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《真实的基督教》 第599节



真实的基督教 #599 (火能翻译,2015)

599. 人在经受冲突或诱惑时, 主会实施个体救赎, 就象祂在世时实施总体救赎一样。 主通过尘世的冲突和诱惑荣耀了祂的人性, 即使其成圣, 现在, 在一个个人身上也是一样。 当他处于诱惑时, 主会为他争战, 征服攻击他的地狱恶灵, 经受诱惑后, 祂会荣耀他, 即使他成为属灵的。 在主普遍的救赎后, 祂将天堂和地狱的一切带入次序, 祂在经受诱惑后的人身上也是这样做的, 即祂将人内天堂和尘世的一切带入次序。 救赎过后, 主会建立一个新教会, 同样, 祂也会在人内建立属于那教会的一切, 使他成为个体教会。 救赎过后, 主会将平安赐给那些信靠祂的人, 因为祂说:

我留下平安给你们, 我将我的平安赐给你们。 我所赐的, 不像世人所赐的。 (约翰福音14:27)

祂同样赐给经受诱惑后的人平安的感觉, 即快乐的心态和安慰。 这些事实表明, 主永远是救世主。

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True Christianity #599 (Rose, 2010)

599. During the battles or conflicts within us, the Lord carries out an individual act of redemption, much like the all-encompassing redemption he brought about while he was in the world.

While he was in the world, the Lord glorified his human manifestation, that is, made it divine, through battles and inner conflict. In a similar way within us individually, the Lord fights for us while we are undergoing inner conflict and conquers the hellish spirits who are assaulting us. Afterward he "glorifies" us, that is, makes us spiritual.

After his universal redemption, the Lord restructured all things in heaven and in hell in accordance with the divine design. He does much the same thing in us after crises of the spirit - that is, he restructures all the things in us that relate to heaven and the world in accordance with the divine design.

After his redemption, the Lord established a new church. Likewise, he establishes the principles of the church in us and turns us into an individual church.

After redemption, the Lord granted peace to those who believed in him. He said, "I leave my peace with you; I give my peace to you. I do not give to you the way the world gives" (John 14:27). In much the same way, after we have undergone a crisis of the spirit he allows us to feel peace, that is, gladness of mind and consolation.

From all this it is clear that the Lord is the Redeemer to eternity.

True Christian Religion #599 (Chadwick, 1988)

599. In people's struggles or temptations the Lord carries out an individual redemption, just as He did a total redemption when He was in the world. By struggles and temptations in the world the Lord glorified His Human, that is, He made it Divine. It is likewise now with people individually; when someone is subject to temptations, the Lord struggles for him, overcoming the spirits of hell who assail him; and after his temptation He glorifies him, that is, renders him spiritual. After His universal redemption the Lord brought everything in heaven and in hell into a state of order. He does much the same with a person after temptation, for He brings into a state of order everything in him relating to heaven and the world. After the act of redemption the Lord established a new church; likewise too He establishes in a person what is to do with the church, and makes him a church at the level of the individual. After redemption the Lord granted peace to those who believed in Him; for He said:

I leave peace with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give it to you, John 14:27.

Likewise He grants to a person after temptation to feel peace, that is, gladness of mind and consolation. These facts show that the Lord is the Redeemer for ever.

True Christian Religion #599 (Ager, 1970)

599. In the conflicts or temptations of men the Lord works a particular redemption; as He wrought a total redemption when in the world. By conflicts and temptations in the world the Lord glorified His Human, that is, made it Divine; in like manner now with man individually, when he is in temptations, the Lord fights for him, conquers the evil spirits who are infesting him, and after temptation glorifies him, that is, renders him spiritual. After His universal redemption the Lord reduced to order all things in heaven and in hell; with man after temptation He does in like manner, that is, He reduces to order all the things of heaven and the world that are in him. After redemption the Lord established a new church; in like manner He also establishes what pertains to the church in man, and makes him to be a church in particular. After redemption the Lord bestowed peace upon those who believed on Him, for He said:

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you (John 14:27).

Likewise He gives to man after temptation a sense of peace, that is, gladness of mind and consolation. From all this it is clear that the Lord is the Redeemer forever.

True Christian Religion #599 (Dick, 1950)

599. In the combats or temptations of men the Lord works out a particular redemption, as He wrought a general redemption when in the world. By His combats and temptations in the world the Lord glorified His Human, that is, made it Divine. Similarly at this day with every individual during his temptations, He fights for him, and overcomes the infernal spirits that infest him, and after temptation glorifies him, that is, makes him spiritual. The Lord, after His universal redemption, reduced to order all things both in heaven and in hell. Similarly, with a man after temptation, He reduces to order all things in him that belong to heaven and the world. The Lord after redemption established a new Church; He also establishes in a man those things which belong to the Church, and makes him a Church in particular. The Lord after redemption gave peace to those who believed on Him; for He said:

My "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you" John 14:27.

Similarly He gives a man, after temptation, a perception of peace, that is, gladness of mind and consolation. Thus it is evident that the Lord is the Redeemer to eternity.

Vera Christiana Religio #599 (original Latin,1770)

599. Dominus in pugnis seu tentationibus hominum agit Redemptionem particularem, sicut totalem cum fuit in Mundo; Dominus in Mundo per pugnas et tentationes glorificavit Humanum suum, hoc est, Divinum illud fecit; similiter nunc in particulari apud hominem, dum in tentationibus est, in his pro illo pugnat, et vincit spiritus infernales, qui illum infestant, et illum post tentationem glorificat, hoc est, spiritualem reddit. Dominus post universalem suam Redemptionem, omnia in Coelo et in Inferno, in ordinem redegit; similiter cum homine post tentationem facit, videlicet redigit in ordinem omnia quae Coeli et Mundi sunt apud illum. Dominus post Redemptionem novam Ecclesiam instauravit, similiter etiam instaurat illa quae Ecclesiae sunt apud hominem, et facit ut sit Ecclesia in particulari. Dominus post redemptionem illos qui crediderunt in Ipsum donavit Pace, nam dixit, Pacem relinquo 1 vobis, Pacem meam do vobis; non sicut Mundus dat, do vobis, Johannes 14:27, similiter dat homini post tentationem sentire pacem, hoc est, laetitias animi, et solatia. Ex his patet, quod Dominus Redemptor sit in aeternum.


1. Sic alibi: Pacem relinquo ubi in prima editione Pacem meam relinquo.

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