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《真实的基督教》 第128节



真实的基督教 #128 (火能翻译,2015)

128. 十字架受難完成了榮耀的過程。主自己在福音書中說:猶大出去了, 耶穌就說:"如今人子得了榮耀; 上帝在人子身上也得了榮耀; 上帝要因自己荣耀人子, 并且要快快的荣耀祂, 并且要快快的榮耀祂"(約翰福音13:31-32)。此處的榮耀既指父,也指子, 因為這樣說:"上帝在祂之中被榮耀了, 就要在自己之中榮耀祂。"很明顯, 這表示已經聯合了。

"父啊, 時候到了, 榮耀禰的兒子, 使禰的兒子也榮耀禰"(約翰福音17:1, 5)。在此處, 這樣的表達方式是因為聯合是相互的。就像所說的, 父在祂裡面,祂在父裡面。

耶穌說:"現在我心裡憂愁。"又說:"父啊, 榮耀禰的名。"有聲音從天上來:"我已榮耀我的名, 還要再榮耀"(約翰福音12:27-28)。這樣說, 因為榮耀的過程是連續的。

"基督這樣受害, 又進入祂的榮耀, 豈不是應當的嗎"(路加福音24:26)?在聖言中, 當"榮耀"適用于主時, 表示聖理與聖善的聯合。

從這些章節也可明顯看出, 主的人身是神性的。

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True Christianity #128 (Rose, 2010)

128. The suffering on the cross completed the process of glorification (meaning the uniting of the Lord's divine-human nature to the divine nature of the Father). The Lord himself says so in the Gospels: "After Judas left, Jesus said, Now the Son of Humankind is glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and glorify him immediately" (John 13:31-32). Here glorification refers to both God the Father and the Son; it says "God is glorified in him and will glorify him in himself. " Clearly this means that they became united.

"Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son so that your Son may also glorify you" (John 17:1, 5). This form of expression occurs here because the uniting was reciprocal. As it says, the Father was in him and he was in the Father.

Jesus said, "'Now my soul is disturbed. ' And he said, 'Father, glorify your name. ' And a voice came out of heaven, 'I both have glorified it and will glorify it again'" (John 12:27-28). It says this because the uniting occurred in successive stages.

"Was it not fitting for Christ to suffer and enter into his glory?" (Luke 24:26). In the Word when "glory" is related to the Lord it means the divine truth united to divine goodness.

From these passages it is very clear that the Lord's human manifestation is divine.

True Christian Religion #128 (Chadwick, 1988)

128. On the subject of glorification, meaning the uniting of the Lord's Divine Human with the Father's Divine, a union which was fully accomplished by the passion on the cross, the Lord Himself speaks in the Gospels:

After Judas had gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in Him. If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and will glorify Him at once, John 13:31-32.

Here the glorification is described both of God the Father and of the Son, for it says, 'God is glorified in Him, and will glorify Him in Himself.' It is plain that this means union.

Father, the time has come, glorify your Son, so that your Son too may glorify you, John 17:1, 5.

It is put thus because the union was reciprocal and, as is said, the Father was in Him and He in the Father.

Now my soul is vexed; and He said, Father, glorify your name. And a voice came out of heaven, I have glorified it, and I will do so again, John 12:27-28.

This is said because the uniting took place by stages.

Did not Christ have to suffer this and enter upon His glory? Luke 24:26.

Glory in the Word referring to the Lord means the Divine truth united to Divine good. These passages show clearly that the Lord's Human is Divine.

True Christian Religion #128 (Ager, 1970)

128. In respect to glorification, which means the uniting of the Lord's Divine Human with the Divine of the Father, which union was fully completed through the passion of the cross, the Lord Himself thus speaks in the Gospels:

When Judas was gone out Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in Him. If God be glorified in Him God shall also glorify Him in Himself, and shall straightway glorify Him (John 13:31, 32).

Here glorification is predicated both of God the Father and of the Son; for it is said, "God is glorified in Him," and "shall glorify Him in Himself." Evidently this means being united:

Father, the hour is come; glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee (John 17:1, 5).

This is so said because the uniting was reciprocal, as it was also said that the Father was in Him and He in the Father:

Now is My soul troubled. And He said, Father, glorify Thy Name. Then there came a voice out of heaven, I have hath glorified it and will glorify it again (John 12:27, 28).

This was said because the uniting was effected gradually:

Behooved it not the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory? (Luke 24:26).

In the Word, when "glory" is predicated of the Lord it signifies Divine truth united to Divine good. From all this it is clearly evident that the Lord's Human is Divine.

True Christian Religion #128 (Dick, 1950)

128. Concerning glorification, or the union of the Lord's Divine Human with the Divine of the Father, which was fully completed by the passion of the cross, the Lord Himself thus speaks in the Gospel:

When Judas was gone out, "Jesus said, Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God was glorified in Him. If God be glorified in Him, God shall also glorify Him in Himself, and shall straightway glorify Him" John 13:31-32.

Here glorification is spoken both of God the Father and of the Son, for it is said that God is glorified in Him, and will glorify Him in Himself. It is evident, therefore, that glorification signifies union.

"Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee" John 17:1, 5.

This is said because the union was reciprocal, and, as is also said, the Father was in Him and He in the Father.

"Now is my soul troubled." And He said: "Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again" John 12:27-28.

This was said because the union was effected successively, or by degrees.

"Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory?" Luke 24:28.

Glory in the Word when spoken of the Lord signifies Divine Truth united to Divine Good. Hence it is clearly evident that the Lord's Human is Divine.

Vera Christiana Religio #128 (original Latin,1770)

128. DE GLORIFICATIONE, per quam intelligitur unitio Divini Humani Domini cum Divino Patris, quod per Passionem crucis plene peracta est, Ipse Dominus ita apud Evangelistas loquitur, Postquam Judas exivit, dixit Jesus, nunc Glorificatus est Filius hominis, et Deus Glorificatus est in Ipso; si Deus Glorificatus est In Ipso, etiam Deus Glorificabit Ipsum in Seipso, et statim Glorificabit Ipsum, Johannes 13:31-32, hic Glorificatio dicitur et de Deo Patre et de Filio, nam dicitur, Deus Glorificatus est in Ipso, et Glorificabit Illum in Seipso; quod hoc sit uniri, patet: Pater, venit hora, glorifica Filium tuum, ut etiam Filius tuus glorificet Te, 1 Johannes 17:1, 5, ita dicitur, quia unitio fuit reciproca, ac ut dicitur, Pater in Ipso et Ipse in Patre. Nunc anima mea turbata est, et dixit, Pater, glorifica Nomen tuum, et exiit vox e Coelo, et Glorificavi, et rursus Glorificabo, Johannes 12:27-28, hoc dictum est, quia Unitio successive facta fuit. Nonne hoc oportebat pati Christum, et ingredi in gloriam suam, Luca 24:26; gloria in Verbo, ubi de Domino, significat Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono. Ex his clare patet, quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum.


1. Prima editio: Te.

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