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《真实的基督教》 第467节



真实的基督教 #467 (火能翻译,2015)

467. 圣言中的“伊甸园”并非表示园子, 而是指聪明; “树”也不是指树木, 而是指人。 “伊甸园”表聪明智慧, 可从以下经文看出:

你靠自己的智慧聪明得了财富。 (以西结书28:4)

你满有智慧, 曾在伊甸, 神的园中, 佩戴各样宝石。 (以西结书28:12-13)

这论及的是推罗君王, 以智慧见长, 因为在圣言中, “推罗”表教会的真理和良善, 智慧出自它们。 他所佩戴的各样“宝石”也表真理和良善; 因为推罗君王不在伊甸园。


亚述是黎巴嫩的香柏树。 神园中的香柏树不能遮蔽它。 神园中的树都没有它荣美; 神伊甸园中的树都嫉妒它。 (以西结书31:3, 8-9)

在伊甸所有的树木中, 有谁的荣美和高大能与你相比呢? (以西结书31:18)

这论述的是“亚述”, 因为在圣言中, 它表理性和由此而来的聪明。


耶和华将安慰锡安, 将其沙漠转为伊甸, 旷野变成耶和华的园子。 (以赛亚书51:3)

此处的“锡安”表教会; “伊甸”和“耶和华的园子”表智慧和聪明。


得胜的, 我必将神乐园中生命树的果子赐给他吃。 (启示录2:7)

在街道中间, 河的这边与那边有生命树。 (启示录22:2)

从这些经文清楚可知, “伊甸园”—我们被告知亚当是被安放于其中的, 表聪明和智慧, 因为类似的事也被论到推罗, 亚述和锡安身上。 “园”在圣言其它地方也表示聪明 (如以赛亚书58:11; 61:11; 耶利米书31:12; 阿摩司书9:14; 民数记24:6)。 “园”的这一灵义起因于灵界的象征, 在灵界, 凡聪明智慧的天人, 所到之处均可见到乐园; 正是他们从主拥有的聪明智慧使得这类事物显现在他们周围; 这一切是出于对应, 因为灵界万物均是对应。

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True Christianity #467 (Rose, 2010)

467. In the Word the Garden of Eden does not mean some garden but a state of understanding; and a tree does not mean some tree but a human being. You can see that the Garden of Eden means understanding and wisdom from the following passages: "With your understanding and wisdom you had made wealth for yourself"; and in the following verses there: "Full of wisdom, you were in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering" (Ezekiel 28:4, 12-13). These things are said of the prince and of the king of Tyre. The king is said to possess wisdom because Tyre in the Word means the church's concepts of truth and goodness, which lead to wisdom. The precious stones that cover him also mean these concepts of truth and goodness. The prince and the king of Tyre were not in the Garden of Eden.

[2] Elsewhere in Ezekiel: "Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon. The cedars in the garden of God could not hide it. No tree in the garden of God was equal to it in beauty. All the trees of Eden in the garden of God were jealous of it" (Ezekiel 31:3, 8-9). And again: "To which among the trees of Eden did you become comparable in glory and size?" (Ezekiel 31:18). This is said of Assyria, because in the Word Assyria means rationality and understanding.

[3] In Isaiah: "Jehovah will comfort Zion and turn her wilderness into Eden, and her desert into the garden of Jehovah" (Isaiah 51:3). Zion here means the church; Eden and the garden of Jehovah mean wisdom and understanding. In the Book of Revelation: "To those who overcome I will give [food] to eat from the tree of life, which is in the middle of the paradise of God" (Revelation 2:7). "In the middle of the street [and] of the river, on this side and that, will be the tree of life" (Revelation 22:2).

[4] From these verses it is very clear that the garden in Eden in which Adam was placed means understanding and wisdom, because similar things are said about Tyre, Assyria, and Zion.

Elsewhere in the Word as well, a garden means understanding; for example, in Isaiah 58:11; 61:11; Jeremiah 31:12; Amos 9:14; Numbers 24:6. A garden has this spiritual meaning because of symbolic representations in the spiritual world. In that world, garden paradises appear wherever there are angels who have understanding and wisdom; the understanding and wisdom they have from the Lord causes such things to appear around them. This occurs because of correspondence, for all things that exist in the spiritual world are correspondences.

True Christian Religion #467 (Chadwick, 1988)

467. In the Word the Garden of Eden does not mean a garden, but intelligence, and a tree does not mean a tree, but man. The Garden of Eden can be shown to mean intelligence and wisdom from the following passages:

In your intelligence and wisdom you made riches for yourself. 1 Ezekiel 28:4.

and in the continuation of this chapter:

Full of wisdom, you were in Eden, God's garden; every kind of precious stone was your covering, Ezekiel 28:12-13.

This is said of the prince and king of Tyre, to whom wisdom is attributed, because Tyre in the Word means the church in respect of knowledge of truth and good, which is the means to wisdom. The precious stones which are to be his covering also mean things known about truth and good; for the prince and king of Tyre were not in the Garden of Eden.

[2] In another passage in Ezekiel:

Asshur is a cedar in Lebanon. The cedars have not hidden it in the garden of God. All the trees in the garden of God were not its equal in beauty; all the trees of Eden in the garden of God envied it, Ezekiel 31:3, 8-9.

And further on:

To whom you thus became like in glory and size among the trees of Eden, Ezekiel 31:18.

This is said of Asshur, because in the Word Asshur means rationality and intelligence arising from this.

[3] In Isaiah:

Jehovah will comfort Zion, and turn its desert into an Eden and its wilderness into a garden of Jehovah, Isaiah 51:3.

Zion there is the church, Eden and the garden of Jehovah are wisdom and intelligence. In Revelation:

To him who overcomes I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise 2 of God, Revelation 2:7.

In the midst of the street, on either side of the river was the tree of life, Revelation 22:2.

[4] These passages show plainly that the garden in Eden, in which we are told Adam was placed, means intelligence and wisdom, because similar things are said of Tyre, Asshur and Zion. A garden also means intelligence in other passages of the Word, such as Isaiah 58:11; 61:11; Jeremiah 31:12; Amos 9:14; Numbers 24:6. This spiritual way of understanding a garden is due to the representations seen in the spiritual world. There parks are to be seen, wherever angels possess intelligence and wisdom; it is the intelligence and wisdom themselves, which they get from the Lord, which produce such appearances around them. This is due to the correspondence, because everything which comes into being in the spiritual world is an example of correspondence.


1. The Latin text repeats here the phrase 'you were in Eden, God's garden' from the next quotation.

2. The Greek word paradeisos, used here in its Latin form, means properly an enclosed garden or park; the meaning 'paradise' arose only later.

True Christian Religion #467 (Ager, 1970)

467. "The garden of Eden" in the Word does not mean a garden, but intelligence, nor does "tree" mean any tree, but man. That "the garden of Eden" signifies intelligence and wisdom, can be seen from the following passages:

In thy wisdom and thine intelligence thou hast made to thyself wealth (Ezekiel 28:4).

Also in what follows:

Full of wisdom, thou has been in Eden the garden of God, every precious stone was thy covering (Ezekiel 28:4, 12, 13).

This is said of the prince and king of Tyre, of whom wisdom is predicated, because "Tyre" in the Word signifies the church in respect to knowledges of truth and good through which comes wisdom; "the precious stones" which were his covering, also signify knowledges of truth and good; for the prince and the king of Tyre were not in the garden of Eden.

[2] And again in Ezekiel:

Asshur a cedar in Lebanon. The cedars in the garden of God have not hidden it. No tree in the garden of God was like unto it in its beauty. All the trees of Eden in the garden of God envied it (Ezekiel 31:3, 8, 31:8-9).

And again:

To whom art thou thus become like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? (verse18).

This is said of Assyria, because in the Word it signifies rationality and intelligence therefrom.

[3] In Isaiah:

Jehovah shall comfort Zion, He will turn her desert into Eden, and her wilderness into the garden of Jehovah (51:3).

Here "Zion" means the church, and "Eden" and "the garden of Jehovah" mean wisdom and intelligence. In the Apocalypse:

To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God (2:7).

In the midst of the street, and on either side of the river, there will be the tree of life (22:2).

[4] From these passages it is clear that "the garden of Eden" in which Adam is said to have been placed, means intelligence and wisdom, because like thing are said of Tyre, Assyria, and Zion. Elsewhere in the Word "garden" signifies intelligence (as in Isaiah58:11; 61:11; Jeremiah 31:12; Amos 9:14; Numbers 24:6). This spiritual meaning of a garden derives its cause from representations in the spiritual world, where paradises are seen wherever the angels are in intelligence and wisdom; the very intelligence and wisdom which they possess from the Lord cause such things to be present about them; and this comes from correspondence, for all things that exist in the spiritual world are correspondences.

True Christian Religion #467 (Dick, 1950)

467. In the Word, the Garden of Eden means not any particular garden, but intelligence, and a tree, not any particular tree, but man. The Garden of Eden signifies intelligence and wisdom, as is evident from these passages:

"With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches... Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God"

and also from these words:

"Full of wisdom. . . Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering" Ezekiel 28:4, 12-13.

This is spoken of the prince and king of Tyre of whom wisdom is predicated, because Tyre in the Word signifies the Church as to the knowledge of good and truth by which wisdom is attained. The precious stones which were his covering also signify the knowledge of truth and good, for the prince and king of Tyre were not in the Garden of Eden.

[2] Elsewhere in Ezekiel it is said:

"Asshur (A.V., the Assyrian) was a cedar in Lebanon... The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him... nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty... all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him" Ezekiel 31:3, 8-9;

and further:

"To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden?" verse 18.

This is said of Asshur, because Asshur in the Word signifies rationality and consequent intelligence.

[3] In Isaiah it is written:

"JEHOVAH shall comfort Zion... He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of JEHOVAH" Isaiah 2:3.

Zion in this passage is the Church, and Eden and the garden of Jehovah are wisdom and intelligence. In the Revelation it is written:

"To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God" Revelation 2:7.

"In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life" Revelation 22:2.

[4] From these passages it is quite clear that the Garden of Eden, in which Adam is said to have been placed, means intelligence and wisdom, because similar things are said of Tyre, Asshur and Zion. A garden also signifies intelligence in other parts of the Word,

as in Isaiah 58:11; 61:11; Jeremiah 31:12; Amos 9:14; Numbers 24:6.

This spiritual meaning of garden derives its cause from representations in the spiritual world, for there gardens appear where angels are in intelligence and wisdom. The intelligence and wisdom which they receive from the Lord cause such things to appear round about them; and this takes place from correspondence, for all things which exist in the spiritual world are correspondences.

Vera Christiana Religio #467 (original Latin,1770)

467. In Verbo per Hortum Edenis non intelligitur aliquis Hortus, sed Intelligentia, nec per Arborem aliquis Arbor sed homo: quod Hortus Edenis significet Intelligentiam et Sapientiam, constare potest ex his locis, IN INTELLIGENTIA ET SAPIENTIA TUA feceras tibi opes, 1 et in sequentibus ibi, plenus SAPIENTIA, In EDEN HORTO DEI fuisti; 2 omnis lapis pretiosus tegumentum tuum, Ezechiel 28:4, 12-13. Haec de Principe et de Rege Tyri, de quo praedicatur sapientia, quia per Tyrum in Verbo significatur Ecclesia quoad cognitiones veri et boni, per quas est sapientia; per lapides pretiosos, qui tegumentum ejus, etiam significantur cognitiones veri et boni; non enim Princeps et Rex Tyri in Horto Edenis fuerunt.

[2] Et alibi apud Ezechielem, Aschur cedrus in Libano; cedri non occultaverunt illum in HORTO DEI; omnis Arbor in HORTO DEI non par fuit illi in pulchritudine; aemulatae sunt illi omnes ARBORES EDENIS IN HORTO DEI, 31:3, 8-9, 3 et porro, Cui similis factus es sic in gloria et in magnitudine inter ARBORES EDENIS, Vers. 18; hoc dicitur de Aschure, quia per illum in Verbo significatur Rationalitas et inde Intelligentia.

[3] Apud Esajam, Consolabitur Jehovah Zionem, et ponet desertum ejus in EDEN, et solitudinem ejus in HORTUM JEHOVAE, 51:3, Zion ibi est Ecclesia, ac Eden et Hortus Jehovae est sapientia et intelligentia. In Apocalypsi, "Vincenti dabo edere de ARBORE VITAE, quae in MEDIO PARADISI DEI," 2:7. 4 In medio plateae [et] 5 fluvii hinc et illinc erit Arbor vitae, 22:2.

[4] Ex his patet clare, quod per Hortum in Edene, in quo Adam positus fuisse dicitur, intelligatur Intelligentia et Sapientia, quia similia dicuntur de Tyro, Aschure et Zione. Per Hortum significatur Intelligentia etiam alibi in Verbo, ut Esaias 58:11, 6 61:11; Jeremias 31:12; Amos 9:14; Numeri 24:6. 7 Hic spiritualis intellectus Horti ducit causam ex repraesentationibus in Mundo spirituali; ibi Paradisi apparent, ubi Angeli in Intelligentia et Sapientia sunt; ipsa Intelligentia et Sapientia, quae illis est a Domino, sistit 8 talia circum illos; et hoc fit ex correspondentia, nam omnia quae in Mundo spirituali existunt, sunt Correspondentiae.


1. Prima editio: opes, in EDEN HORTO DEI fuisti.
2. Prima editio: fuisti (absque italicis).
3. Prima editio: 31:1, 8.
4. Prima editio: 3.
5. Sic Novum Testamentum Graecum et Schmidt.
6. Prima editio: 12.
7. Prima editio: 35.
8. Prima editio: fistit.

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