816A. 一个在教会级别最高的公爵、德国的选帝候提出的命题
816. 在灵界, 我打听哪里能找到汉堡人, 被告知, 他们没有聚成一个社群, 更别说一个国家, 而是散居各地, 与德国人混居。 当问到原因时, 我被告知, 这是因为他们的心思东张西望, 好象在自己的城外漫游, 极少注意里面的东西。 在世时人心智的状态决定了它在灵界的状态。 人的心智就是他的灵, 或离开肉身后继续活下来的人。
816A。 一个在教会级别最高的公爵, 德国的选帝候提出的命题
有一次, 我在灵界看见一个公爵, 他是德国的选帝候, 在教会中级别最高。 他身边有两位主教, 还有两位大臣。 虽然有点远, 但我能听到他们在讨论什么。 选帝候公爵问在场的四人, 他们是否知道构成基督教的主要观点是什么, 主教回答说: “基督教的主要观点是唯信称义和得救。 ”他又问: “你们知道这信里面隐含着什么吗? 打开它看看, 然后告诉我。 ”他们回答, 隐含的东西无非是主, 救主的功与义。 对此, 选帝候公爵说: “那么, 主, 救主难道不是以其人性隐藏其中, 祂在其中被称为耶稣基督吗? 因为祂唯独在其人性中是公义的。 ”对此, 他们回答说: “是的, 这是必然的。 ”
选帝候公爵追问他们说: “打开那信, 再看看里面; 仔细寻找是否有别的东西在里面。 ”大臣说: “还隐含着父神的恩典。 ”对此, 选帝候公爵说: “形成正确的思想和感知, 你就会明白它是圣子与圣父的恩典, 因为请求和调解的是圣子。 所以我告诉你们, 既然你们承认, 敬畏并亲吻你们的唯信, 就一定要承认, 敬畏和亲吻主, 唯独祂是披戴人性的救主。 因为, 如我先前所说, 披戴人性的主以前是, 现在也是公义。 我在《圣经》里看到, 披戴人性的祂也是耶和华和神, 如以下经文所说:
看哪, 日子将到, 我要给大卫兴起一个公义的苗裔, 他必掌王权。 他的名必称为耶和华我们的义。 (耶利米书23:5-6; 33:15-16)
神本性一切的丰盛, 都有形有体地居住在基督里面。 (哥罗西书2:9)
耶稣基督是真神, 也是永生。 (约翰一书5:20。 )
这也是为什么祂被称“信之神”。 (列王記上3:9)。
816. I asked where the people from Hamburg live in the spiritual world. I was told that they are not gathered together into any particular community, let alone a whole city. They are scattered and live among other Germans in various different areas. When I asked why, I was told that people from Hamburg are constantly focused elsewhere, and mentally, if not physically, traveling outside their city; they pay little attention to the city itself.
Whatever our state of mind is like in the physical world determines our outward conditions in the spiritual world. Our mind is our spirit; it is the part of us that survives death and lives on after being withdrawn from the physical body.
816. I enquired where the people of Hamburg are to be found in the spiritual world. I was told that they are nowhere to be found gathered into one community, much less into one state, but scattered around and mixed with Germans in various regions. When I asked the reason, I was told it was because their minds are continually, looking around and as it were travelling outside their own city, and taking little note of things within it. For the state of a person's mind in the natural world determines its state in the spiritual world. A person's mind is his spirit, or the surviving personality which lives, on after leaving the material body. 1
1. 816a, which appears here in the printed text, has been removed to the end of this work and renumbered 853.
816. I asked where the people of Hamburg were to be found in the spiritual world, and was told that they are nowhere now gathered together in one society, still less in any civil community, but are scattered about and intermingled with the Germans in the various quarters. And when the reason was asked it was said that it arose from their continual mental introspections and wanderings, as it were, outside of their own city, and very little within it; for such as the state of man's mind is in the natural world, such it is in the spiritual world; for man's mind is his spirit, or the posthumous man that lives after his departure from the material body.
816. On making inquiry as to where the people of Hamburg are to be found in the spiritual world, I was informed that they nowhere appear assembled in one society, and still less in any of the states, but that they are dispersed and mingled with Germans in various quarters. The reason was stated to be that their minds are continually looking abroad, and traveling, as it were, beyond their own city and very little within it. In the spiritual world the state of a man's mind is such as it is in the natural world; for a man's mind is his spirit, or the posthumous man who lives after his departure out of the material body.
816. Quaesivi ubinam Hamburgenses in Mundo spirituali inveniuntur, ac dictum est, quod nullibi appareant collecti in unam Societatem, et minus in aliquam Civitatem, sed quod sint circumsparsi et intermixti Germanis in variis plagis; et dum inquisita est causa, dicta est haec, quod sit ex continuis mentium illorum inspectionibus et quasi peregrinationibus extra suam Urbem, et perparum intra illam: nam qualis est status Mentis hominis in Mundo naturali, talis est ejus status in Mundo spirituali; Mens enim hominis est ejus Spiritus, seu posthumus homo post excessum ejus e materiali corpore vivens.