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《真实的基督教》 第818节



真实的基督教 #818 (火能翻译,2015)

818. 1757年, 最后审判在灵界进行, 之后所有人的状况, 包括天主教徒的, 都被改变了。 他们被禁止象以前那样成群结队; 每种爱, 无论善恶, 都有指定给它的路径, 从世上来的人会立即进入这些爱, 去往与自己的爱相对应的社群。 因此, 恶人会被送往地狱社群, 善人则被送往天堂社群, 以这种方式加以预防, 防止象以前一样形成人自造的天堂。 在灵界, 这样的社群数不胜数, 它们居于天堂和地狱的中间, 因为它们和属善爱与恶爱的情感的属和种一样多。 同时, 在其成员被提升天堂或丢入地狱之前, 他们与世人有属灵的结合, 因为世人也居于天堂和地狱中间。

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True Christianity #818 (Rose, 2010)

818. After the Last Judgment, which occurred in the spiritual world in the year 1757, the circumstances of all people, including the Catholics, changed significantly. Newly arrived people are now no longer allowed to congregate in large groups the way they used to. Now instead there are pathways set aside for every type of love, whether good or evil. People who arrive from the world are immediately put on these pathways. They go along them to communities that correspond to their own loves. Evil people are drawn in the direction of communities that are in hell and good people are drawn in the direction of communities that are in heaven. This new arrangement prevents people from forming artificial heavens for themselves, which is something that used to happen in the past.

In the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, there are many different communities. There are, in fact, as many of them as there are genera and species of desires that stem from either good or evil kinds of love.

Before these spirits are lifted up into heaven or cast down into hell, they have a spiritual partnership with people in the world, because people in the world, too, are midway between heaven and hell.

True Christian Religion #818 (Chadwick, 1988)

818. After the Last Judgment, which took place in the spiritual world in 1757, everyone's state, so including that of the Roman Catholics, was changed. They are no longer allowed to form groups as formerly; but every love, good as well as evil, has paths assigned to it, and those arriving from the world at once enter upon these, and proceed to communities answering to their loves. By this means the wicked are sent to communities in hell, the good to communities in heaven. Care is thus taken to prevent the formation of artificial heavens, as happened before. There are very many communities of this kind in the world of spirits, which is half-way between heaven and hell. There are as many communities as there are genera and species of affections of love for good or evil. In the meantime, before being raised to heaven or cast down to hell, they are spiritually linked to people in the world, because they too are half-way between heaven and hell.

True Christian Religion #818 (Ager, 1970)

818. Since the last judgment, which took place in the spiritual world in the year 1757, the state of all, and consequently the state of the Papists, is so changed that they are not permitted, as formerly, to congregate in bodies; but for every love, either good or evil, ways are appointed, which those who come from the world immediately enter, and pass to societies correspondent to their loves. Thus the wicked are borne to societies that are in hell, and the good to societies in heaven; and in this way their forming for themselves artificial heavens, as they previously did, is guarded against. Such societies are very numerous in the world of spirits, which is intermediate between heaven and hell, for they are as many as the genera and species of affections pertaining to the love of good and the love of evil; and in the meantime, before their members are raised up into heaven or cast down to hell, they are in spiritual conjunction with the men of the world, because men also are intermediate between heaven and hell.

True Christian Religion #818 (Dick, 1950)

818. Since the Last Judgment, which took place in the year 1757, the state of all is changed; and Roman Catholics are not now permitted to gather into assemblies as formerly. Now, there are paths appointed for every love, by which they proceed towards the societies that correspond to their loves. In this way the evil are conducted to societies in hell and the good to societies in heaven. Thus it is provided that none shall form artificial heavens for themselves as formerly. In the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, there are as many such societies as there are different affections belonging to the love of good and the love of evil; and in the meantime, before those composing these societies are either elevated to heaven or cast down to hell, they are in spiritual conjunction with men in the world; because men are also in the midst between heaven and hell.

Vera Christiana Religio #818 (original Latin,1770)

818. Post Ultimum Judicium, quod in Mundo spirituali factum est Anno 1757, Status omnium, et sic etiam illorum, ita mutatus est, quod non liceat se congregare in Caetus, sicut prius; sed cuivis Amori tam bono quam malo, ordinatae sint viae, quas illi, qui e Mundo alluunt, illico intrant, ac vadunt ad Societates Amoribus illorum correspondentes; sic feruntur mali ad Societates, quae in Inferno sunt, ac boni ad Societates quae in Coelo sunt: sic cautum est, ne sicut prius artificiales Coelos sibi forment. Tales Societates in Mundo spirituum, qui est medius inter Coelum et Infernum, sunt multiplices, sunt enim totidem, quot sunt Genera et Species affectionum Amoris boni et mali; ac interea antequam vel in Coelum elevantur, vel in Infernum dejiciuntur, sunt in conjunctione spirituali cum hominibus Mundi, ex causa quia hi etiam in medio sunt inter Coelum et Infernum.

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