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《真实的基督教》 第508节



真实的基督教 #508 (火能翻译,2015)

508. 记事六:

有一天, 我面前出现一座宏伟的圣殿, 呈四方形, 殿顶拱起如皇冠状, 周边凸起。 圣殿的墙全是水晶窗户, 门是珍珠材料的。 圣殿里面, 南边靠西处有个讲坛, 它的右手边放着一本打开的圣言, 有光环围绕, 其光芒笼罩并照亮整个讲坛。 殿中央是圣所, 前面有一幅幔子, 那时幔子已被卷起, 有个金基路伯立在那里, 手里拿着四面转动的剑。

当我看到这些事物时, 它们各自的意义就都流入我的脑海: 圣殿表新教会; 珍珠材料的门表进入新教会的入口; 水晶窗户表照亮新教会的真理; 讲坛表圣职和讲道; 讲坛上并照亮讲坛上部的打开的圣言, 表圣言内义的启示, 这内义是属灵的; 殿中央的圣所表教会与天人天堂的结合; 其中的金基路伯表圣言的字义; 手中所拿四面转动的剑, 表只要该字义指向某个真理, 就能转向任一方向; 基路伯前的幔子被卷起, 则意味着现在圣言已经开放。

后来, 当我靠近时, 发现门上刻有这样的题字: “现已准许”, 这意味着现在允许以觉知探究信的奥秘。 看到这题字, 我忽然想到, 以觉知来探究由自我聪明和虚假所炮制的信之教义何等危险, 更何况还通过圣言确认它们。 觉知就这样从上被关闭, 并逐渐从下被关闭, 甚至到了这种地步: 神学不仅被轻视, 而且还从头脑中被彻底抹去, 就像纸上的字被蛀虫吃掉, 衣服上的羊毛被虫子蛀蚀。 然后, 他的觉知只关注涉及所在国家生活的政治事务, 与职业相关的社会事务, 以及与自己家庭相关的家庭事务。 他在这些事务中不断亲近尘世, 并且由于尘世乐趣的诱惑而热爱它, 就象偶像崇拜者热爱他怀里的金偶像。

从那时起, 当今基督教会的教义就不是由圣言组成, 而是由自我聪明和虚假拼凑起来的, 而且还通过圣言的某些经文被确认。 按照主的天命, 在罗马天主教中, 圣言从平信徒那里被拿走, 在新教徒中, 则保持开放, 但又因他们普遍声称觉知必须服从他们的信而被关闭。

但新教会则截然不同; 它允许以觉知来探究并参透她所有的奥秘, 也允许通过圣言确认它们, 因为新教会的教义是主通过圣言所揭示的一系列真理, 以理性确认这些真理使得觉知向上越来越开放, 从而被提升到天人所在的天堂之光。 这光本质上就是真理, 在这光中, 对“主是天地之神”的承认荣耀四射。 这就是殿门所题“现已准许”, 以及基路伯前面的圣所幔子被卷起的含义。 因为这是新教会的教规, 即虚假关闭觉知, 而真理开启觉知。

此后, 我看见有似婴孩样的东西在我头顶上, 手里拿着一张纸。 当他靠近时, 就长成了中等身材的人。 他是第三层天堂的天人, 从远处看, 那里的所有人都像婴孩。 他来到我面前, 递给我那张纸。 但由于纸上的字以该天堂的圆形字母写就, 所以我还给他, 请求他以我能理解的方式, 给我解释一下纸上写的什么。 他回答说: “上面写的是: 从现在起, 进入圣言的奥秘吧, 这奥秘隐藏至今; 其中的每个真理都是一面镜子, 我们从中看到主。 ”

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True Christianity #508 (Rose, 2010)

508. The sixth memorable occurrence. One day there appeared to me a magnificent temple, square in form. The roof was shaped like a crown - it arched upward and was elevated all around. The walls were continuous windows of crystal clear glass. The door was made of a pearly substance. On the southwest side of the interior there was a large raised pulpit, on top of which, to the right, the Word lay open, surrounded by a sphere of light so bright that it engulfed the whole raised area of the pulpit and made it shine. In the middle of the temple there was a sanctuary, with a veil at the front of it that was now lifted up. There an angel guardian, made out of gold, stood with a sword moving this way and that in its hand.

[2] Once I had looked carefully at all of these items, the meaning of each one flowed into my meditation. The temple means the new church. The door made of a pearly substance means our entry into the new church. The crystal clear windows mean the truths that enlighten the new church. The pulpit means its priesthood and preaching. The Word that lay open on the pulpit, lighting up the raised area of it, indicates that the Word's inner meaning, which is spiritual, has been revealed. The sanctuary in the middle of the temple means the partnership between the new church and the heaven of angels. The angel guardian made out of gold, standing in the sanctuary, means the literal meaning of the Word. The sword moving back and forth in its hand means that the literal sense can be turned this way and that, provided the purpose is to apply it to some truth. The fact that the veil in front of the angel guardian was lifted up means that the Word has now been opened to view.

[3] Later on, as I came closer to the building, I saw an inscription above the door: Now It Is Allowed, which means that we are now allowed to use our intellect to explore the mysteries of faith.

Seeing this inscription brought to my mind how extremely dangerous it is to use our intellect to explore any dogma of faith that was constructed by a self-serving mindset and therefore consists of falsities. It is even worse to use statements from the Word to support such dogmas. Doing so shuts down our intellect at its highest level, and gradually shuts it down at lower levels as well, to the point where theological teachings become disgusting to us and are finally obliterated, the way writing on paper is eaten away by worms or wool clothing is consumed by moths. Then the only way in which our intellect still functions is in dealing with political issues that affect our life in the region where we live, with civic issues that affect our jobs, and with domestic issues that relate to our homes. In these arenas we continually embrace the material world and love it for the alluring pleasures it offers, the way idolaters carry their golden effigy close to their heart.

[4] The dogmas of the Christian churches of today have been constructed not from the Word but under a self-serving mindset; as a result they consist of falsities. These dogmas have also been supported by certain statements in the Word. Therefore in the Lord's divine providence the Word was taken away from the Roman Catholic laity; and although the Word was opened up for Protestants, they closed it by their widespread assertion that the intellect has to be held under obedience to their faith.

[5] In the new church, however, the opposite happens. In this church, we are allowed to use our intellect to explore and penetrate all the church's mysteries and also to use the Word to support what we find. The reason this is allowed is that the teachings of the new church are continuous truths revealed by the Lord through the Word. Rational arguments that support these truths cause the intellect to open up more and more at its highest level and to be elevated into the light that the angels in heaven enjoy. That light is essentially truth. In that light, acknowledgment of the Lord as the God of heaven and earth shines in its glory. This is the meaning of the inscription Now It Is Allowed over the door to the temple, and the meaning of the fact that the sanctuary veil in front of the angel guardian was lifted up. It is a principle of the new church, you see, that falsities shut down the intellect but truths open it up.

[6] Afterward I saw someone like a young child overhead, holding a piece of paper in his hand. As he came nearer to me, he grew into a person of medium height. He was an angel from the third heaven, where all the inhabitants appear from a distance like little children. When he was in my presence, he handed me the piece of paper. Because it was written in the curved letters they use in that heaven, however, I handed it back and asked that they express the meaning of the message in words adapted to the ideas in my thinking. He replied, "What is written there is this: 'From now on, explore the mysteries of the Word, which was formerly closed up. All of its individual truths are mirrors that reflect the Lord. '"

True Christian Religion #508 (Chadwick, 1988)

508. The sixth experience.

One day a magnificent church building appeared to me; it was square in plan with a roof like a crown, with arches above and a raised parapet running around. Its walls were all windows made of crystal, its door of a pearly substance. Inside on the south side towards the west there was a platform, on which the open Word lay at the right surrounded by a blaze of light, so bright as to spread round and light up the whole platform. In the middle of the church was a shrine with a curtain in front of it; but this was now raised and there stood a golden cherub with a sword which he brandished in all directions in his hand.

[2] When I caught sight of all this, as I meditated, the meaning of each of the details came flooding into my mind. The church meant the new church; the door of a pearly substance, entry into it; the windows of crystal the truths which enlighten it; the platform the priesthood and their preaching; the Word on it, open and lighting up the top of the platform, the revelation of its internal, or spiritual, sense; the shrine in the middle of the church the link of that church with the heaven of angels; the golden cherub there the Word in its literal sense; the sword brandished in his hand meant that this sense can be twisted in different ways, so long as it is made to refer to some truth. The lifting of the curtain in front of the cherub meant that now the Word was laid open.

[3] Later, when I got closer, I saw there was an inscription over the door: NOW IT IS PERMITTED. This meant that now it is permitted to enter with the understanding into the mysteries of faith. Seeing this inscription led me to think that it is extremely dangerous to enter with the understanding into the dogmas of faith which have been put together out of one's own intelligence and the falsities it produces, and even more so to seek to support them by quoting the Word. This has the effect of shutting off the understanding at the top and little by little also at the bottom, to such an extent that theology is not only disliked but actually wiped out, like the writing on a paper being destroyed by book-worms, or the wool of a piece of cloth by grubs. His understanding then concerns itself only with political affairs which affect his life in the country where he lives, and with civil affairs relating to his official duties, and with domestic affairs of his household; and in all of these he constantly embraces nature, being led by the enticement of its pleasures to love it, as an idolater does the golden image in his lap.

[4] Now since the dogmas of present-day Christian churches are put together not from the Word, but from people's own intelligence and the false ideas that come from that, and also by means of some ideas supported from the Word, for this reason the Lord's Divine providence has seen to it that among Roman Catholics the Word has been taken away from laymen, while among Protestants it remains open, though shut off by their frequent saying that the understanding must be kept in obedience to their faith.

[5] But in the new church the opposite happens; here it is permitted with the understanding to approach and penetrate all its secrets, and also to support them from the Word. The reason is that its doctrines are a series of truths revealed by the Lord through the Word; and proving them by rational argument causes the understanding to be opened up above more and more. This lifts it into the light enjoyed by the angels of heaven; and that light is in essence truth, and it makes the acknowledgment of the Lord as the God of heaven and earth shine out in all its glory. This is what the inscription 'NOW IT IS PERMITTED' over the door means; and the removal of the curtain of the shrine in front of the cherub has the same meaning. It is a rule in the new church that falsities shut off the understanding, and truths open it up.

[6] After this I saw what looked like a child overhead, holding a paper in his hand. As he approached me, he grew in size until he was a man of average height. He was an angel from the third heaven; all there look at a distance like children. When he reached me, he held the paper out to me. But since it was written in the rounded script customary in that heaven, I gave it back and asked them to expound the meaning of what was written on it in words I could comprehend in my thinking.


True Christian Religion #508 (Ager, 1970)

508. Sixth Memorable Relation:

One day there appeared to me a magnificent temple, square in form, the roof of which was crown-shaped, arched above and raised round about; its walls were continuous windows of crystal; its door was of a pearly substance. Within, on the south side, towards the west was a pulpit, on the right-hand side of which lay the open Word enveloped in a sphere of light, the splendor of which surrounded and illuminated the whole pulpit. In the center of the temple was a sanctuary, before which there was a veil, at that time raised, and there a golden cherub stood with a sword turning hither and thither in his hand.

[2] While I looked at these things, the significance of each one of them flowed into my meditation: The temple signified the New Church; the door of pearly substance, entrance into it; the windows of crystal, the truths that enlighten it; the pulpit, the priesthood and preaching; the Word lying open upon the pulpit and illuminating the upper part of it, signified the revelation of the internal sense of the Word, which is spiritual; the sanctuary in the center of the temple signified the conjunction of that church with the angelic heaven; the golden cherub therein, the Word in the sense of the letter; the sword waving in his hand signified that this sense can be turned in any direction, provided it is done in adaptation to some truth; the veil before the cherub being raised, signified that the Word is now laid open.

[3] Afterward, when I drew nearer, I saw this inscription above the door, Nunc Licet - It is now permitted - which signified that it is now permitted to enter understandingly into the mysteries of faith. From seeing this inscription it came into my thought that it is exceedingly dangerous to enter with the understanding into dogmas of faith that are concocted out of self-intelligence, and therefore out of falsities, and still more so to confirm them from the Word; by this means the understanding is closed above, and gradually below as well, to such a degree that theology is not only despised but also obliterated from the mind, as writing on paper is by worms, or the wool of a garment by moths. Then the understanding abides only in political matters, which have regard to man's life under the government where he is, and in the civil matters pertaining to his employment, and in the domestic affairs of his own house. And in all these things he constantly kisses nature, and owing to the allurements of her pleasures, loves her as an idolater loves the golden image in his bosom.

[4] Since then, the dogmas of the present Christian churches have not been formed from the Word, but from self-intelligence, and therefore from falsities, and also have been confirmed by certain passages from the Word; by the Lord's Divine Providence the Word among the Roman Catholics has been taken from the laity, and among Protestants has been opened, and yet has been closed by their common declaration that the understanding must be held in obedience to their faith.

[5] But in the New Church the contrary is the case; there it is permitted to enter with the understanding and penetrate into all her secrets, and to confirm them by the Word, because her doctrines are continuous truths laid open by the Lord by means of the Word, and confirmations of these truths by rational means cause the understanding to be opened above more and more, and thus to be raised into the light in which the angels of heaven are. That light in its essence is truth, and in that light acknowledgment of the Lord as the God of heaven and earth shines in its glory. This is what is meant by the inscription Nunc Licet over the door of the temple, and also by the veil of the sanctuary before the cherub being raised. For it is a canon of the New Church, that falsities close the understanding, and that truths open it.

[6] After this I saw above my head something like an infant, holding in his hand a paper. As he drew near to me, he increased to the stature of a medium-sized man. He was an angel from the third heaven, where all at a distance look like infants. When he came to me, he handed me the paper; but as the writing was in rounded letters, such as they have in that heaven, I returned the paper, and asked him to explain to me the meaning of the words there written, in terms adapted to the ideas of my thought.

He replied, "This is what is here written: Enter hereafter into the mysteries of the Word, which has been heretofore shut up; for the particular truths therein are so many mirrors of the Lord."

True Christian Religion #508 (Dick, 1950)

508. 1 The sixth experience. One day there appeared to me a magnificent temple. It was square in form, and its roof was in the shape of a crown, with its lofty arches rising on high all round. Its walls were continuous windows of crystal and its gate of pearly substance. Within on the south side, and facing the west was a pulpit on the right of which lay the open Word, surrounded with a blaze of light whose brightness enveloped and illumined the whole pulpit. In the centre of the temple was the shrine, before which a veil was hung. This was now drawn back, and there stood a golden cherub having in his hand a sword which he waved this way and that.

[2] While I was looking at these things there flowed into my thought a perception of what they all signified. The temple signified the New Church; the gate of pearl, entrance into this Church; the windows of crystal, the truths which enlighten it; and the pulpit, the priesthood and preaching. The Word open upon the pulpit and illuminating the upper part of it, signified its internal sense, which is spiritual, now revealed; the shrine in the centre of the temple, the conjunction of that Church with the angelic heaven; and the golden cherub within it, the Word in the sense of the Letter. The waving of the sword in the hand of the cherub signified that the sense of the Letter can be turned this way and that, provided this is done in application to some truth; and the drawing aside of the veil before the cherub signified that now the Word is opened.

[3] When I approached nearer I saw this inscription over the gate, "Now it is permitted" (Nunc licet); which signified that one may now enter with understanding into the mysteries of faith. On seeing this inscription I was impressed with the thought that it is extremely dangerous to enter with the understanding into dogmas of faith which are the product of man's own intelligence, and therefore consist of falsities; and still more dangerous to confirm them from the Word. For this closes the higher reaches of the understanding, and gradually the lower also, to such a degree that matters of a theological nature not only become distasteful, but drop out of the mind completely, like writing from a worm-eaten book and the nap from moth-eaten cloth. The understanding is then engaged only with political matters that concern a man's life in the state to which he belongs, with civil affairs that relate to his own employment, and with the domestic affairs of his own household. In all these a man devotes himself to nature, and loves her for the allurements of her pleasures, as an idolater loves the golden image he hugs to his bosom.

[4] The dogmas of the Christian Churches at the present day are not derived from the Word, but are the product of man's own intelligence, thus consisting of falsities, and they have, moreover, been confirmed by some passages from the Word. Therefore, among Roman Catholics, of the Divine Providence of the Lord, the Word has now been taken out of the hands of the laity; but among Protestants, it is an open Book, although it is closed where it is maintained, as is commonly asserted, that the understanding is to be kept under obedience to their faith.

[5] It is otherwise, however, in the New Church. Here one is permitted to enter with the understanding into all its interior truths, and also to confirm them by the Word. The reason is that its doctrines are truths in series from the Lord, revealed by means of the Word; and confirmation of these by rational considerations opens the higher reaches of the understanding and so elevates it into the light which the angels of heaven enjoy. This light in its essence is truth, and in this light the acknowledgment of the Lord as the God of heaven and earth shines in all its glory. This is meant by the inscription over the gate of the temple, "Now it is permitted" (Nunc licet), and also by the veil of the shrine being drawn aside before the cherub. For it is a canon of the New Church that falsities close the understanding and truths open it.

[6] After these things I saw, as it were, an infant overhead, holding in his hand a paper. As he approached me, he gradually attained the stature of a man of middle height. He was an angel from the third heaven, where all at a distance appear as infants. When he reached me, he handed me the paper; but as it was written in the curved letters peculiar to that heaven, I gave it back to him requesting that some of the angels there might express the meaning of the words in terms adapted to the ideas of my thought. He returned it; and this is what was written: "Henceforward enter into the mysteries of the Word, which has hitherto been a closed Book; for all its truths are so many mirrors of the Lord."


1. This number is in quotation marks in Original Edition... It was square in form, formae quadratae. In Index Memorabilum LV we read: Visum est Templum rotundum.

Vera Christiana Religio #508 (original Latin,1770)

508. 1 "SEXTUM MEMORABILE: Quodam die apparuit mihi Templum magnificum formae quadratae, cujus Tectum erat instar Coronae, arcuatum 2 supra, et elevatum circum circa; Parietes ejus erant continuae Fenestrae ex Chrystallis, Porta ex substantia margaritica; intus ad latus meridionale occidentem versus erat Suggestum, super quo ad dextrum jacuit Verbum apertum cinctum sphaera lucis, cujus splendor totum suggestum circuibat et illuminabat; in medio Templi erat Adytum, ante quod Velum, sed nunc sublatum, ubi stetit Cherubus ex auro cum ense huc illuc se vibrante in manu.

[2] Haec dum conspicatus sum, in meditationem meam, quid singula illa significarent, influxit; videlicet, quod Templum illud significaret Novam Ecclesiam; Porta ex substantia margaritica Introitum in illam; Fenestrae ex Chrystallis, Veritates, quae illustrabant illam; Suggestum Sacerdotium et praedicationes; Verbum super illo apertum, et superiorem partem suggesti illuminans, Sensum ejus internum qui spiritualis est, revelatum; Adytum in medio Templi, conjunctionem illius Ecclesiae cum Coelo angelico; Cherubus ex auro inibi, Verbum in sensu literae; Ensis se vibrans in manu ejus, significabat quod hic sensus huc illuc verti possit, modo hoc fit applicate ad quandam Veritatem; quod Velum ante Cherubum esset sublatum, significabat quod nunc patefactum sit Verbum.

[3] Postea, cum propius accessi, vidi Scripturam super Porta, hanc, NUNC LICET, quod significabat, quod nunc liceat intellectualiter intrare in Arcana fidei. Ex hac Scriptura visa incidit in cogitationem meam, quod valde discriminosum sit intellectu intrare in dogmata fidei, quae ex propria intelligentia, et inde ex falsis, conflata sunt, et plus adhuc illa ex Verbo confirmare, inde occluditur Intellectus superius, et pedetentim inferius, in tantum, ut Theologica non modo fastidiantur, sed etiam obliterentur, quemadmodum scriptura chartae tineis, et lana panni blattis, permanente solum intellectu in politicis quae spectant vitam suam in dominio ubi est, et in civilibus quae functionis ejus sunt, et in domesticis quae ejus domus sunt, ac in his et illis continue osculatur naturam, et illam ex illecebris voluptatum ejus amat, sicut Idololatra aureum sculptile in suo gremio.

[4] Nunc quia dogmata in Ecclesiis Christianis hodiernis non ex Verbo, sed ex propria intelligentia, et inde ex falsis, conflata sunt, et quoque per aliqua ex Verbo confirmata, ideo ex Divina Domini Providentia Verbum apud Romano-Catholicos ademptum est Laicis, et apud Protestantes illud apertum, sed usque occlusum per commune oris illorum effatum quod Intellectus captandus sit sub obedientia fidei illorum.

[5] At in Nova Ecclesia fit inversum, in hac licitum est intellectu ingredi et penetrare in omnia ejus Secreta, et quoque per Verbum confirmare illa; causa est, quia Doctrinalia ejus sunt continuae Veritates a Domino per Verbum detectae, et confirmationes illarum per rationalia efficiunt, ut Intellectus aperiatur supra plus et plus, et sic elevetur in lucem, in qua sunt Angeli Coeli; et Lux illa in sua essentia est Veritas, et in hac Luce agnitio Domini pro Deo Coeli et Terrae splendet in sua gloria. Hoc intelligitur per Scripturam super porta Templi, NUNC LICET, et quoque per quod Velum adyti ante Cherubum sublatum sit; Canon enim Novae Ecclesiae est, quod falsitates occludant intellectum, et quod veritates aperiant illum.

[6] Post haec vidi sicut Infantem supra caput, tenens in manu Chartam; ille sicut ad me appropinquavit, succrevit in staturam mediocris hominis; erat Angelus e Coelo tertio, ubi omnes e longinquo apparent sicut Infantes; dum apud me erat, porrexit mihi Chartam, sed quia literis circinnatis, qualibus in illo Coelo, scripta erat, restitui, et petii, ut ipsi expromerent sensum verborum ibi vocibus adaequatis ideis cogitationis meae, et retulit, hoc ibi scriptum est, INTRATE POSTHAC IN MYSTERIA VERBI HACTENUS OCCLUSI, NAM SINGULAE VERITATES EJUS SUNT TOTIDEM SPECULA DOMINI."


1. Hoc memorabile in prima editione signis citationis inclusum est.
2. Prima editio: arcuarum.

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