divine work. First, as to the nature of hell. It consists of myriads of myriads, since it consists of all those who from the creation of the world have alienated themselves from God by evils of life and falsities of belief. Secondly, as to the height to which hell had risen, and how it had overflowed the entire world of spirits at the time of the Lord's coming, some explanation has been given in the preceding sections. To what extent this was the case at the time of the Lord's first coming no one knows, because it was not revealed in the sense of the letter of the Word; but the extent of it at the time of His second coming I have been permitted to see with my own eyes; and from this (which has already been described in a little work on The Last Judgment, published at London in 1758) conclusions may be drawn respecting the former period, as also with what power hell was then cast down and dispersed by the Lord. But there is no need to transcribe here what I witnessed as set forth in that book, because the work is extant, and numerous copies of it are still at the printer's in London. Anyone reading that book can see clearly this must have been a work of the omnipotent God.

[2] Fourthly, How the Lord afterwards reduced all things to order, both in heaven and in hell, I have not yet described, because the restoration of order in the heavens and in the hells has continued since the time of the last judgment until now, and still continues; but after this book has been published, if it seems desirable, this information shall be given to the public. For my own part, with reference to this matter, I have seen daily and still see in it the Lord's Divine omnipotence as it were face to face. This latter work is properly the work of redemption, while the former is properly that of the last judgment. When these two are viewed separately, many things respecting them, which are concealed under figures and yet described in the prophecies of the Word, can be seen, as soon as by an explanation of the correspondences these things are brought forth into the light of the understanding.

[3] Neither of these two Divine operations can be made clear except by comparisons; and then but faintly. This latter work may be compared to a battle against an army composed of all the nations in the whole world, armed with spears, shields, swords, muskets, and cannon, led by skilful and shrewd generals and other officers. This is said because very many in hell excel in arts unknown in our world, and practice them among themselves, studying how to advance against, to ensnare, to besiege, and to assault those who are in heaven.

[4] The Lord's combat against hell may also be compared, though imperfectly, to a conflict with all the wild beasts on the earth and their slaughter and subjugation, until not one of them dares comes forth to attack any man who is in the Lord; so that if the man but shows a threatening countenance his enemy instantly shrinks back as if he felt a vulture on his breast striving to pierce him to the very heart. Moreover, infernal spirits are compared in the Word to wild beasts; and such are meant by the wild beasts with which the Lord was for forty days (Mark 1:13).

[5] It may also be compared to resistance against the whole ocean, breaking in with its waves over demolished barriers upon countries and towns; and the Lord's subjugation of hell is meant by His calming the sea by saying:

Peace, be still (Mark 4:38, 39; Matthew 8:26; Luke 8:23, 24)

for here, as in many other places, the "sea" signifies hell.

[6] By a like Divine power the Lord fights at this day against hell in every man who is being regenerated; for hell attacks all such with diabolical fury, and unless the Lord resisted and tamed that fury man could not but succumb. For hell is like one monstrous man, or like a huge lion, with which indeed it is compared in the Word; therefore unless the Lord kept that lion or monster manacled and fettered, a man from himself must needs, when rescued from one evil, fall into another, and again into others continually.

True Christian Religion #123 (Dick, 1950)


He who knows the nature of hell, and the height to which it had risen and overflowed the whole world of spirits at the time of the Lord's Coming, and with what power the Lord cast it down and dispersed it, afterwards reducing it to order, together with heaven, cannot but be astonished, and exclaim that all was a work purely Divine. In the first place, the nature of hell may be realized from the fact that it consists of countless myriads, since it is composed of all those who from the creation of the world have alienated themselves from God by evils of life and falsities of faith. In the second place, the height to which hell had risen and overflowed the whole world of spirits at the time of the Lord's Coming has been described in some measure in the preceding articles. The nature of hell at the time of the Lord's First Coming has never been made known to any one, because it is not revealed in the sense of the letter of the Word; but its nature at the time of His Second Coming I was permitted to see with my own eyes; and from the description, which is recorded in the little work on THE LAST JUDGMENT, published in London in 1768, it is possible to form some idea of its former state. [In the third place,] 1 this little work also describes with what power the Lord cast down that hell and dispersed it. It would, however, be useless labor to repeat what I have there set forth as an eye-witness, because that book is extant, and there are still numerous copies at the printer's in London. Every reader of that book may clearly see that what the Lord accomplished was the work of an omnipotent God.

[2] In the fourth place, the manner in which the Lord afterwards reduced to order all things both in heaven and in hell has not yet been described by me, because the work of bringing the heavens and the hells into order has continued since the day of the Last Judgment until now, and still continues. Nevertheless, if it is desired, it shall be made known after this book has been published. With respect to myself, I have seen, and do see daily, the Divine omnipotence in this matter plainly manifest. The latter work, however, (reducing to order heaven and hell) is properly that of redemption, but the former (casting down the insurgent hell) is properly that of the Last Judgment. Those who regard the two as separate works may see many things which, in the prophetical parts of the Word, lie concealed under figures, but which stand out plainly revealed when brought to the light of the understanding by an explanation of their correspondence.

[3] This two-fold Divine work of redemption can be illustrated only by comparisons, and then but faintly. It may be compared to a battle against the armies of all the nations in the world, armed with spears, shields, swords, muskets and cannon, and led by skillful and cunning generals and officers. These are so described because many in hell excel in arts unknown in our world, and practice them among themselves, studying how they may attack, ensnare, besiege, and assault those who are in heaven.

[4] The Lord's combat with hell may also be compared, though imperfectly, to a battle against the wild beasts of the whole earth, and to their overthrow and subjugation, till not one of them dares to come forth and attack any man, who is in the Lord. Consequently if such a man presents a threatening countenance, they instantly shrink back, as if they felt a vulture at their breast, endeavoring to pierce them to the heart. Infernal spirits are also described in the Word by wild beasts, and are meant by the wild beasts among whom the Lord is said to have been forty days. Mark 1:13.

[5] The work of the Lord may be compared also to the resistance which is offered to the whole body of the ocean, as it surges with its waves through broken dykes, over the countryside and cities. The subjugation of hell by the Lord is also meant by His calming the sea, by saying,

"Peace, be still" Mark 4:38-39; Matthew 8:26; Luke 8:23-24;

for the sea, there, as in many other passages, signifies hell.

[6] The Lord, by the same Divine power, fights at this day against hell in every one who is being regenerated; for hell attacks all such persons with diabolical fury; and if the Lord does not resist and subdue it, man cannot but succumb. For hell is like a monstrous man, or a huge lion, with which it is also compared in the Word; therefore unless the Lord kept that lion or monster bound hand and foot, a man, though rescued from one evil, would of necessity fall into another, and later into many more.


1. The four points detailed are not clearly distinguished, therefore insert "In the third place."

Vera Christiana Religio #123 (original Latin,1770)

123. IV. QUOD REDEMPTIO FUERIT OPUS PURE DIVINUM. Qui scit quale Infernum est, et qualis ejus altitudo et inundatio super universum Mundum Spirituum tempore adventus Domini fuit, tum qua potentia Dominus infernum dejecit et dissipavit, et postea illud una cum Coelo in ordinem redegit, non potest non obstupescere, et exclamare, quod omnia illa pure Divinum Opus fuerint. Primum, Quale Infernum est, consistit illud ex myriadibus myriadum, quoniam ex omnibus illis, qui a creatione Mundi per mala vitae et falsa fidei abalienaverunt se a Deo. Alterum, qualis altitudo et inundatio inferni super universum Mundum Spirituum tempore adventus Domini fuit, aliquantum in praecedentibus Articulis expositum est; qualis fuit tempore primi Adventus, non alicui notum factum est, quia non in sensu literae Verbi revelatum; sed qualis fuit tempore secundi Adventus Ipsius, oculis meis videre datum est, ex quo de priori concludi potest, et hoc descriptum est in Opusculo de ULTIMO JUDICIO Londini an. 1758 edito; pariter, qua potentia Dominus infernum illud dejecit et dissipavit; sed huc transferre illa, quae ex autopsia in illo Opusculo descripta sunt, vanum opus est, quia exstat, et adhuc Exemplaria in copia Londini apud Typographum reservata sunt; quisque, qui illud legit, clare videre potest, quod id Omnipotentis Dei Opus fuerit.

[2] Quartum, quomodo Dominus omnia tam in Coelo quam in Inferno postea in ordinem redegit, nondum a me est descriptum, quoniam ordinatio coelorum et infernorum, a die Ultimi Judicii usque ad hodiernum 1 tempus perstitit, et adhuc perstat; ast post hunc Librum editum, si desideratur, in publicum dabitur; quod me attinet, quoad hanc rem, quovis die vidi et video Omnipotentiam Divinam Domini sicut in facie; at postremum hoc proprie est Redemptionis, prius autem illud proprie est Ultimi judicii; qui duo illa distincte intuentur, illi possunt plura, quae in propheticis Verbi sub figuris concelata sunt, et tamen descripta, dum per explicationem correspondentiarum in lucem intellectus protrahuntur, videre.

[3] Hoc et illud opus Divinum, non aliter illustrari potest, quam per comparationes, sed usque parum; illustrari potest per comparationem, cum pugna contra Exercitus omnium Gentium in Universo Mundo instructos hastis, scutis, gladiis, sclopetis et bombardis, habentes duces et praefectos callidos et astutos; hoc dicitur, quia plerique in Inferno artes in Mundo nostro ignotas callent, 2 in quibus se inter se exercent, quomodo aggressuri, insidiaturi, obsessuri et impugnaturi illos qui e Coelo sunt.

[4] Pugna Domini cum Inferno etiam potest comparari, attamen parum, cum pugna cum feris totius Orbis terrarum, ac cum illarum strage et domatione, usque dum nulla illarum hiscat prodire, et insultum in ullum hominem, qui in Domino est, facere, unde si quis minacem vultum exserit, subito retrahit se, sicut sentiret vulturem in sinu pectoris sui, tentantem perforare illum usque ad cor; per feras etiam in Verbo describuntur Spiritus infernales; hi quoque per feras, cum quibus Dominus 40 dies erat, apud Marcum 1:13, intelliguntur.

[5] Comparari etiam potest, cum resistentia contra universum Oceanum, cum fluctibus suis irrumpentem in regiones et urbes, disruptis vallis; subjugatio Inferni a Domino etiam intelligitur per quod compescuerit Mare per quod dixerit, sile, obmutesce, Marcus 4:38-39; Matthaeus 8:26; Luca 8:23-24; per Mare enim ibi, ut in pluribus aliis locis, significatur Infernum.

[6] Dominus ex simili potentia Divina, hodie pugnat contra Infernum apud unumquemvis hominem, qui regeneratur, nam Infernum omnes illos diabolico furore aggreditur, cui nisi Dominus resistit, et illud domat, homo non potest non succumbere: Infernum enim est sicut unus homo monstrosus, ac sicut immanis Leo, cum quo etiam in Verbo comparatur, quare nisi Dominus illum Leonem aut illud Monstrum manicis et pedicis vinctum teneret, non potuisset aliter, quin ut homo, dum ab uno malo eripitur, in alterum, et porro in plura, ex se incideret.


1. Prima editio: hodienum.
2. ignotas callent ubi in prima editione ignotas e callent.

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