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《真实的基督教》 第160节



真实的基督教 #160 (火能翻译,2015)

160. 第二個經歷:

有一次我與一些天人在靈界行走。靈界處在天國與地獄之間, 是所有人死後先行到達的地方。在這裡, 善者被預備上天國, 惡者被預備下地獄。我與天人們討論不同的話題, 其中有個話題是:"在我現在居住的人世, 大大小小,無數的星星閃爍在夜空。它們都是恒星, 將光傳播給我們的太陽系。我注意到你們所在的世界也有這樣的星星, 我估計也是這麼繁多。"

天人們很開心談話這個話題, 他們說:"一樣多的繁星。天國的每個社區向著下一層天國閃爍如星星。天國之中有無數個社區, 按照對良善熱愛的情感不同而劃分。這樣的情感在上帝裡是無限的, 因此有無數的情感從祂而來。因為在創世之先已預見這些屬天的社區, 我猜想, 物質屬世之身將要居住的世界上造了一樣數目的星星, 與此有關吧。"

[2]當我們正談論這個話題時, 我發現北面有一條鋪砌的大路, 上面擠滿了靈, 簡直無從插足。我告訴天人們, 之前我曾見過這條路。靈在路上有秩序地經過, 如同軍隊編排整齊。後來才知道, 那條路有這麼多的靈, 是因為物質世界中每天死去的人都會先進入到這個世界。

天人繼續說:"這路一直達到靈界的中部, 就是我們現在所處之地。為何在中間終止, 是因為再往東面, 就是給那些愛上帝和愛鄰舍之人的社區。左邊西面的社區, 則是由那些與愛上帝和愛鄰舍相反之人社區。前方南面的社區則由那些智力超出常人者構成。這就是為何最近從物質世界而來的人們先到這裡。他們開始還處在外在人的狀態, 就像在世間一樣。但是之後會逐漸進入他們內在真我的狀態, 本性就被檢驗出來。如此顯露之後, 善者就被帶到天國之中他們的歸屬之地, 惡者則被帶到地獄之中他們的歸屬之地。"

[3]在那中間之處, 就是路的終點處, 我們停下來, 說:"我們在這停一陣子, 和一些初到者談談吧。"我們選了十二個人, 因為他們剛從物質世界過來, 還不知道他們並非仍在物質世界。我們詢問他們, 如何看待天國,地獄和死後的生命。

其中一個回答:"按我們的教導, 當相信死後會繼續活著; 有天國,也有地獄。因此我們一直相信凡是過道德生活之人都當進天國; 又因人人都過著道德的生活, 所以沒有人會進地獄。因此, 地獄只是聖職人員們編造的故事, 目的是為了人們離開邪惡的生活。關於上帝, 我們這樣想和那樣想又有何分別呢?這些思想只不過如同水面氣泡, 爆破了就消失了。"

邊上有另一位說:"我相信天國和地獄的存在。上帝掌管天國, 魔鬼掌管地獄。因為他們彼此為敵,互相對抗。所以一方稱為惡的,對方卻稱為善的。道德之人可以是偽善的, 能使惡的看起來為善, 善的為惡。他們可以腳踩兩隻船。這樣, 我跟從這位主與另一位主——假設他們都支持我, 又有何分別呢?人們同時享受善與惡。"

[4]第三位說:"對我來說, 信與不信天國與地獄, 有何分別?有哪個從那裡來告訴過我們什麼?如果每個人死後都繼續活著, 這麼浩瀚的人群中為什麼沒有一個人回來告訴我們呢?"

邊上第四位接著說:"我來告訴你為何沒人回來告訴我們, 因為我們的靈魂呼出時, 事實上就是死了。然後就變成一個幽靈並消散了, 或者像某人口中呼出來的氣, 飄散在空中。像這個樣子, 如同回來跟我們對話呢?"

於是第五位說:"朋友們, 等著最後的審判吧。因為那時所有人都會回到他們的肉體之中, 你們將看到他們並與他們對話, 然後每個人都能告訴別人發生了什麼事情。"

[5]站在對面的第六位, 笑著說:"只是像空氣那樣的靈, 如何能回到已被蟲子吃光的身體, 又或被太陽暴曬化為塵土的身體之中呢?一個被製成木乃伊的埃及人, 身子已被藥劑師用各樣的藥水,藥膏,藥粉或藥丸混成一體, 如何回來還說些什麼呢?因此, 如果你們這樣信, 等待那個日子來臨, 那麼將是徒勞地永遠等下去。"

然後第七位說:"如果我相信天國與地獄, 還有死後有生命, 那我也當相信鳥與獸也會這樣繼續活下去。因為它們之中有些像我們一般, 既正派又理智。人們會講, 動物不能如此; 那我會說, 人也不能如此。兩者的情況一回事, 一環扣一環。人不就是動物嘛?"

站在第七位後面的第八位, 站到前面來, 說:"人若願意, 可相信天國, 不過我不相信地獄。上帝是全能的, 祂難道不可以拯救所有人類?"

[5]然後, 第九位握了握第八位的手, 說:"上帝不僅是全能的, 還是仁慈的。祂不會將任何人扔進永火之中。倘若有人在那裡, 祂會解救並帶他們離開永火。"

第十位跑到中間, 說:"我也不信有地獄。上帝差了祂的兒子給我們, 這子擔當了全世界之人的罪, 並潔淨他們。魔鬼能做什麼來反抗呢?由於魔鬼無計可施, 那怎麼會有地獄?"

第十一位是個祭司, 他聽到後非常生氣, 說:"難道你們不知道, 唯有那些有信,基督之義歸給他們的, 才可得救嗎?不知道只有上帝揀選之人才獲得這些的信嗎?是因祂的大能大力與公平公義來揀選那些值得之人。誰能與此爭辯呢?"

第十二位是名政治家, 保持沉默。當要求他總結時, 他說:"我不會對天國,地獄和死後的生活發表任何見解, 沒有人知道這些。然而, 倘若祭司沒有傷害到你們什麼, 就讓他們傳播這些吧。因為普通老百姓需要這種無形的鏈子在精神上約束他們去遵守法律與掌權者。公共安全需要這些, 不是嗎?"

[7]對這些觀點, 我們覺得驚奇, 就彼此說:"儘管這些人稱自己為基督徒, 但他們既不是人,也不是獸, 只不過是人獸——長得像人,其實是獸。"

不過, 為了把他們從睡眠中喚醒, 我們說:"天國和地獄確實存在, 也有死後的生活。你們對目前所處的狀態一無所知, 當我們驅除你們這些無知後, 你們就會確信。因為所有人死後的一段時期, 完全意識不到他們再也不是生活在之前的世界中。這段時間如同睡著一般, 當從中睡醒時, 他就會確切地知道身在何處了。你們現在就處在這段時期, 這就是為何你們剛才所說的與你在世所想的完全一樣。"

然後, 天人們驅散了他們的無知, 他們就知道自己身處另一個世界, 並在一群素不相識的人群之中。他們喊道:"嗨, 我們這是在哪裡啊?"

"不再是在物質世界了, "我們回答:"而是在心靈世界, 我們是天人。"

然後, 當他們明白過來, 就說:"如果你們是天人, 給我們看看天國啊。"

"在這等一會, "我們回答:"我們就回來。"

大約半小時後, 我們回來, 發現他們仍在那裡等著我們, 就對他們說:"跟我們進天國吧。"

他們跟來與我們一起上到天國, 因為我們在場, 守衛者們打開門讓他們進去了。我們對門口接待新來者的天人說:"檢驗他們吧。"

檢驗的天人將他們轉過來時, 發現他們的後腦殼裡幾乎是被挖空了。於是他們說:"離開這裡吧。你們享受作惡, 因此與天國無任何聯繫。你們的內心已否定上帝的存在, 並且藐視信仰。"

我們對他們說:"不要延遲, 速速離開吧, 要不會被扔出去的。"他們趕緊下去, 離開了。

[8]在回去的路上, 我們討論為何那些樂享作惡之人的後腦, 在這個世界中看起來被掏空了。我陳述了理由:人有兩個腦, 在頭後面的被稱為小腦, 前面的被稱為大腦。小腦是愛欲(關於意志方面)的居所, 而大腦是思想(關於認知方面)的居所。當(認知方面的)思想不再引導(意志方面的)愛欲時, 人小腦的至內在區域——這些區域其實是屬天的, 於是就萎縮了, 這是導致挖空的原因。

上一节  目录  下一节

True Christianity #160 (Rose, 2010)

160. The second memorable occurrence. Once I was out on a walk with some angels. We were walking in the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, the place where all of us first go after we die. There we are prepared, if we are good, for heaven; if we are evil, for hell. I was speaking with them about many different things, among which was the following.

"In the world where I am currently living in my body, countless stars appear at night, large and small. They are all suns that transmit just their light to our solar system. When I noticed that there are also visible stars in your world, I reckoned that there are the same number here as in the world where I live. "

Delighted by this topic of conversation, the angels said, "There could well be the same number. Every community in heaven at times shines like a star to those who are below heaven. There are countless communities in heaven, all arranged according to different feelings of love for what is good. These feelings are infinite in God; therefore there are countless feelings from him. Since these heavenly communities were foreseen before creation, I suppose that the stars were provided in the same amount, meaning that an equal number of stars was created for the world where people with a physical earthly body were going to live. "

[2] While we were having that conversation, I noticed a paved road to the north. It was so crowded with spirits that there was scarcely a foot of space between each spirit.

I said to the angels, "I have seen that road before, with spirits on it like the rank and file of armies. I have heard that this is the road traveled by all who are leaving the physical world. The road is covered with that many spirits because tens of thousands of people die every week, and they all migrate to this world after death. "

The angels added, "The road comes to an end in the middle of the world of spirits, where we are now. It stops here because on the side toward the east there are communities that love God and their neighbor; to the left toward the west there are communities that are against those loves; and in front in the south there are communities of spirits who are more intelligent than others. This is why those who have recently left the physical world arrive here first. Once they are here, they are at first in their outer selves, the parts of themselves they had been closest to in their prior world. Later on, they come more and more into their inner selves. Then their true quality is investigated. Once this is discovered, the good are brought to their places in heaven, and the evil to their places in hell. "

[3] We stopped walking in the middle area where the road for arrivals came to an end. We said, "Let's spend a little time here and talk to some of the new arrivals. " We chose twelve of them. Since they had just arrived from the physical world they did not realize they were not still in that world. We asked them what they believed about heaven and hell and life after death.

One of them replied, "Our Sacred Order impressed on me the belief that we are going to live after death, and that there is a heaven and a hell. As a result I came to believe that all who live morally go to heaven; and since everyone lives morally, no one goes to hell. Therefore hell is a myth made up by the clergy to prevent us from living evil lives. What difference does it make if I think about God this way or that way? Thought is only foam on the water that bursts and disappears. "

Another near the first said, "My belief is that heaven and hell exist. God rules heaven, and the Devil rules hell. Because they are enemies and are opposed to each other, one calls evil what the other calls good. Moral people are phonies who can make evil look good and good look evil. They stand on both sides. What is the difference then whether I am with one Lord or the other, provided he likes me? People enjoy good and evil equally. "

[4] A third person at the side of the second said, "What difference does it make to my situation if I believe that heaven and hell exist? Who has come from there and told us? If everyone lives after death, why hasn't one person out of that great multitude come back to tell us about it?"

The fourth person, next to the third, said, "I'll tell you why no one has come back to tell us about it. The reason is that when we breathe our souls out, we are in fact dead. Then we become a ghost and we are dissipated, or we are like the breath in someone's mouth, which is only blowing air. How can something like that come back and talk to anyone?"

A fifth person went next and said, "Friends, wait for the day of the Last Judgment. Then all will return to their bodies, and you will see them and talk with them. Each one will tell his or her fate to the next. "

[5] The sixth, standing on the other side, started laughing and said, "How could a spirit, which is blown air, come back into a body that has been consumed by worms and into a skeleton that has been burnt in the sun and has crumbled to dust? How can an Egyptian who was turned into a mummy and who has since been mixed by an apothecary into extracts, powders, ointments, and pills come back and tell anyone anything? Wait for that last day, if you have the faith; but you are going to wait for ever and ever for nothing. "

After that the seventh one said, "If I believed in heaven and hell and life after death, I would also believe that birds and animals are going to live on as well, since some of them are just as moral and rational as we are. People say animals don't live on, so I say people don't either. It is a fair piece of reasoning - the one point follows from the other. What are we except animals?"

The eighth one, standing behind the seventh one's back, came forward and said, "Believe in heaven if you want, but I don't believe in hell. God is omnipotent. He can save everyone. "

[6] The ninth shook the eighth one's hand and said, "God is not only omnipotent but also gracious. He couldn't throw anyone into eternal fire. If any were already in the fire, he would set them free and take them away from there. "

The tenth rushed from the line into the middle and said, "I don't believe in hell either. God sent us his Son, and the Son bore the sins of the whole world and purged them. What is the Devil capable of doing against that? Since he can't do anything, what then is hell?"

The eleventh, who was a priest, became very angry when he heard that and said, "The people who are saved are those who have acquired the faith on which Christ's merit has been inscribed. Those whom God has chosen acquire that faith. It is up to the Almighty and his judgment to choose who is worthy. Who could argue against that?"

The twelfth, who was in politics, remained silent. Asked to give the final response, he said, "I will not express from my heart anything about heaven, hell, or the life after death. No one knows anything about them. Nonetheless, provided the priests do not insult anyone, let them preach those things, because commoners are then held mentally bound to laws and to leaders by an invisible chain. Public safety depends on this, does it not?"

[7] We were stunned to hear their points of view. We said to each other, "Although these people are called Christians, they are neither human nor animal. They are human animals. "

Nevertheless, to rouse them from their sleep we said, "Heaven and hell do exist, as does the life after death. You'll be convinced of this by the time we drive away your unawareness about the state of life you are now in. During the first days after they die, all people fail to realize they are not still alive in the same world they were in before. The intervening time is like a period of sleep. When they wake up from it they feel as though they are just where they used to be. The same goes for you today. That's why you just said the same things you thought in your former world. "

Then the angels shook away the people's unawareness. The people saw that they were in a different world with other people they did not recognize. They shouted, "Hey, where are we?"

"Not in the physical world anymore," we said. "Now you are in the spiritual world, and we are angels. "

As they woke up they said, "If you are angels, then show us heaven. "

"Stay here for a little while," we replied. "We'll be back. "

When we returned half an hour later we found them waiting for us. "Follow us into heaven," we said.

They came and we went up with them. Because we were with them, the guards opened the door and let them in. To the angels who received newcomers at the threshold, we said, "Examine them. "

The examiners turned the people around and noticed that the backs of their heads were badly hollowed out. The examiners said, "Go away from here. You enjoy doing evil, and therefore you have no connection to heaven. In your hearts you have denied the existence of God and have despised religion. "

We then told the people, "Don't delay leaving, or you'll be thrown out. " They hurried down and went away.

[8] On the way home we discussed why people who enjoy doing evil would have heads that in this world look hollowed out at the back. I gave a reason: We have two brains, one at the back of our head called the cerebellum, and the other in our forehead called the cerebrum. The love in our will resides in the cerebellum. The thought in our intellect resides in our cerebrum. When the thought in our intellect fails to guide the love in our will, the inmost structures of the cerebellum, which are actually heavenly, collapse, causing this hollowness.

True Christian Religion #160 (Chadwick, 1988)

160. The second experience.

I was once walking in the company of angels in the world of spirits. This lies half-way between heaven and hell, and it is where everyone comes first after death; here the good are prepared for heaven, the wicked for hell. I discussed a number of topics with the angels, one of which was that in the world where I am bodily there are to be seen at night-time countless stars of various sizes, and each of these is a sun, emitting only light to the solar system; 'and on seeing,' I said, 'that stars are to be seen in your world too, I hazarded the guess that they are as numerous as in the world where I am.'

The angels were delighted at this remark, and said that they might well be as numerous, since each community in heaven appears at times to those who are beneath shining like a star. The communities of heaven are countless, all arranged as their affections for the love of good vary; these affections are in God infinite, and under His influence therefore countless. Since these were foreseen before creation, I imagine that to agree with that number the same number of stars was provided or created in the world where human beings were to live in natural, material bodies.

[2] While we were talking like this, I saw in the north a paved road, so crowded with spirits there was hardly room to set foot between two of them. I told the angels that I had seen this road previously, with spirits passing along it in as close order as squadrons of troops; and that I had been told that this is the road along which all pass when they leave the natural world. The reason why it is crowded with such numbers of spirits is that tens of thousands of people die every week, and all after death pass into this world.

The angels went on to say: 'The road ends in the middle of this world, where we now are. The reason why it ends in the middle is that on the eastern side are the communities dedicated to love to God and towards the neighbour; on the left, towards the west, are the communities composed of those who oppose these loves. In front, to the south, are communities composed of those who are above average intelligence. That is why recent arrivals from the natural world come here first. When here they are at first outwardly exactly as they had been most recently in their previous world; but later on they are step by step brought into their inward state, and submitted to examination of their nature. After this the good are transferred to their places in heaven, the wicked to theirs in hell.'

[3] We halted at the centre, where the access road ended, and said: 'Let us wait here a little while and talk with some of the newcomers.' We selected a dozen of those arriving; and since they had all just come from the natural world, they did not know that they were not still there. We asked them their opinions about heaven and hell and life after death.

One of them replied as follows: 'Our priestly order has taught me to believe that we shall live after death, and that there are such places as heaven and hell. Consequently I have always believed that those who lead decent lives go to heaven; and since everyone lives a decent life, no one goes to hell. So hell is just a story made up by the clergy to keep people from leading wicked lives. What difference does it make whether I hold one opinion or another about God? Thought is only like froth or a bubble on the surface of water, which bursts and disappears.'

A second next to him said: 'My belief is that heaven and hell exist, and that God rules heaven and the devil rules hell. Since they are enemies and thus take opposite views, one calls evil what the other calls good. Decent people are hypocrites who can make evil appear good and good evil, so they stand on either side. What difference does it make then whether I am with one lord or the other, so long as he supports me? People take just as much pleasure in evil as in good.'

[4] A third, next to the second, said: 'How does it concern me whether I believe in heaven and hell, since no one has ever come back from there to tell me? If everyone lived on after death, surely one out of all that vast number would have come back and told us?'

The next, the fourth, said: 'I will tell you why no one has come back and told us. It is because when a person has breathed out his soul and died, then he either becomes a ghost which is quickly dissolved, or he is like the breath from the mouth, which is just air. How can anyone like that come back or talk to anyone?'

The fifth took up the tale: 'My friends,' he said, 'wait until the day of the Last judgment, for then all will return to their bodies, and you will see them and talk with them, and then each will be able to tell the others what happened to him.'

[5] The sixth, who stood opposite, said with a smile: 'How can a spirit which is just air return to a body which has been eaten by worms, or to a skeleton burnt up by the sun and reduced to dust? And how can an Egyptian, who has been mummified, and then mixed by a druggist into his extracts, emulsions, potions and pills, come back and tell anything? So if that is your belief, go on waiting for that last day, but you will wait for ever and ever in vain.'

Then the seventh said: 'If I believed in heaven and hell and so in life after death, I should believe that birds and animals would live on too; some of them are as decent and rational as human beings. But they say that animals have no life after death, so I say that people do not either. The cases are identical, one follows from the other. What is man but an animal?'

The eighth, who was standing behind him, came forward and said: 'Believe in heaven if you like, but I do not believe in hell. God is omnipotent, isn't He, and can save everyone?'

[6] Then the ninth shook his hand and said: 'God is not only omnipotent, but also gracious. He could not send anyone to everlasting fire; and if there is anyone there, He would take him out and raise him up.'

The tenth left his place and hurried to the middle saying: 'Neither do I believe in hell. Did not God send His Son, and did not He make expiation and take away the sins of the whole world? What power then has the devil against that? And if he has none, what then becomes of hell?'

The eleventh, who was a priest, was angry to hear this and said: 'Don't you know that those who have acquired faith, on which Christ's merit is imprinted, are saved, and that those whom God chooses acquire that faith? So the choice is at the discretion of the Almighty, and it depends upon His judgment who are worthy. Can anyone dispute this?'

The twelfth, who was a politician, kept silence. But when asked to sum up the replies, he said: 'I shall not offer any profound statements about heaven, hell and life after death, because there is no one who knows anything about them. But still you should not abuse the priests, but allow them to go on preaching about them. For in this way the minds of the common people are kept by an invisible bond subject to the laws and their rulers. And is this not the key to the preservation of Society?'

[7] We were astonished to hear such sentiments and said to one another: 'Although these people call themselves Christians, they are neither human beings nor animals, but human animals., However, to rouse them from their sleep we said: 'Heaven and hell do exist, and there is a life after death. You will be convinced of this when we dispel your ignorance about your present state. For everyone for some days after death is totally unaware that he is no longer living in the same world as formerly. The time that has passed is like a sleep, and when anyone wakes from it, he feels he is exactly where he was. It is the same with you at present, and this is why you spoke exactly as you thought in the previous world.'

Then the angels dispelled their ignorance, so that they saw they were in another world and among people they did not know. 'Oh, where are we?' they cried. 'You are no longer,' we said, 'in the natural world, but in the spiritual world and we are angels.'

Then, when they had woken up, they said: 'If you are angels, show us where heaven is.' 'Stay here a little while,' we replied, 'and we will come back.' After half an hour we returned and found them waiting for us, so we said: 'Follow us and we will take you to heaven.' They did so, and we went up with them, and since we were with them the guards opened the gate and let us in. We told those who received the newcomers on the threshold to examine them. So they turned them around, and saw that the backs of their heads were largely hollowed out. Then they said: 'Begone from here, for you find pleasure in the love of evil-doing, so you can have no link with heaven. In your hearts you have denied the existence of God and have despised religion.' 'Don't delay,' we told them, 'otherwise you will be thrown out.' So they hastened back down and were gone.

[8] On the way home we talked about the reason why those in this world who take pleasure in evil-doing have the backs of their heads hollowed out. I stated the reason, that human beings have two brains, one in the back of the head, which is called the cerebellum, the other in the front of the head, which is called the cerebrum. The cerebellum is the seat of loving on the part of the will, the cerebrum that of thinking on the part of the understanding. When the thought of the understanding does not guide the love of the will, the inmost regions of that person's cerebellum, which are in themselves heavenly, collapse; this causes the hollowing out.

True Christian Religion #160 (Ager, 1970)

160. Second memorable relation:

At one time in company with some angels I was walking in the world of spirits (which is intermediate between heaven and hell, and which all men enter first after death, the good being there made ready for heaven and the evil for hell), and I talked with them on various subjects, on this among others: That in the world where I am living in the body there are seen at night innumerable stars, larger and smaller, which are so many suns, only the light of which reaches our solar system; and I added, "When I saw that stars are visible in your world also I supposed them to be as numerous as those in the world where I live."

The angels, delighted with this conversation, said, "Perhaps they are, since every society of heaven, in the sight of those who are under heaven, sometimes shines like a star; and the societies of heaven are numberless, all arranged in order according to the varieties of the affections of the love of good; which affections in God are infinite, and thus from Him are numberless; and as these were all foreseen before creation, I suppose that in accord with their number there have been provided, that is, created, an equal number of stars in the world where the men live who were to be natural-material bodies."

[2] While we were talking together in this way I saw in the north a leveled way, so crowded with spirits that there was scarcely room to step between any two; and I said to the angels that I had already seen this way, with spirits thronging it like an army; and that I had heard that this is the way by which all pass when departing from the natural world. And the way is covered with such a vast number of spirits because many thousands of men die every week, and after death they all pass into this world.

The angels added, "This road terminates in the middle of this world where we now are-in the middle because on the sides towards the east there are societies who are in love to God and love towards the neighbor, and to the left towards the west societies of those who are opposed to these loves; while in front towards the south are societies of those who are more intelligent than the others. This is why the newcomers from the natural world move first to this point. When here, they are in the externals in which they had last been in the former world. Afterwards they are gradually let into their internals, and their characters are examined; and after the examination the good are borne to their places in heaven and the evil to theirs in hell."

[3] We stopped at the middle point, at the termination of this way of entrance, and we said, "Let us wait here awhile and talk with some of the newcomers." And from those approaching we picked out twelve, who having just come from the natural world did not know but that they were in it still. We asked them their views of heaven and hell and the life after death.

One replied, "Our sacred order impressed upon me the belief that we are to live after death, and that there is a heaven and a hell; and therefore I have believed that all who live a moral life go to heaven; and as all do live a moral life, that no one goes to hell; and therefore that hell is a fable manufactured by the clergy to frighten men from evil living. What does it matter whether I think about God in this way or that, Thought is only chaff, as it were, or like a bubble on the water that bursts and passes away."

Another near him said, "It is my belief that there is a heaven and a hell; and that God rules heaven, and the devil rules hell; and as they are enemies, and therefore opposed to each other, one calls evil what the other calls good; also that a moral man who is a dissembler, and who can make evil look like good and good like evil, will side with both parties. What, then, does it matter whether I am on the side of one Lord or the other, providing He favors me? Good and evil are equally delightful to men."

[4] A third, standing beside him, said, "Of what consequence is it to me to believe that there is a heaven and a hell? For who has come from either place and told us of them? If every man lives after death, why, out of so vast a multitude, has no one come back and told us?"

Next came a fourth, who said, "I will tell you why no one has come back and told. It is because when a man breathes his last and dies, he either becomes a ghost and is dissipated, or is like the breath of the mouth, which is merely wind. How can a being like that come back and talk with anyone?"

The fifth took up the matter and said, "Friends, wait till the day of the last judgment; for all will then return into their bodies, and you will see and talk with them, and each one will tell his fate to the other."

[5] A sixth, standing opposite, laughed and said, "How can the spirit, which is wind, return into a body that has been eaten up by worms, and into its skeleton that has been dried up by the sun and has crumbled into dust? Or how is an Egyptian, who has been made a mummy and mixed by a quack with extracts or emulsions into a potion or powder, to come back and tell anything? Therefore, if you have the faith, wait till that last day; but your waiting will be forever, and forever in vain."

After him a seventh said, "If I believed in a heaven and a hell, and therefore in a life after death, I would also believe that birds and beasts live after death likewise. Are not some of these quite as moral and as rational as men? It is denied that beasts live after death, therefore I deny that men do. The reasoning is equally good; one follows from the other. What is man but an animal?"

An eighth, standing at his back, came forward and said, "Believe in a heaven if you will, but I do not believe in any hell. Is not God omnipotent and able to save everybody?"

[6] Then a ninth, caressing his hand, said, "God is not only omnipotent He is also gracious; and cannot send anyone into eternal fire; and if anyone is there He cannot but take him out and raise him up."

A tenth ran out of his place into the midst and said, "Neither do I believe in a hell. Did not God send His Son, and did He not make expiation for the sins of the whole world and take them away? What can the devil do against that? And as he can do nothing, what then is hell?"

An eleventh, who was a priest, took fire at hearing this, and said, "Do you not know that those who have attained to the faith on which Christ's merit is inscribed are saved, and that those attain to that faith whom God elects. Does not election rest in the will of the Almighty, and in His judgment as to who are worthy of it? Who can prevail against these?"

The twelfth, who was a politician, kept silent; but being asked to crown the replies, he said, "From my own thought I will not say anything about heaven and hell and the life after death, since no one knows anything about them; nevertheless you should not blame the priests for preaching them; for in that way the minds of the vulgar are kept bound by an invisible bond to the laws and to their rulers. Does not the public welfare depend upon this?"

[7] We were amazed to hear such things as these, and we said to each other, "Although these go by the name of Christians they are neither men nor beasts, but they are men-beasts." However, to arouse them from their sleep we said, "There is a heaven and a hell and a life after death; of this you will be convinced when we have dispelled your ignorance of the state of life in which you now are. During the first few days after death no one knows but that he is still living in the same world in which he lived before; for the time that has passed is like a Sleep, on being awakened from which he had no other feeling than that he still is where he was before. So is it with you now; and therefore you have been speaking just as you thought the former world."

The angels then dispelled their ignorance; and they saw that they were in another world, and among those with whom they were not acquainted; and they cried out, "O where are we?"

We said, "You are no longer in the natural world, but in the spiritual world, and we are angels."

Then, being quite awake, they said, "If you are angels, show us heaven."

We replied, "Wait here a little, and we will return." And returning after half an hour we found them waiting for us; and we said, "Follow us into heaven." They did so, and we went up with them, and because we were with them the guards opened the gate and admitted us.

And we said to those who receive newcomers at the entrance, "Examine these men."

And they turned them about and saw that the hinder parts of their heads were quite hollow. They then said to them, "Go away from here, for there is in you the delight of the love of doing evil; therefore you are not in conjunction with heaven; for in your heads you have denied God and have despised religion."

And we said to them, "Do not delay, or you will be cast out." So they hastened down and departed.

[8] On the way home we talked about the reason why in the spiritual world the back parts of the head of those who take delight in doing evil are hollow. And I gave as the reason that man has two brains, one behind, called the cerebellum, and one in front called the cerebrum; and the love of the will dwells in the cerebellum, and the thought of the understanding in the cerebrum; and whenever the thought of the understanding does not guide the love of man's will the inmosts of the cerebellum, which in themselves are heavenly, collapse; hence the hollowness.

True Christian Religion #160 (Dick, 1950)

160. The second experience. I once walked in the company of angels in the world of angels in the world of spirits, which lies between heaven and hell, and which all men enter after death, where the good are prepared for heaven and the wicked for hell. I conversed with them on many subjects, and I said that in the world where I lived in the body, there appeared at night innumerable larger and smaller stars, which were so many suns, that only transmitted their light into the world of our sun; and that when I observed that stars were visible in their world also, I supposed that they were as numerous as in the world where I lived. The angels, pleased with this remark, replied that perhaps they were as numerous, since every society in heaven sometimes shone as a star to those who are underneath heaven. They said that the societies in heaven are innumerable, all being arranged according to the varieties of the affections of their love of good, which in God are infinite, and consequently by derivation from Him are innumerable. As these were foreseen before creation, I suppose their number was foreseen, and so a like number of stars was provided, that is, created, in the world where men were to live in a natural, material body.

[2] As we were conversing in this way I saw towards the north a paved way so crowded with spirits that there was scarcely room to step between any two of them. I told the angels that I had seen this road before, with spirits moving along it like companies of an army; that I had heard that this was the road along which passed all spirits on their departure from the natural world; and that it was crowded with such a vast number of spirits because many thousands of men died every week, all of whom, after death, entered that world. To this the angels added: "That road comes to an end in the centre of this world where we now are; and it does so because on the side towards the east are the societies that are in love to God and love towards the neighbor. On the left towards the west are the societies of those who are in the opposite loves, while forward, towards the south are the societies of those who excel others in intelligence; therefore all on arriving from the natural world proceed first to this point. While they are here they continue in the external life in which they last were in the former world; but afterwards they gradually enter into their own inner life, and their characters are examined. After examination the good are conducted to their own places in heaven, and the wicked to theirs in hell."

[3] We stopped at the centre where the crowded way terminated, and said: "Let us stay here awhile and talk with some of the new-comers." From the crowd as it moved on we chose twelve, and as they had all just arrived from the natural world they did not know but that they were still there. We asked them their views about heaven and hell, and a life after death. In reply to this one of them said: "Our clergy impressed upon me the belief that we shall live after death, and that there is a heaven and a hell. Consequently I have believed that all who live a moral life go to heaven, and since all do live a moral life, that no one goes to hell; and that hell therefore is a fable, invented by the clergy to deter men from living wickedly. What matters it how I think about God? Thought is only like chaff, or like a bubble on the water which bursts and is gone."

Another near him said: "My belief is that heaven and hell exist, and that God rules heaven and the devil hell: and because they are enemies, and consequently opposed to each other, the one calls evil what the other calls good. I think also that the moral man, who can dissemble, and who can act so as to make evil appear good and good evil, sides with both. What does it signify whether I am under the one master or the other, if he is but kind to me? Evil and good equally give delight to men."

[4] A third, standing beside him, said: "What advantage is it to me if I believe in the existence of heaven and hell? Who has ever come from them and described them? If every man were living after death, why should not one from so great a multitude have returned and reported the fact?"

A fourth near him said: "I will tell you why no one has returned and reported. When a man has breathed out his spirit and died, he then becomes a spectre and dissolves away; or he is like the breath of the mouth, which is only wind. How can such a thing return and speak with any one?"

A fifth following him said: "Wait, my friends, till the day of the last judgment, for all will then return to their own bodies, and you will see them and speak with them, and each will tell the other what has befallen him."

[5] A sixth, who was standing opposite, laughed and said: "How can a spirit that is wind, return into a body eaten up by worms, or into a skeleton dried up by the sun and reduced to dust? How can an Egyptian, turned into a mummy, which has been compounded by the apothecary with extracts and emulsions, and swallowed in potions and powders, return and give a report? Wait then, if such is your belief, till the last day; but your waiting, even to eternity, will be in vain."

After this one a seventh said: "If I believed in heaven and hell, and consequently in a life after death, I would also believe that birds and beasts likewise continued to live: for are not some of them as moral and rational as men? It is denied that beasts live after death; therefore I deny that men do. The reasoning is the same in each case; the one follows from the other, for what is man but an animal?"

An eighth standing behind him came forward and said: "Believe if you will there is a heaven, but I do not believe there is a hell. Is not God omnipotent, and able to save every one?"

[6] Then a ninth, touching this one's hand, said: "God is not only omnipotent, but He is also merciful, and cannot send any one into eternal fire; and if any one should be there, He cannot but take him out and lift him up."

A tenth, running out from his place into their midst, exclaimed: "I also do not believe in hell. Did not God send His Son, who atoned for and took away the sins of the whole world? What power has the devil against that? And since he has no power, what then is meant by hell?"

An eleventh, who was a priest, flaring up as he heard this, said: "Do you not know that those are saved who have obtained the faith on which is inscribed the merit of Christ, and that those whom God elects obtain that faith? Election is according to the will of the Almighty, and His judgment determines who are worthy of it. Who can prevail against these Divine prerogatives?"

The twelfth, who was a politician, remained silent; but on being pressed to sum up the replies, he said: "I shall express no positive opinion about heaven and hell, and the life after death, for no one knows anything about them. Nevertheless you should allow the clergy, without abusing them, to preach such things; for in this way the minds of the common people are kept bound to laws and rulers by all invisible chain. Upon this hangs the public welfare."

[7] We were amazed to hear such opinions, and said to one another: "Although these are called Christians, they are not men; neither are they beasts, but are men-beasts." However in order to rouse them from their sleep, we said: "There is a heaven, and a hell, and a life after death. You will be convinced of this as soon as we have dispelled your ignorance concerning the state of life in which you now are. For in the first days after death every one imagines he is still living in the same world in which he was before, the past seeming like a sleep: and when a person awakes, he seems to be where he formerly lived. Thus it is with you to-day; therefore you have spoken just as you thought in the former world." As their ignorance was dispelled by the angels they saw they were now in another world among persons they did not know, and they called out, "Where are we?" We replied: "You are no longer in the natural world, but are now in the spiritual world, and we are angels." Then, after they were thoroughly wakened up, they said: "If you are angels, show us heaven." However, we answered: "Stay here for a short time, and we will return." On returning half an hour later we saw them awaiting us, and we said, "Follow us to heaven." They followed and we went up together. As we were with them, the keepers of the gate opened it and admitted us. We then asked those who received new arrivals at the entrance to examine them. They turned them round and saw that the back parts of their heads were quite hollow; and they said: "Depart from this place, because the delight of your love is to do evil, and you have no conjunction with heaven; for in your hearts you have denied God and despised religion." Thereupon we said to them: "Make no delay, for otherwise you will be cast out." So they hastened down and departed.

[8] On the way home we spoke of the reason why in the spiritual world the back of the head are hollow with those whose delight is to do evil. I said the reason was this: man has two brains, one in the back part of the head, called the cerebellum, and the other in the front, called the cerebrum. In the cerebellum resides the love of the will, and in the cerebrum the thought of the understanding: and when the thought of the understanding does not lead the love of a man's will, the inmost parts of the cerebellum, which in themselves are heavenly, collapse, and a hollowness is the result.

Vera Christiana Religio #160 (original Latin,1770)

160. SECUNDUM MEMORABILE: Quondam in comitatu cum Angelis ambulavi in Mundo spirituum, qui medius est inter Coelum et Infernum, in quem omnes homines post mortem primum veniunt, et praeparantur, boni ad Coelum, et mali ad Infernum, et colloquutus cum illis de pluribus, inter quae etiam de hoc, quod in Mundo, ubi sum corpore, tempore noctis, innumerabiles Stellae, majores et minores, appareant, et quod illae sint totidem soles, qui modo lucem in Mundum nostri solis transmittunt; et cum vidi, quod in vestro Mundo etiam conspiciantur Stellae, autumavi quod hae totidem sint, quot in Mundo, ubi sum: Angeli ex hoc sermone delectati, dicebant, quod forte totidem sint, quoniam unaquaevis Societas Coeli, coram illis qui sub coelo sunt, quandoque lucet sicut Stella, et Societates Coeli sunt innumerabiles, omnes ordinatae secundum varietates affectionum amoris boni, quae in Deo infinitae sunt, et inde ex Illo innumerabiles; et quia hae ante creationem praevisae sunt, arbitror quod secundum illarum numerum provisae, hoc est, creatae sint totidem Stellae in Mundo ubi homines, qui in naturali materiali corpore erunt.

[2] Cum ita confabulabamur, vidi in septentrione Viam stratam, Spiritibus ita constipatam, ut vix vestigii locus daretur inter duos, et dixi Angelis, quod hanc viam etiam prius viderim, ac Spiritus sicut turmas exercitus super 1 illa, et quod audiverim, hanc viam esse, quam omnes, qui e Mundo naturali decedunt, pertranseunt: quod Via illa tanto numero Spirituum operta sit, est causa, quia aliquot myriades hominum quavis septimana obeunt, et omnes illi post mortem in hunc Mundum transmigrant: his addiderunt Angeli, quod via illa terminetur in hoc Mundo in ejus medio, ubi jam nos sumus; quod in medio ejus, sit causa, quia a latere versus Orientem sunt Societates quae in Amore in Deum et erga proximum sunt, et ad sinistrum versus Occidentem Societates ex illis qui contra illos amores sunt, et antrorsum in meridie Societates ex illis qui intelligentiores reliquis sunt; inde est, quod recentes e Mundo naturali huc primum alluant: quando hic sunt, tunc in externis, in quibus proxime in priori Mundo fuerunt, sunt, et postea successive immittuntur in sua interna, explorantur quales sunt, et post explorationem feruntur boni ad sua loca in Coelo, et mali ad sua loca in Inferno.

[3] Constitimus in medio, in quod terminabatur via affluxus, et diximus, moremur hic parumper, et loquamur cum quibusdam novis advenis; et ex alluentibus elegimus duodecim; et quia omnes erant recentes ex Mundo naturali, non sciebant aliter, quam quod adhuc ibi essent; et interrogavimus illos, quid de COELO ET INFERNO, et quid de VITA POST MORTEM, sentiunt; ad quae UNUS ex illis respondit, quod Sacer noster Ordo impresserit mihi fidem, quod victuri simus post mortem, et quod Coelum et Infernum sint, et inde ego credidi, quod omnes qui moraliter vivunt, in Coelum veniant, et quia omnes moraliter vivunt, quod nemo in Infernum, et sic quod Infernum sit fabula efficta a Clero, ut deterreantur a male vivere: quid refert, si 2 de Deo cogitem ita vel ita; cogitatio est modo sicut gluma aut bulla super aqua, quae diffluit et abit. ALTER prope illum dixit, mea fides 3 est, quod Coelum et Infernum sint, et quod Deus regat Coelum et Diabolus Infernum, et quia hostes sunt, et inde sibi oppositi, unus vocat malum quod alter bonum, et quod moralis homo simulator, qui potest facere ut malum appareat sicut bonum et bonum sicut malum, ab utriusque parte stet; quid tunc interest, sive cum uno aut altero Domino sim, modo faveat; jucundat homines aeque malum ac bonum.

[4] TERTIUS a latere ejus dixit; quid mea refert, si credam quod Coelum et Infernum sint, nam quis inde venit et narravit; si omnis homo post mortem viveret, cur non ex tanta multitudine unus rediisset et nuntiavisset. QUARTUS juxta illum dixit, informabo te cur non aliquis redierit et nuntiaverit; causa est, quia homo dum exspiravit animam, et mortuus est; tunc vel fit larva et dissipatur, vel est sicut spiritus oris, qui modo est ventus; quomodo potest talis redire, et cum aliquo loqui. QUINTUS excepit et dixit, amici, exspectate ad diem Ultimi judicii, quia omnes tunc redibunt in sua corpora, et videbitis illos, et loquemini cum illis, et narrabit tunc quisque sua fata alteri.

[5] SEXTUS e diametro stans, et ridens dixit, quomodo potest spiritus, qui est ventus, redire in corpus a vermibus exesum, et simul in ejus sceleton Sole exustum ac in pulverem dilapsum, et quomodo aliquis Aegyptius factus Mumi, et a pharmacopola immixtus extractis vel emulsis, epotis aut comestis, redire et aliquid narrare, 4 quare exspectate si vobis est fides, ultimum illum diem, sed exspectatione perenni et perenni frustra. SEPTIMUS post hunc dixit, si crederem Coelum et Infernum, et inde vitam post mortem, crederem etiam aves et bestias aeque victuras; suntne aliquae ex his aeque morales et rationales ut homines; negatur quod bestiae vivant, quare ego nego quod homines; est par ratio, unum sequitur ex altero; quid homo nisi animal. OCTAVUS a tergo hujus stans accessit et dixit, credite si vultis Coelum, sed ego non credo Infernum; estne Deus Omnipotens, et potest salvare unumquemvis.

[6] Tunc NONUS palpans manum ejus, et dixit, Deus non modo est Omnipotens, sed etiam gratiosus; non potest aliquem mittere in ignem aeternum, et si quis ibi est, non potest quin illum inde eximat et attollat. DECIMUS excurrit ex ordine in medium, et dixit, nec ego credo Infernum; nonne Deus misit Filium suum, et Ille expiavit et sustulit totius Mundi peccata; quid tunc valet Diabolus contra id, et quia non valet, quid tunc Infernum. UNDECIMUS, qui fuit Sacerdos, hoc audito excanduit, et dixit, numne scis, quod illi qui adepti sunt fidem, cui meritum Christi inscriptum est, salventur, et quod illi quos Deus eligit, adipiscantur illam fidem; estne Electio in Arbitrio Omnipotentis, et in Ipsius Judicio, quinam sunt digni; quis potest contra illa. DUODECIMUS, qui erat Politicus, tacuit, at rogatus ut coronaret responsa, dixit, non quicquam de Coelo, Inferno et de Vita post mortem e pectore expromam, quoniam de illis non quisquam aliquid scit, sed usque absque vituperatione sinite, ut Sacerdotes praedicent illa, sic etenim mentes vulgi ab invisibili vinculo tenentur obstrictae legibus et ducibus, pendetne ab hoc Salus publica.

[7] Nos talibus auditis obstupuimus, et diximus inter nos, hi tametsi Christiani nominantur, non sunt homines nec bestiae, sed homines bestiae: verum ad excitandum illos e somno, diximus, est Coelum et Infernum, et est Vita post mortem; quod sint, convincemini, dum ignorantiam de statu vitae, in quo nunc estis, discutimus; quisque enim primis diebus post mortem, non aliter scit, quam quod adhuc vivat in eodem Mundo, in quo prius, tempus enim praeterlapsum est sicut somnus, ex quo cum quis expergiscitur, non sentit aliter quam quod sit ubi fuit; simile est cum vobis hodie, quare loquuti estis similiter ut cogitavistis in Mundo priori: et Angeli excusserunt ignorantiam, et tunc se viderunt in alio Mundo, ac inter illos, quos non cognoverunt, et tunc exclamabant, oh ubi sumus; et diximus, non amplius in Mundo naturali sed in Mundo spirituali, et nos sumus Angeli: tunc post evigilationem, dixerunt, si estis vos Angeli, monstrate nobis Coelum, et respondebamus, moremini hic paulisper, et redibimus, et post semissem horae reversi vidimus illos exspectantes nos, et diximus, sequimini nos in Coelum, et sequuti sunt, et cum illis ascendimus, et quia nos eramus cum illis, custodes aperiebant portam, et immittebant; et nos diximus illis, qui in limine excipiebant advenas, explorate illos; et illi circumverterunt illos, et viderunt quod Occipitia illorum essent valde excavata; et tunc dixerunt, recedite ab hinc, quia jucundum amoris malefaciendi vobis est, et inde non conjuncti estis Coelo, cordibus enim vestris negavistis Deum, et sprevistis religionem: et nos tunc diximus illis, ne moremini, quia alioquin ejiciemini, et festinabant deorsum et abiverunt.

[8] In via domum loquuti sumus de causa, cur Occipitia illorum, quibus jucundum malefaciendi est, in hoc Mundo excavata sint, et dixi hanc causam, quod homini duo Cerebra sint, unum in Occipitio, quod vocatur Cerebellum, et alterum in Frontispicio, quod vocatur Cerebrum, et quod in Cerebello habitet amor voluntatis, et in Cerebro cogitatio intellectus, et quod dum cogitatio intellectus non ducit amorem voluntatis hominis, intima Cerebelli, quae in se coelestia sunt, concidant, inde Excavatio.


1. Prima editio: fuper.
2. Prima editio: fi.
3. Prima editio: fides.
4. Prima editio: narrave.

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