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《真实的基督教》 第162节



真实的基督教 #162 (火能翻译,2015)

162. 第四個經歷:

靈中引起一番爭論, 就是:若沒有由主而來的幫助, 人是否能從聖言中明白任何神性的真理?他們達成共識:若沒有上帝的幫助, 我們沒有哪個能明白真理, 因為"若不是從天上賜的, 人就不得得什麼"(約翰福音3:27)。於是辯論的話題是:如果不是直接接近主, 能否在聖言中明白真理?一方認為, 我們必須直接面對主, 因為祂是聖言(是道)。另一方認為, 若直接面向父上帝, 也可以明白教義這真理。

於是, 爭論集中於原點:基督徒可否允許繞過主,徑直接近父上帝?有人就問:"這豈不是錯誤的,危險的,傲慢的和粗暴的作法嗎?因為主說過, 若不通過祂,無人能到父那裡(約翰福音14:6)?"

於是他們把這點放在一邊。然後他們說, 人能靠著自己屬世的光照從聖言中看到教義之真理; 不過這點又被否決了。因此他們堅持說, 只要向父上帝禱告, 就能明白聖言中的真理。

於是, 向他們讀一段聖言, 然後他們跪下求父上帝光照他們。關於讀給他們聽的聖言, 他們聲明各樣的觀點, 認為是對的, 其實都是錯了。這樣的情形試了多次, 他們也變得不耐煩了, 最後他們承認並不能做到。反而另一邊的靈, 就是直接接近主的那些靈, 能看到真理, 並告訴了其他靈。

[2]當辯論結果已經明確後, 從深坑上來一些靈, 乍看起來像蝗蟲, 然後又像侏儒。他們就是那些在世上向父上帝禱告之人, 並自我確證"唯信稱義"這個教義。他們和(啟示錄9:1-11)中描寫之人一樣。

他們聲稱能基於聖言,清晰地看出"唯信稱義"這個教義, 就是:人僅憑信仰就可得救, 而無需律法規定的行為; 還說能從聖言中證明如此。他們被問道:"信哪個?"


然而, 在他們被檢驗之後, 他們從天國被告知:他們甚至不知道聖言中任何一點教義之真理。他們反駁說, 他們確實在光明之中看到這些真理。然而他們被告知, 那些光是迷惑之光。


於是他們被告訴:"迷惑之光就是強化偽謬的光。這光對應於貓頭鷹和蝙蝠的光——因為對它們來說, 黑暗就是光明,光明就是黑暗。"

事實證明, 當這些靈抬頭望天時, 儘管那裡是真光, 但他們卻看到黑暗; 當往下看深坑時-他們從那裡來, 卻看到光明。

[3]這個證明令他們生氣了, 他們說, 這只不過說明光與暗並非真實的存在, 只是根據眼睛所處的環境而讓我們稱光為光,暗為暗而已。這就說明了他們的光只是迷惑之光,來自於對偽謬的強證。這樣的光只不過是從他們欲望之火生發的思想活動。貓也享受這同樣的光, 燃起的對老鼠的欲望, 令它們的眼睛晚間在地窖中亦像燭光。

聽到這些, 他們更加生氣, 堅持說他們並非貓, 也不像貓, 因為只要他們想,就能看見。然而他們離開了, 因為他們害怕被問到:為什麼他們不想看見?他們下到坑裡去了, 那裡的靈也被天人稱為貓頭鷹和蝙蝠, 還有蝗蟲。

[4]當他到了坑中, 回到同類之中, 告訴同類們:"天人說我們看不見任何教義真理, 一個都不能; 他們稱我們是貓頭鷹,蝙蝠和蝗蟲啊!"於是引起一陣騷動。

"讓我們向上帝禱告, "他們的同類說:"許我們上去向他們證明, 我們擁有如此多真理的教導, 連天人自己都將承認。"

因為他們向上帝禱告, 他們的要求被許可了。於是他們上來, 數量有三百之多。當他們出現在地面時, 他們說:"在世時, 我們聞名於世,非常有名, 因為我們明白並教導'唯信稱義'的奧秘。支持這個教義的大量證據不僅讓我們在光中看見, 甚至在閃亮的陽光之下看見, 現在我們仍能如此。然而我聽同伴說, 你們說這樣的光並非光,而是黑暗。因為照你們所說, 我們從聖言中看不到任何教義之真理。我們曉得, 所有聖言之真理會發光, 我們深信這就是當我們深思這些奧秘時思想發光的源泉。因此我們會證明擁有聖言中大量的真理。"

他們說:"我們不是擁有三一的真理嗎?就是父上帝,子和聖靈, 我們當信聖三一。我們不是擁有這個真理, 就是基督是我們的救贖主和拯救主嗎?我們不是擁有這個真理, 就是唯獨基督是義, 唯有祂有功德, 如何任何人想把任何基督的功德和義歸給自己的話, 那是錯誤和不虔誠的嗎?我們不是擁有這個真理, 就是無人能靠自己行屬靈的良善, 一切良善的本身都來自上帝嗎?我們不是擁有這個真理, 就是邀功之善和虛偽之善確實存在, 這類的善其實是惡?我們不是擁有這個真理, 就是我們當有好行為嗎?我們不是擁有這個真理, 就是人當信上帝, 每個人當過著與信仰相稱的生活嗎?還有許多從聖言而來的真理, 你們有誰能否定其中一個呢?然而你們聲稱, 在我們的辯論中毫無真理可言, 甚至一個都沒有。你們豈不是不講道理地把這樣的責備拋給我們呢?"

[5]"你們所列的, 就本身而言, 都是真理。"天人回答:"但是在你們當中, 這些真理已被歪曲了。因為前提錯誤, 它們也就變得錯誤了。

"關於我們的聲明, 我們會給你們看確切的證明。離這不遠有個地方, 天國之光照在那裡。當中有張台, 若哪個把聖言之真理寫在紙上, 放在臺上時, 因為寫在上面的真理, 這張紙會如星星發光。因此請你們將你們的真理寫在紙上, 把它放在那張臺上, 你們將明白。"

他們照做了, 把寫好的紙交給守衛。守衛將這張紙放在臺上, 然後告訴大家:"退後, 看那張台。"

他們往後站並觀察, 看!那張紙開始發光, 像星星般。

然後那守衛說:"你們看, 寫在那張紙上的內容都是真的。現在請靠近, 盯著看那張紙吧。"

他們照著做了。突然光芒消失了, 那張紙變得烏黑, 就像被煤灰抹過一樣。

然後那守衛告訴他們:"用手摸那張紙, 千萬別碰到字。"

當他們伸手一摸, 那張紙就著火燒起來了。他們看到這些之後, 被告知:"倘若你們碰到字, 就會聽到一聲爆炸, 手指也會燒傷。"

站在他們後面的天人說:"你們現在看到了, 這些真理本身是對的, 但被你們濫用來支持所謂"唯信稱義"的奧秘, 就變成了偽謬; 在你們手中, 它們就變成了偽謬。"

然後, 他們抬頭望天, 天向他們顯得像血, 之後完全黑暗。在善靈的眼中, 他們看起來有些像蝙蝠, 有些像貓頭鷹, 有些像角鴞。於是他們一溜煙地回到他們黑暗之處了, 在那裡他們的眼睛閃爍著迷惑之光。

[6]在場的善靈們感到很震驚, 因為之前並不知道這個地方和這張台。然後從南邊有聲音傳來:"來這邊, 你將會看到更神奇之事。"

於是他們過去了, 走進一間屋子, 牆壁發光如黃金。善惡們發現也有一張桌子在當中, 一本聖言擺在上面, 周邊各樣寶石圍繞, 如同天上的樣子。守衛的天人說:"當聖言被打開時, 會從中散發出無法比擬的光亮, 同時這些寶石在上面及周圍閃爍如彩虹。如果此時有三層天的天人靠近並觀看, 這些彩虹就會顯現紅色背景。當二層天的天人靠近觀看時, 就顯出藍色背景。當一層天的天人靠近觀看, 就顯出白色背景。如若一個善靈靠近觀看時, 就會顯出雜色,如同大理石。"

然後, 向眾人展現了這些效果。

那守衛的天人繼續說:"假如某位歪曲聖言者接近, 所有的光芒會消失。如果他再靠近一點盯著聖言觀看, 聖言的周圍就像有血包圍。然後會警告他走開, 否則會有危險。"

[7]不過, 有一位靈, 在世時他是"唯信稱義"教義作品的作者帶領人之一。他上前來說:"當我在世時, 並未歪曲聖言。高奉信的同時, 我也高奉義, 並教導一個人若有信, 當有義的行為, 這樣才被聖靈改造,更新和成聖。我還教導, 信不可獨立存在, 意思是信不可離開好行為, 否則就如同樹沒有果子, 太陽沒有光, 火沒有熱一般。我還批評那些聲稱好行為並非必要之人。還有, 我特別關注十誡和悔改。並小心翼翼地引用聖言中的所有內容來應用於關於信的教義上, 不過我還是揭示並證明出:唯有信才得救。"

本著對自己未曾歪曲聖言的信心, 他走近那桌子, 也不管天人的警告, 徑直去觸摸聖言。從聖言突然爆出火與煙, 並一聲巨響發生爆炸, 把他震到屋子角落, 在那躺了好一陣子, 動彈不得。

善靈對此感到奇怪。不過他們被告知:這位領袖比其它人更推崇信的果子應當有好行為。然而他所指的好行為是歸功於國家,政府和社會的行為, 也就是道德上和公民義務上的責任之行為。是為了塵世的緣故以及在世間的成功, 應當遵守這些行為。這與拯救沒什麼關係。他還想像聖靈會將所做的無形聖工, 在人對此一無所知的情況下, 一點點注入到信的人裡面。

[8]在這之後, 善靈們繼續討論關於歪曲聖言的話題。他們認同一點:歪曲聖言包括取聖言之真理用來證明偽謬。這相當於把真理從聖言中拖出來謀殺掉。例如, 上述那些從深坑上來的靈列舉那麼多真理, 卻應用于現今錯誤的信仰, 還用這真理來抗辯。

另一個例子, 如果某人從聖言中取出這個真理:人當有的義行, 愛自己的鄰舍。如果有人以此來證明:這些事應當行, 但並非為了得救; 因為每個人所行的善並非真正的善, 為了得救就是為了獲取功德等等。那麼這人就是把真理從聖言中拖出來謀殺了。因為主在祂的聖言中要求, 所有想要得救者必須愛他們的鄰舍, 並出於義而對他們行善。


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True Christianity #162 (Rose, 2010)

162. The fourth memorable occurrence. A dispute came up among spirits about whether any of us can see any theological or doctrinal truth in the Word unless we have help from the Lord. All agreed on one point: none of us can see truth in the Word unless we have help from God, because "we cannot receive anything unless it is given to us from heaven" (John 3:27). Therefore the topic of debate was whether any of us can see truth in the Word without going directly to the Lord. One side said that we have to go directly to the Lord because he is the Word. The other side said that we also see doctrinal truth when we go straight to God the Father.

A side topic came up for discussion: whether it is acceptable for any Christian to circumvent the Lord and go directly to God the Father. Someone asked, "Isn't that an improper, dangerous, insolent, and outrageous thing to do, since the Lord says that no one comes to the Father except through him" (John 14:6)?

So the spirits left this point alone. Next they said that we can all see doctrinal truth from the Word in our own earthly light. That was rejected. They insisted nonetheless that we can see truth if we pray to God the Father.

Something from the Word was read to them. They prayed on their knees for God the Father to enlighten them. In reference to the things that had been read to them from the Word, they stated that this or that point there was true, although it was really false. The experiment was repeated several times to the point where it became tiresome. They finally admitted that they could not do it.

Spirits on the side that went directly to the Lord, however, saw things that were true and taught the others.

[2] After the debate had been settled that way, up came some spirits from the abyss. They looked at first like locusts, then like little people. They were spirits who while in the world had prayed to God the Father and had convinced themselves that people are justified by faith alone. They were the same as the spirits depicted by Revelation 9:1-11.

They maintained that in a clear light and also on the basis of the Word they could see that we are justified by faith alone without having to do the works of the Law. They were asked, "By which faith?"

"Faith in God the Father," they answered.

After they were examined, however, they received word from heaven that they did not know even one doctrinal truth from the Word. They countered that they were in fact able to see their own truths in the light. They were told that the light they see them in is faint and deceptive.

"What is faint, deceptive light?" they asked.

They were informed, "Faint, deceptive light is a light that reinforces what is false. It corresponds to the light that owls and bats have - for them darkness is light and light darkness. "

This point was proven by the fact that when the spirits looked up to heaven, where true light exists, they saw darkness, and when they looked down to the abyss where they were from, they saw light.

[3] Irritated by this proof, they said that light and darkness do not really exist; they are just conditions of the eye. It is based only on conditions of the eye that we say light is light and darkness is darkness. It was demonstrated to them, however, that their light was faint and deceptive, a light that reinforced what is false. They were shown that their light was only an activity of their own mind that originated in the fire of their cravings, not unlike the light that cats have, whose eyes look like glowing candles when they are in pantries at night because of their burning appetite for mice.

Angry at hearing this, they said they were not cats and were not like cats, because they could [see] if they wanted to; but they left, because they were afraid of being asked why they did not want to. They made their way down into their abyss. (Those who are down there and others like them the angels call owls and bats, and also locusts.)

[4] When they arrived among their own kind in the abyss and told them, "Angels said we don't know any doctrinal truths, not even one; they called us owls, bats, and locusts, then a riot broke out. "

The spirits there then said, "Let's pray to God to be allowed to go up. We will clearly show we have many doctrinal truths that even the archangels themselves will acknowledge. "

Because they prayed to God, their request was granted. As many as three hundred came up. Once they appeared above the ground they said, "In the world we were famous, we were celebrities, because we knew and taught the secrets of justification by faith alone. On the basis of supporting evidence we saw not just light but a gleaming splendor. The same thing happens now in our little study areas. Yet we have heard from colleagues of ours who were with you that this light is not light but darkness, because according to you we don't have any doctrinal truths from the Word. We know that every truth in the Word shines. It has been our belief that this was the source of the gleaming when we were deeply meditating on our mysteries. Therefore we will demonstrate that we have truths from the Word in great abundance. "

They said, "Don't we have this truth, that there is a Trinity - God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - and that we should all believe in the Trinity? Don't we have this truth, that Christ is our Redeemer and Savior? Don't we have this truth, that Christ alone is justice, and he alone has merit; and we are unjust and ungodly if we try to attribute any of his merit and justice to ourselves? Don't we have this truth, that no people alive can do anything spiritually good on their own, and everything that is truly good comes from God? Don't we have this truth, that there is such a thing as goodness done for reward, and also goodness that is hypocritical, and these types of goodness are actually evil? Don't we have this truth, that we nevertheless have to do good works? Don't we have this truth, that there is such a thing as faith, that we have to believe in God, and as we believe we have life? And many other things from the Word like that. Can any of you deny a single one of those truths? Yet you have said that in our debates there are no truths, not even one. Surely then your harsh statements against us are unwarranted. "

[5] "All the things you listed are truths in themselves," the angels answered, "but among you they have been falsified. They became false because of a false premise.

"We'll give you visible proof of what were asserting. There is a place not far from here where light flows straight in from heaven. In the middle of the place there is a table. When someone puts on the table a piece of paper that has a truth from the Word written on it, because of the truth written on it the piece of paper shines like a star. So write your truths on a piece of paper, allow it to be placed on the table, and you'll see. "

They did. They gave the piece of paper to a guard, who put it on the table. The guard then said to them, "Stand back and look at the table. "

They stood back and watched. Lo and behold, the piece of paper began to shine like a star.

Then the guard said, "You see that the statements you wrote on the piece of paper are true. Now come closer and stare at the piece of paper. "

They did. Suddenly the light vanished and the piece of paper became as black as if it had been coated with soot from a furnace.

Then the guard said, "Touch the piece of paper with your hands, but be careful not to touch the writing. "

When they did, the piece of paper burst into flames and burned up.

After they all saw that, they were told, "If you had touched the writing you would have heard roaring sounds and burned your fingers. "

Some who were standing at the back then said, "Now you see that the truths you have misused to support the mysteries of your justification are true in themselves, but for you they are falsified truths. "

The spirits glanced up at that point and heaven looked like blood to them, and then like thick darkness. To the eyes of angelic spirits some of the spirits from the abyss then looked like bats, some like night birds, some like horned owls. The spirits from the abyss ran off into their own darkness, which looked deceptively bright to their eyes.

[6] The angelic spirits who were there were amazed because they had not known anything about that place and the table there before. Then a voice came to them from the direction of the south saying, "Come here and you'll see something even more amazing. "

So they went. They came into a room with walls that were shining as if made of gold. The angelic spirits saw another table there. On it, the Word lay closed, surrounded by precious stones arranged in a form like heaven.

"When the Word is opened up," said the angel guard, "a light of inexpressible splendor shines out. At the same time, because of the precious stones, a kind of rainbow appears over and around the Word. When an angel from the third heaven comes here, the rainbow over and around the Word appears against a red background. When an angel from the second heaven comes here and looks, the rainbow appears against a sky blue background. When an angel from the lowest heaven comes here and looks, the rainbow appears against a shining white background. When a good spirit comes here and looks, a light appears that is varied like marble. "

The guard visibly demonstrated to them that this was the case.

The angel guard also said, "If any come along who have falsified the Word, first the brightness goes down. If they come close and stare at the Word, something like blood appears around the Word. They are then warned to leave because of danger. "

[7] Nevertheless, someone who had been a leading author in the world on the doctrine that we are justified by faith alone came boldly forward and said, "When I was in the world I didn't falsify the Word. I exalted goodwill along with faith. I taught that the Holy Spirit renews, regenerates, and sanctifies people who are in an ongoing state of faith that leads them to perform acts of goodwill. I taught that faith does not exist by itself, meaning without good works, just as a tree is not good without fruit, the sun without light, or fire without heat. I brought accusations against people who said that good works were not necessary. In addition, I enlarged the role of the Ten Commandments and repentance as well. In an amazing way, then, I applied everything in the Word to the topic of faith. Nevertheless, I revealed and demonstrated that it is faith alone that brings salvation. "

In complete confidence in his own assertion that he had not falsified the Word, he came up to the table. Despite a warning from the angel, he touched the Word. Flame and smoke suddenly shot out of the Word and there was an explosion with a loud bang that threw him into the corner of the room. For quite a few minutes he lay there as if he were dead.

The angelic spirits were astonished by this. It was explained to them that beyond everyone else he had been the main promoter of acts of goodwill as extensions of faith. Nevertheless, by acts of goodwill he had merely meant political activity (also called civic and moral activity) because this needs doing for the sake of the world and our prosperity in it; in his view such activity was unnecessary for our salvation. He also speculated that there is invisible work done by the Holy Spirit - work of which we know nothing - that is instilled in [the activation] of faith in our state.

[8] After that the angelic spirits talked to each other about falsification of the Word. They agreed on the point that to falsify the Word is to take truths out of it and use them to reinforce falsities, which is dragging truths out of and away from the Word and killing them. An example would be taking all the truths listed before by the spirits from the abyss, applying them to the modern-day faith, and explaining them from that point of view. (I will show later [178] that that faith is pregnant with falsities.)

Another example would be to take this truth from the Word: we have to live with goodwill and do what is good to our neighbor. We could reason that everything good that comes from ourselves is not really good since we hope to be rewarded for it, and on that basis convince ourselves that we ought to do what is good, but not for the sake of our salvation. If we adamantly espouse this point of view, however, we are dragging this truth out of and away from the Word and slaughtering it. In his Word, the Lord requires that all who want to be saved must love their neighbors and lovingly do them good.

The same goes for the rest of their list.

True Christian Religion #162 (Chadwick, 1988)

162. The fourth experience 1 .

A dispute arose among some spirits, whether anyone can see any truth on a matter of theological dogma in the Word, unless he is led to it by the Lord. They all agreed that no one can do this except by Divine guidance, because

A man cannot take anything unless it is given him from heaven, John 3:27.

So the argument was about whether anyone can do this, if he does not directly approach the Lord.

One party asserted that the Lord should be directly approached, because He is the Word. The other party held that the truth of doctrine is also seen when God the Father is directly approached. So the dispute centred on this preliminary point, whether any Christian is allowed to approach God the Father directly, and thus go over the Lord's head; and whether this is not improper and rash boldness and insolence. For the Lord says that no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). But they left this point aside and said that man can see the truth of doctrine from the Word by his own natural enlightenment; but this view was rejected. So they insisted that it can be seen by those who pray to God the Father. A passage from the Word was read to them, and then they went down on their knees and prayed God the Father to enlighten them. About the passage read to them from the Word they said that certain things were true, when in fact they were untrue. This happened so many times they became tired of it, and at last admitted that they were unable to tell. However, the other party who directly approached the Lord were able to see the truth, and they told the others.

[2] When this dispute had been decided, some people came up out of the abyss, who looked at first like locusts, but later on like tiny people. They were those who in the world had prayed to God the Father, and convinced themselves of the doctrine of justification by faith alone. They were the same people as are described in Revelation (Revelation 9:1-11). They said that they could see in a clear light the doctrine that man is justified by faith alone without the actions prescribed by the Law, and that they could prove this from the Word. They were asked what faith this was, and they answered: 'Faith in God the Father.' But when they had been examined, they were told from heaven that they did not know a single truth of teaching from the Word. They retorted that they could still see their truths bathed in light.

Then they were told that they saw them by a deceptive light. 'What,' they asked, 'is this deceptive light?' They were told that deceptive light is that which comes from proving what is not true; it corresponds to the light enjoyed by owls and bats, who look upon darkness as light and light as darkness. This was proved to them by the fact that when they looked up to heaven, the source of true light, they saw only darkness, and when they looked down to the abyss from which they had come they saw light.

[3] This proof made them angry, and they said it showed that light and darkness have no real existence, but it is merely the condition of the eye that causes us to call light light and darkness darkness. However, it was shown that their light was the deceptive light which comes from proving what is not true; and that their light was only an activity of their minds arising from the fire of longings, of the same sort as the light enjoyed by cats, whose burning appetite for mice makes their eyes shine by night in cellars like candles.

On hearing this they said angrily that they were not cats or like them, since they could see if they wished. But then they went away, because they were afraid of being asked why they did not wish to see, and plunged into their abyss. The people there and those like them are also called by the angels owls and bats, as well as locusts.

[4] When they met their companions in the abyss and related that the angels had told them that 'we do not know any truth of teaching, not a single one,' and called them owls, bats and locusts, there was a riot. 'Let us pray God,' they said, 'to allow us to go up and we will give a clear demonstration that we possess many truths of teaching, which the archangels themselves will acknowledge.' Since they prayed to God, permission was granted, and they went up, to the number of three hundred.

When they appeared above ground, they said: 'In the world we were well-known and famous, because we knew and taught the secrets of justification by faith alone; and our proofs of this not only allowed us to see the light, but also to see it as a glittering sunbeam, and now we see it in the same way in our cells. Yet we have heard from our companions who visited you that this light is not light, but darkness, because you allege we have no truth of teaching from the Word. We know that every truth in the Word shines, and we have believed that that was what produced the glittering effect when we meditated profoundly on these secrets of ours. We shall therefore demonstrate that we have a vast supply of truths from the Word.'

'Do we not,' they said, 'possess this truth, that there is a Trinity, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that we ought to believe in the Trinity? Do we not possess this truth, that Christ is our redeemer and saviour? Do we not possess this truth, that Christ alone is righteousness, and He alone has merit, and it is wrong and impious if anyone wishes to attribute to himself any of Christ's merit and righteousness? Do we not possess this truth, that no mortal can do of his own accord any spiritual good, and that all good which is good in itself is from God? Do we not possess this truth, that there exist meritorious good and hypocritical good, and that these forms of good are evil? Do we not possess this truth, that none the less good deeds should be done? Do we not possess this truth, that there exists faith, that one ought to believe in God, and that everyone has life in accordance with his belief? We have many truths besides from the Word. Can any of you deny a single one of them? Yet you said that we in our debates do not possess any truth, not a single one. Are you not unjustified in casting such reproaches at us?'

[5] But they received the reply: 'All the statements you quoted are in themselves true, but you have falsified them; by deriving them from a false principle you make them false. We shall give you a visual demonstration that this is so. Not far from here there is a place where the light pours down directly from heaven; in the middle there is a table, and when a piece of paper is placed on it which has a truth from the Word written on it, the paper is caused by the truth written on it to shine like a star. So write your truth on a piece of paper, put it on the table, and you will see.'

They did so and gave it to the custodian, who put it on the table and said to them: 'Go to a distance and watch the table.' They went away and watched, and suddenly the paper shone like a star. Then the custodian said: 'You see that what you wrote on the paper are truths; but come closer and fix your gaze on the paper.' They did so, and suddenly the light went out, and the paper became black as if it had been covered with soot from a chimney. 'Touch the paper with your hands,' the custodian went on, 'but be careful not to touch the writing.' On their doing so, the paper burst into flame and was burnt up. When they saw this, they were told: 'If you had touched the writing, you would have heard an explosion and would have burnt your fingers.'

Then they were told by those who were standing behind: 'You have seen now that the truths which you have misused to prove your secrets about justification are in themselves truths, but in your hands they have became falsified.' Then they looked up, and heaven appeared to them like blood, and later on like total darkness. In the eyes of the angelic spirits these people appeared some like bats, some like owls, some like horned owls. So they fled away to their regions of darkness, which in their eyes shone with a deceptive light.

[6] The angelic spirits present were surprised because previously they had known nothing of that place and the table it contained. Then a voice came to them from the southern quarter which said: 'Come this way and you will see something even more wonderful.' So they went and entered a room, the walls of which shone as if made of gold, and there too they saw a table on which was laid a copy of the Word, surrounded by precious stones in a heavenly pattern. The custodian angel said: 'When the Word is opened, a light shines out from it of indescribable brightness, and at the same time the precious stones give a rainbow effect above and around the Word. When an angel from the third heaven comes near, the rainbow appears above and around the Word on a red background; when an angel comes from the second heaven and looks at it, the rainbow appears on a blue background; when an angel from the lowest heaven comes and looks, the rainbow appears on a white background. When a good spirit comes and looks, there is a variegated effect of light like marble.' They were given a visual demonstration of these effects. The custodian went on to say: 'If anyone approaches who has falsified the Word, first of all the radiance disappears; and if he comes close and fixes his gaze on the Word, the surroundings change to the colour of blood. Then he is warned to go away, as it is dangerous.'

[7] However, a certain person who in the world had been a leading writer on the doctrine of justification by faith alone, came boldly up saying, 'When I was in the world, I did not falsify the Word. Together with faith I also upheld charity, and I taught that a person in a state of faith, in which he acts charitably and does what charity requires, is renewed, regenerated and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. I also taught that there is no such thing as solitary faith, that is, separated from good deeds, just as there is no good tree without fruit, no sun without light, and no fire without heat. I also criticised those who claimed that good deeds were not necessary. Moreover I paid great attention to the Ten Commandments and to repentance, and so made a remarkable application of everything in the Word to my tenets about faith, which still I showed and proved to be the means of salvation.'

Thus confident of his claim not to have falsified the Word he approached the table, and despite the angel's warning touched the Word. There was a sudden burst of fire and smoke from the Word, and a loud explosion was heard which threw him into a corner of the room, where he lay for some time as if dead. The angelic spirits were surprised at this, but they were told that this leader had gone farther than the rest in praising the good deeds of charity as the product of faith; but still he had not put into this category any but political deeds, what are also called moral and civic duties, which need to be performed for the world's sake and one's prosperity there, and have very little to do with salvation. He had also imagined the existence of invisible activity by the Holy Spirit, quite unknown to the person concerned, which is engendered in his faith when he is in that state.

[8] The angelic spirits held a discussion about the falsification of the Word, and agreed that falsifying the Word consists in taking truths from it and using them to prove untrue propositions; this is done by taking truths from the Word out of context and murdering them. For instance, this happens if one uses all the truths mentioned above by the people from the abyss to support the present-day faith, and if one explains them in the light of that faith. It will be shown later that that faith is impregnated with false ideas. Or again, if anyone takes from the Word this truth, that one should show charity, and do good to one's neighbour; if anyone then uses it to prove that these things should be done, but not in order to be saved, since all the good a person does is not really good, because it is a way of seeking merit, that man is dragging that truth from the Word out of context and butchering it. For the Lord in His Word lays the duty on everyone who wants to be saved of loving his neighbour and doing good to him from love. It is the same with the other truths.


1. This section is repeated with minor changes from Apocalypse Revealed 566.

True Christian Religion #162 (Ager, 1970)

162. Fourth Memorable Relation:

A discussion arose among certain spirits, whether one can see any doctrinal truth of theology in the Word except from the Lord. They all agreed in this, that no one can except from God, because:

Man can receive nothing except it be given from heaven (John 3:27).

The discussion, therefore, was whether anyone can do this unless he go directly to the Lord.

On one side it was declared that the Lord must be approached directly, because He is the Word; and on the other that true doctrine may also be seen when God the Father is approached directly. The discussion therefore first turned to this point: Is it permissible for any Christian to approach God the Father directly, thereby climbing over the Lord; and is not this insolence and audacity unbecoming as well as rash, since the Lord says that:

No one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6)?

But they left this point, and said that man can see true doctrine from the Word by his own natural light. This was rejected. Then they insisted that it could be seen by those who pray to God the Father; and something from the Word was read to them, and upon their knees they prayed God the Father to enlighten them; and they said of what had been read to them from the Word that it contained such and such truth; but it was falsity. This was repeated until it became tiresome; and at last they confessed that it could not be done.

But those on the other side who approached the Lord directly saw the truths, and communicated them to the others.

[2] When this discussion had been thus ended, certain spirits ascended from the abyss who at first looked like locusts, and afterwards like dwarfs. They were such as in the world had prayed to God the Father, and had confirmed themselves in the doctrine of justification by faith alone. They were the same as those treated of in Revelation (9:1-11). They said that they saw in clear light, and also from the Word that a man is justified by faith alone without the works of the law.

They were asked, "By what faith?" They answered, "By faith in God the Father." But when they had been examined they were told from heaven that they did not know a single doctrinal truth from the Word. They retorted that still they saw their own truths in light.

They were told that it was a fatuous light in which they saw them. They asked, "What is a fatuous light?" They were told that a fatuous light is the light of the confirmation of what is false, and that it corresponds to the light in which are owls and bats, to which darkness is light and light darkness. This was confirmed to them by the fact that when they looked up to heaven, the abode of light itself, they saw darkness; and when they looked down to the abyss from which they came they saw light.

[3] Nettled by this confirmation they said that light and darkness then are nothing, being a mere state of the eye, according to which light is said to be light and darkness to be darkness. But it was shown that their light was a fatuous light, which is the light of the confirmation of what is false, and that it was nothing but an activity of the mind, arising from the fire of their lusts, not unlike the light with cats, whose eyes at night in cellars, from their burning appetite for mice, look like candles.

Enraged at hearing this, they said they were not cats and were not like cats, for they could see if they wished to.

But fearing they might be asked why they did not wish to see, they withdrew, and let themselves down to their abyss. Those in that abyss and those like them are called by the angels owls and bats and also locusts.

[4] When they had reached their companions in the abyss, and had told them that the angels had said "that we know no doctrinal truth whatever, not a single one; and they called us owls, bats, and locusts," a tumult arose there. And they said, "Let us pray to God for permission to ascend, and we will show clearly that we have many doctrinal truths, which the archangels themselves will acknowledge." And because they prayed to God, permission was given them; and as many as three hundred of them ascended.

And when they appeared above the ground they said, "In the world we were men of celebrity and renown, because we knew and taught the mysteries of justification by faith alone; and from confirmations we not only saw light, but saw it as a glittering radiance, and we see it so still in our cells; and yet we have heard from our companions who were still with you that that light is not light but darkness, for the reason, as you say, that we have no doctrinal truth from the Word. We know that every truth of the Word shines, and we have believed that our radiance, when we meditated profoundly upon our mysteries, came from that source. We will therefore demonstrate to you that we have truths from the Word in abundance." And they said, "Have we not this truth, that there is a trinity, consisting of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and that men ought to believe in the trinity? Have we not this truth, that Christ is our Redeemer and Savior? Have we not this truth, that Christ alone is righteousness, and to Him alone belongs merit, and that any man who wishes to attribute to himself any of Christ's merit and righteousness is himself unrighteous and impious? Have we not this truth, that no mortal man is able of himself to do any spiritual good, but that from God is all good that is good in itself? Have we not this truth, that there are meritorious good and hypocritical good, and that such goods are evil? Have we not this truth, that good works ought nevertheless to be done? Have we not this truth, that there is such a thing as faith, and that men ought to believe in God, and that everyone has life according as he believes; besides many other truths from the Word? Which of you can deny a single one of these? And yet you declared that in our schools we have no truths at all, not even a single one. Have you not cast these charges against us ungraciously?"

[5] But they received this answer, "All these things that you have advanced are in themselves true; but with you they are truths falsified, which are falsities, because they are derived from a false principle. That this is so we will make clear to your sight. Not far from here is a place upon which the light of heaven falls directly, and in the center of it there is a table. Whenever any paper upon which some truth from the Word has been written is placed upon this table, the paper, because of the truth written upon it, shines like a star. Therefore write your truths on a paper, and let the paper be placed on the table, and you will see."

This they did, and gave the paper to a guard, who placed it on the table and said to them, "Stand back and look at the table."

They stood back and looked, and lo, the paper shone like a star.

Then the guards said, "You see that the things you have written on the paper are truths; but come nearer and fix your gaze upon it."

They did so, and suddenly the light vanished and the paper became black, as if covered with soot from a furnace.

The guard said further, "Touch the paper with your hands, but be careful not to touch the writing."

And when they did so a flame broke out and consumed the paper. When they had seen this they were told, "If you had touched the writing you would have heard an explosion and you would have burned your fingers."

Then those standing behind them said, "You now see that the truths which you abused to confirm the mysteries of your justification are truths in themselves, but that in you they are truths falsified."

Then they looked upward, and heaven appeared to them like blood, and presently like thick darkness; and in the eyes of the angelic spirits they appeared, some like bats, and some like owls, and some like horned owls; and they fled away into their own darkness, which to their eyes shone delusively.

[6] The angelic spirits who were present were astonished, for until then they had known nothing of that place or of the table there. And a voice then came to them from the southern quarter, saying, "Come hither, and you will see something still more wonderful."

And they went, and entered a chamber, the walls of which shone like gold, and there also they saw a table on which the Word lay, encircled with precious stones arranged in a heavenly form.

And the angel guard said, "When the Word is opened a light of ineffable brightness shines forth from it; and at the same time there is from the precious stones the appearance of a rainbow above and roundabout the Word. When an angel from the third heaven comes hither there appears above and around the Word a rainbow on a red ground; when an angel from the second heaven comes and looks, a rainbow on an azure ground appears; when an angel from the lowest heaven comes and looks, a rainbow on a white ground appears; when any good spirit comes and looks a variegation of light like marble appears." That this was so was also showed to them visibly.

The angel guard said further, "When anyone who has falsified the Word approaches, at first the splendor is dissipated, and then if he comes near and fixes his eyes on the Word, there arises an appearance of blood about it; and he is admonished to withdraw because there is danger."

[7] But a certain person who in the world had been a leading writer on the doctrine of justification by faith alone, came up boldly and said, "When I was in the world I did not falsify the Word. Together with faith I exalted charity and taught that a man in that state of faith in which he practices charity and its works is renewed, regenerated, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit; also that faith does not exist solitary, that is, separated from good works, as there can be no good tree without fruit, no sun without light, no fire without heat. I also rebuked those who said that good works are not necessary; and even obedience to the commandments of the Decalogue is not necessary; and I made repentance of great importance; and thus in wonderful manner applied everything in the Word to the subject of faith; and yet I made it clear and demonstrated that faith alone is saving."

Confident in this assertion that he had not falsified the Word, this man approached the table, and in spite of the warning of the angel he touched the Word; and suddenly out of the Word there went forth fire and smoke, and there was an explosion and a crash which hurled him to a corner of the room, where he lay like one dead for nearly an hour.

The angelic spirits were astonished at this; but they were told that although this leader had exalted more than others the goods of charity as proceeding from faith, yet he had meant nothing more than political social works, which are also called moral and civil, and which were to be done for the sake of the world and worldly prosperity, but by no means for the sake of salvation; also that he had assumed some hidden works of the Holy Spirit, of which man knows nothing, but which are generated in the act of faith in a state of faith.

[8] The angelic spirits then talked together about the falsification of the Word; and they agreed that falsifying the Word is taking truths therefrom and applying them to confirm falsities; whereby truths from the Word are dragged apart from it and slain; as for example, when any such truths as those quoted above by the spirits from the abyss are applied to the faith of the present day and are explained by that faith, which is impregnated with falsities, as will be shown hereafter; or, again, when one takes from the Word the truth that charity ought to be exercised, and that good ought to be done to the neighbor, and then adds confirmations to show that this ought to be done, but not for the sake of salvation (since no good done by man is good, because meritorious), he drags that truth from the Word apart from the Word, and slays it. For the Lord in His Word enjoins it on every man who wishes to be saved that he must love the neighbor, and from love do good to. So also with other truths.

True Christian Religion #162 (Dick, 1950)

162. The fourth experience. A dispute arose among some spirits as to whether a man can see any theological truth of doctrine in the Word except from the Lord. There was general agreement that no one can do so except from God, because, "A man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven" John 3:27; whereupon the question arose whether this is possible, without approaching the Lord directly. On the one hand it was urged that the Lord ought to be approached directly, because He is the Word; and on the other it was said that true doctrine may be seen when God the Father is approached directly. The debate therefore turned upon this as the main point, whether a Christian may approach God the Father directly, and so pass over the Lord, or whether this is not insolence and presumption, indecent and ill-advised, since the Lord says, that no one cometh to the Father but by Him. However they left this point, and then it was declared that a man can see true doctrine from the Word by the light (lumen) of his own natural intelligence; but this was rejected. It was then urged that such truth can be seen by those who pray to God the Father. Thereupon a portion of the Word was read to them, and on their knees they prayed God the Father to enlighten them; and they declared what was the truth contained in the passage read to them from the Word; but what they said was falsity. This was repeated several times till they got tired, and finally they confessed their inability to discern truths. On the other hand those who approached the Lord directly saw the truth, and disclosed it to them.

[2] When this dispute was thus ended, there ascended from the abyss some spirits who appeared first like locusts, and afterwards like dwarfs. In the world they had prayed to God the Father and had confirmed in themselves the doctrine of justification by faith alone, and they were such as are referred to in Revelation 9:1-11. They maintained that they saw in clear light, and also from the Word, that a man is justified by faith alone without the works of the Law. Being asked by what faith, they replied: "By faith in God the Father." However, after examination, they were told from heaven that they did not understand a single doctrinal truth from the Word. When they insisted that they saw their truths in light, they were told that they saw them in a delusive light. "What is a delusive light?" they asked, and they were informed it is a light arising from the confirmation of falsity and corresponding to the light of owls and bats, to which darkness is light and light darkness.

[3] Proof of this was the fact that when they looked up towards heaven, where is Light itself, they saw darkness, and when they looked down towards the abyss, whence they came, they saw light. Annoyed at this proof, they said that by this reasoning light and darkness are nothing but states of the eye, according to which light is called light and darkness darkness. But it was shown them that theirs was a delusive light, arising from the confirmation of falsity, and that it was merely an activity of their mind, originating in the fire of their lusts, not unlike the light associated with cats, whose eyes, in cellars in the night, appear like blazing candles, because of their burning appetite for mice. When they heard this they became angry, and declared that they were neither cats nor like cats, for they could see if they wished; but fearing they would be asked why they did not wish, they retired and betook themselves to their abyss. Those who dwell there, and others like them, are called by the angels owls and bats, and also locusts.

[4] When they returned to their companions in the abyss, and reported what the angels had said, namely, that they did not know any truth of doctrine, not even one, and that they had been called owls, bats and locusts, a tumult arose; and they said: "Let us pray God for permission to go up, and we will prove clearly that we have many truths of doctrine, which the archangels themselves will acknowledge." As they prayed to God their prayer was granted, and they went up, to the number of three hundred. When they appeared above ground they said: "In the world we were celebrated and renowned because we knew and taught the mysteries of justification by faith alone; and from the proofs which we used we have not only seen the light, but have seen it as a brilliant radiance, and so we see it now in our rooms. Yet we have heard from our companions, who were with you, that that light is not light, but darkness, because, as you said, we have no truth of doctrine from the Word. We know that every truth of the Word shines brightly, and it is our belief that this is the source of our illumination when pondering deeply our mysteries. We will, therefore, prove that we possess truths from the Word in great abundance." Then they continued: "We have this truth, that there is a Trinity, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that we ought to believe in the Trinity. We have this also, that Christ is our Redeemer and Savior. And this, that Christ alone is righteousness, and that merit is His alone; and that he is unjust and wicked who would ascribe to himself any of His merit and righteousness. We have this truth also, that no man can do any spiritual good of himself, and that all good, which is good in itself, is from God. And this, that there is a merit-seeking and a hypocritical good, and that such good is evil. And this, that good works ought to be done. And this, that there is faith, and that men ought to believe in God, and that every one has life according to his belief; besides many other truths derived from the Word. Which of you can deny any of these? And yet you said that in our schools we have not a single truth. Surely you are ungracious in making such a charge against us."

[5] They were then answered as follows: "All those things which you have advanced are true in themselves; but with you they are truths falsified, and these are falsities, because they are derived from a false principle. That this is so we shall give you ocular proof. Not far from here is a place upon which the light of heaven falls directly. In the centre of it there is a table, and if a paper is placed upon it on which is written a truth from the Word, the paper, by virtue of that truth, shines like a star. Therefore, write your truths on a paper, and let it be placed on the table, and you will see." They did so, and gave the paper to an attendant who placed it on the table. He then told them to move away and look at the table. They moved away and looked, and lo! the paper shone like a star. Thereupon the attendant said: "You see that those are truths which you have written on the paper. Now approach nearer, and fix your gaze on the paper." They did so, and suddenly the light disappeared, and the paper became black, as though covered with soot from a furnace. The attendant then said: "Touch the paper with your hands; but take care that you do not touch the writing." When they did so, a flame burst forth and consumed the paper.

When they had seen this they were told that if they had touched the writing, they would have heard a report, and would have had their fingers burnt. Then some who were standing behind said: "You see now that the truths you have misused to confirm the mysteries of your justification theory are truths in themselves, but in you they are truths falsified." They then looked upwards, and heaven appeared to them like blood, and afterwards like thick darkness; and they themselves appeared to the eyes of the angelic spirits, some like bats, some like owls and some like other birds of night. So they fled away into their own states of darkness, which shone in their eyes with a delusive light.

[6] The angelic spirits who were present were astonished, because they had before known nothing of that place and the table there; and presently a voice came to them from the southern quarter saying: "Come this way, and you will see something still more wonderful." So they went, and entered a room whose walls shone like gold; and they saw a table there also, upon which the Word lay, decorated all round with precious stones, arranged in a heavenly design. The angel attendant said: "When the Word is opened, a light of inexpressible brilliance shines from it; and at the same time from the precious stones there arises the appearance of a rainbow over and around the Word. When an angel from the third heaven approaches, there appears over and around the Word a rainbow on a red ground; when an angel from the second heaven approaches and looks at it, the rainbow appears on a blue ground; when an angel from the lowest heaven approaches and looks, the rainbow appears on a white ground; and when a good spirit approaches and looks, there appears a light variegated like marble." The truth of this was then demonstrated to them. The angel attendant continued: "Should any one approach who has falsified the Word, the brightness first vanishes. If he comes nearer and looks on the Word, there arises the appearance of blood around it, and he is then warned to depart, because there is danger."

[7] A certain man, however, who in the world had been a leading writer on the doctrine of justification by faith alone came up boldly and said: "While I was in the world I did not falsify the Word. I exalted charity together with faith, and taught that, in a state of faith in which a man exercises charity and does the works of charity, he is renewed, regenerated and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. In such a case, faith is not alone, that is, without good works, just as a good tree is not without fruit, the sun without light, and fire without heat. I also reproved those who declared that good works were unnecessary. Moreover, in my teaching I insisted on the importance of the Commandments of the Decalogue, and also of repentance; and thus in a wonderful way I made everything in the Word relate to the Article on Faith, which I still explained and proved to be alone saving."

In the confidence of his assertion that he had not falsified the Word, he approached the table, and, disregarding the warning of the angel, he touched the Word. Immediately fire and smoke burst forth from the Word, followed by a crash and an explosion, which hurled him into a corner of the room, where he lay for some time as if dead. The angelic spirits were much surprised at this, but they were informed that this leader more than others had exalted the good works of charity, as if proceeding from faith; but that he meant only those relating to society, called moral and civil, which have as their end the world and worldly prosperity, and which have no regard to salvation. By works too, he had understood some hidden operations of the Holy Spirit, about which man knows nothing, which are generated when he is in a state of faith.

[8] The angelic spirits then conversed with one another about the falsification of the Word. They agreed that to falsify the Word is to select truths from it and apply them to the confirmation of what is false, which is to separate them from the Word and destroy them; for example, to relate all those truths, quoted by the spirits from the abyss, to the faith of the present day, and to explain them in accordance with it. That this faith is impregnated with falsities will be shown in what follows. Consider this truth from the Word, that charity ought to be practiced, and that good should be done to the neighbor. If any one confirms his belief that this should be done, but not for the sake of salvation, since all such good which a man does is for the sake of merit and therefore not really good, he takes that truth from the Word, separates it from the Word, and destroys it. For it is the man who has his salvation in view that the Lord in His Word enjoins to love his neighbor, and from that love to do good to him. So also is it in other cases.

Vera Christiana Religio #162 (original Latin,1770)


Exorta est lis inter Spiritus, num quisquam possit videre aliquod verum doctrinale Theologicum in Verbo, nisi a Domino: in eo convenerunt omnes, quod nemo possit nisi a Deo, quia non potest homo sumere quicquam, nisi sit datum illi e Coelo, 1 Johannes 3:27, quapropter litebatur, num aliquis possit, nisi adeat immediate Dominum; dixerunt ab una parte, 2 quod Dominus directe adeundus sit, quia est Verbum; ab altera parte, quod etiam videatur verum doctrinale, cum Deus Pater immediate aditur; quare declinabat lis in hoc primum, num alicui Christiano liceat Deum Patrem immediate adire, et sic scandere supra Dominum, et annon hoc sit insolentia et audacia indecens et temeraria, quia Dominus dicit, quod nemo 3 veniat ad Patrem nisi per Ipsum, Johannes 14:6: sed hoc reliquerunt, et dixerunt, quod homo possit videre verum doctrinale ex Verbo a suomet lumine naturali, sed hoc rejectum est; quare institerunt, quod videri possit ab illis, qui ad Deum Patrem orant; et lectum est coram illis aliquid ex Verbo, et tunc orabant super genubus, ut Deus Pater illustraret illos, et ad verba quae lecta coram illis ex Verbo, dixerunt, quod hoc et illud esset verum ibi, sed erat falsum; ita aliquoties usque ad taedium; tandem fassi sunt quod non possint: at ab altera [parte], 4 qui immediate adiverunt Dominum, videbant vera, et informabant illos.

[2] Post hanc litem ita diremtam, ascenderunt aliqui ex Abysso, qui apparuerunt primum sicut Locustae, et postea sicut homunciones; erant, qui in Mundo oraverunt ad Deum Patrem, et Justificationem per solam fidem confirmaverunt; erant iidem, de quibus in Apocalypsi 9:1-11, agitur; hi dicebant, quod videant id quod homo justificetur per solam fidem absque operibus legis in clara luce, et quoque ex Verbo; interrogati sunt per quam fidem; responderunt in Deum Patrem; sed postquam explorati sunt, dictum est illis e Coelo, quod ne quidem unum Verum doctrinale ex Verbo sciant; at regesserunt, quod usque videant Vera sua, in luce; tunc dictum est illis, quod videant illa in luce fatua; quaesiverunt, quid est lux fatua, informati sunt, quod lux fatua sit lux confirmationis falsi, et quod illa lux correspondeat luci, in qua sunt Noctuae et Vespertiliones, 5 quibus tenebrae sunt lux, et lux sunt tenebrae: hoc confirmabatur per id, quod cum spectabant sursum ad Coelum, ubi ipsa Lux, viderent tenebras, et cum spectabant deorsum ad Abyssum, unde erant, viderent lucem.

[3] Ex hac confirmatione indignati dixerunt, quod sic Lux et Tenebrae non sint aliquid, sed modo status oculi, ex quo dicitur quod lux sit lux, et quod tenebrae sint tenebrae; at ostensum est, quod Lux fatua, quae est lux confirmationis falsi, illis esset, et quod lux eorum modo esset activitas mentis eorum oriunda ex igne concupiscentiarum, non absimilis luci felum, quorum oculi ex ardente appetitu murium in cellariis nocturno tempore apparent sicut candelae. His auditis irati dixerunt, quod non sint feles, nec sicut feles, quia possunt [videre] 6 si volunt; sed quia timebant interrogationem, cur non volunt, recesserunt; et demiserunt se in Abyssum suam; vocantur 7 etiam illi qui ibi, et similes illis, ab Angelis Noctuae et Vespertiliones, et quoque Locustae.

[4] Dum illi venerunt ad suos in Abysso, et narraverunt quod Angeli dixerint, quod nos non sciamus ullum verum doctrinale, ne quidem unum, et quod appellaverint nos Noctuas, Vespertiliones, 8 et Locustas, factus est ibi tumultus, et dicebant, oremus ad 9 Deum, ut liceat ascendere, et clare demonstrabimus, quod nobis sint multa vera doctrinalia, quae ipsi Archangeli agnoscent; et quia orabant ad Deum, data est venia, et ascenderunt usque ad trecentos, et visi supra terram dixerunt; nos fuimus in Mundo Celebres et Famigerati, quia novimus et docuimus arcana Justificationis per solam fidem, et ex confirmationibus non modo vidimus lucem, sed etiam illam sicut jubar coruscans, et similiter nunc in nostris cellis, et tamen audivimus ex sociis nostris, qui apud vos fuerunt, quod lux illa non esset lux sed tenebrae, ex causa quia non habemus, ut dixistis, ullum Verum doctrinale ex Verbo; scimus quod omne verum Verbi luceat, et credidimus quod inde sit coruscatio nostra dum arcana nostra profunde meditati sumus; quare demonstrabimus quod Vera ex Verbo nobis sint in multa copia; et dixerunt, annon hoc Verum nobis est, quod sit Trinitas, Deus Pater, Filius et Spiritus sanctus, et quod in Trinitatem credendum sit: annon hoc Verum nobis est, quod Christus sit noster Redemptor et Salvator: annon hoc Verum nobis est, quod Christus solus sit 10 Justitia, et quod Ipsi Soli sit Meritum, et quod injustus et impius sit, qui sibi aliquid meriti et justitiae Ipsius vult addicare: annon hoc Verum nobis est, quod nemo mortalium aliquod bonum spirituale possit facere a seipso, et quod omne bonum, quod in se bonum est, sit a Deo: annon hoc Verum nobis est, quod detur bonum meritorium, et hypocriticum, et quod illa bona sint mala: annon hoc Verum nobis est, quod usque bona opera facienda sint: annon hoc Verum nobis est, quod fides sit, et quod in Deum credendum sit, et quod quisque sicut credit, vitam habeat, praeter plura alia ex Verbo; quis vestrum potest negare unum ex illis, et tamen dixistis, quod nobis in nostris palaestris non sit aliquod Verum, ne quidem unum, annon nobis ingratiis talia objecistis.

[5] Sed tunc responsum tulerunt, omnia illa, quae attulistis, in se sunt vera, sed apud vos falsificata, quae ex principio falso trahunt quod sint falsa. Quod ita sit, etiam demonstrabimus ad oculum; est non procul ab hinc locus, in quem lux e Coelo directe influit; est in Medio ibi Mensa; dum super illa aliqua charta, cui Verum ex Verbo inscriptum est, ponitur, charta illa ex Vero inscripto lucet sicut Stella; inscribite, ergo vestra Vera chartae, et ponatur illa super Mensa, et videbitis: fecerunt ita, et dederunt illam custodi, qui posuit illam super Mensa, qui tunc dixit illis, removete vos, et spectate ad mensam, et removerunt se et spectabant, et ecce Charta illa lucebat sicut stella; et tunc dixit custos, videtis quod Vera sint, quae vos chartae inscripsistis; sed accedite propius et intuitum vestrum figite in charta, et fecerunt ita, et subito tunc lux disparata est, et charta facta est nigra, sicut fuligine fornacis superinducta: 11 et porro dixit custos, tangite chartam manibus vestris, sed cavete, ne tangatis scripturam; et cum fecerunt ita, flamma erupit et consumsit: postquam haec visa sunt, dicebatur illis, si tetigissetis scripturam, audivissetis strepitus, et combussissetis digitos vestros: et tunc dictum est illis ab adstantibus a tergo, vidistis nunc 12 quod veritates, quibus abusi estis ad confirmandum Justificationis vestrae Arcana, sint Veritates in se, sed quod sint Veritates falsificatae in vobis: illi tunc suspexerunt, et apparuit illis Coelum sicut sanguis, et postea sicut caligo; et illi visi sunt coram oculis Spirituum angelicorum, quidam sicut vespertiliones, 13 quidam sicut noctuae, et aliqui sicut bubones, ac aufugerunt in tenebras suas, quae coram oculis illorum fatue lucebant.

[6] Spiritus Angelici, qui aderant, mirati sunt, quia de loco illo et de mensa ibi non aliquid prius sciverunt: et tunc vox ad illos e meridionali Plaga venit, dicens, accedite huc, et videbitis adhuc mirabilius; et accesserunt, et intraverunt in Cameram, cujus parietes fulgebant sicut ex auro, et viderunt ibi quoque Mensam, super qua repositum jacuit Verbum, circum cinctum lapidibus pretiosis in forma coelesti: et dixit Angelus custos, dum aperitur Verbum, emicat inde lux candoris ineffabilis, et tunc simul ex lapidibus pretiosis apparet sicut Iris supra et circum Verbum: quando aliquis Angelus e Coelo tertio illuc venit, apparet supra et circum Verbum Iris in plano rubro; dum Angelus e Coelo secundo illuc venit, et spectat, apparet Iris in plano caeruleo; dum Angelus ex ultimo coelo illuc venit et spectat, apparet Iris in plano candido; dum aliquis spiritus bonus illuc venit et spectat, apparet variegatio lucis sicut marmoris; quod ita sit, etiam ad oculum illis ostensum est. Porro dixit Angelus custos, si quis accedit qui falsificaverat Verbum, tunc primum dissipatur splendor; et si appropinquat, et figit oculos in Verbo, fit sicut sanguis circum, et tunc monetur ut discedat, quia periculum 14 est.

[7] At quidam, qui in Mundo fuerat Auctor antesignanus doctrinae de Sola Fide justificante, audacter accessit, et dixit, ego, dum fui in Mundo, non falsificavi 15 Verbum; exaltavi una cum fide etiam Charitatem, et docui quod homo in statu fidei, in quo facit charitatem et ejus opera, a spiritu Sancto renovetur, regeneretur et sanctificetur, tum quod Fides tunc non detur solitaria, hoc est, absque bonis operibus, sicut non arbor bona absque fructu, sol absque luce, et ignis absque calore; et quoque culpavi illos, qui dixerunt quod bona opera non essent necessaria; ac insuper quod praecepta Decalogi, et quoque poenitentiam magnifecerim, et quod sic mirabili modo omnia Verbi inapplicuerim Articulo de Fide, quam usque solam salvificam esse detexi et demonstravi. Ille in fiducia assertionis suae, quod non falsificaverit Verbum, accessit ad Mensam, et contra monitum Angeli tetigit Verbum; at tunc subito effluxit ignis cum fumo ex Verbo, et facta est explosio cum fragore, ex quo ille conjectus ad angulum Camerae, et ibi jacuit per horulam sicut mortuus. Hoc mirati sunt Spiritus Angelici, sed dictum est illis, quod hic Praesul prae reliquis exaltaverit bona charitatis sicut procedentia ex Fide, sed quod usque non intellexerit alia Opera quam politica, quae etiam vocantur moralia et civilia, quae propter Mundum et prosperitatem ibi facienda sunt, et minime propter salutem; tum etiam quod supposuerit opera inconspicua a Spiritu Sancto, de quibus homo nihil scit, quae ingenerantur actui Fidei 16 in statu ejus.

[8] Tunc loquuti sunt Spiritus Angelici inter se de falsificatione Verbi, et in eo convenerunt, quod falsificare Verbum, sit desumere ex illo Vera, et applicare illa ad confirmandum falsa, quod est extrahere illa ex Verbo extra illud, et occidere; ut pro exemplo, omnia illa Vera, quae supra ab illis ex Abysso allata sunt, applicare ad Fidem hodiernam, et explicare ex illa; quae quod impraegnata sit falsis, in sequentibus demonstrabitur. Tum desumere ex Verbo hoc Verum, quod Charitas exercenda 17 sit, et quod bonum proximo faciendum sit, si tunc quis confirmat quod faciendum sit, sed non salutis causa, quoniam omne bonum ab homine non est bonum quia meritorium, ille trahit id Verum ex Verbo extra Verbum, et trucidat illud; quoniam Dominus in Verbo suo injungit cuivis homini, qui salvari vult, amare proximum et ex amore illi facere bonum. Similiter in reliquis.


1. Prima editio: illi Coelo.
2. Prima editio: porte.
3. Cf. Apocalypsis Revelata 566[1]. Prima editio: nemo (absque italicis).

4. Sic Apocalypsis Revelata 566[1].

5. Prima editio: Vespertitiones.
6. Sic Apocalypsis Revelata 566[3].

7. Prima editio: voeantur.
8. Prima editio: Vespertitiones.
9. Cf. Apocalypsis Revelata 566[4]. Prima editio: a.

10. Cf. Apocalypsis Revelata 566[4]. Prima editio: fit.

11. Prima editio: superrinducta.
12. Prima editio: nune.
13. Prima editio: vespertitiones.
14. Prima editio: perieulum.
15. Prima editio: falsisicavi.
16. Sic Apocalypsis Revelata 566[7]: ingenerantur actui Fidei ubi in prima editione ingenerantur Fidei.

17. Prima editio: excercenda.

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