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《真实的基督教》 第98节


  98.父与子,就是神性与人性,如同灵魂与身体那样在主里面合一。这是当今教会的信条,也与圣言一致。然而,一百个人中几乎不到五个人,或一千个人中不到五十个人知道这一点。原因就在于唯信称义的教义,很多神职人员为了寻求学术上的声望以得到荣耀和晋升,狂热地传播这一教义,竟到了它充斥并围困其整个心智的地步。由于该教义如被称为酒精的酒神(vinous spirit)那样使他们的思维醉了,所以他们就象醉汉,看不见教会这一最根本的信条:即耶和华神降下来并取了人的样式。然而,这种合一是人借以与神结合的唯一途径,人凭着如此结合而得救。若深思神是天堂全部中的全部,因而是教会全部中的全部,故也是神学全部中的全部,谁都能看出,救恩取决于对神的认识和承认。

真实的基督教 #98 (火能翻译,2015)

98. 如同靈魂與身體的聯合, 父與子,就是神性與人性, 在主裡聯合。當今教會其實有這些的信條, 然而簡直不到百分之五的人明白此理, 禍害就是唯信稱義。許多神職人員, 為了其職業生涯和經濟利益而追求學術上的聲望, 傾力於這個唯信稱義的教義上, 佔據他們頭腦的每個角落。如此教條麻醉了他們的思想, 如同烈酒。於是, 他們就像酒醉之人, 迷失方向, 找不到教會最重要的要素, 就是耶和華上帝降世, 取了人的樣式顯現。然而, 父與子的聯合是人與上帝建立關係的唯一途徑, 藉此關係, 人方可被拯救。人若認為上帝是天國的一切,教會的一切及神學的一切, 顯而易見, 拯救依賴於我們對上帝的理解與接受如何。

首先我們要證實, 父與子,或者神性與人性, 在主裡的聯合, 就如同靈魂與身體的聯合。然後, 我們再討論這樣的聯合是相互的。

父與子如同靈魂與身體, 這個概念是在『亞他尼修信經』中確定的, 這點是整個基督徒世界作為關於上帝的教義而被廣泛接受。其中是這樣寫的:"我們的主耶穌基督既是上帝, 亦是人; 儘管祂既是上帝, 亦是人, 然非為二, 乃是一基督; 因為神性為自己取了人性, 因此祂是一; 實際上, 祂是完全是一; 祂是一位。如同靈魂和身體是一人, 上帝與人是一基督。"

誠然, 人們理解這樣的聯合是永遠生出的上帝之子與時間內所生之子的聯合。但上帝是一, 而非二。因此, 只要視之為永恆之獨一上帝, 而非分開的另一位上帝, 『亞他尼修信經』中這樣的立場就與聖言相符。

聖言中讀到, 子因父耶和華而孕(路加福音1:34-35)。這是祂靈魂和生命的起源, 怪不得祂說與父為一(約翰福音10:30), 看見和知道祂的就是看見和知道父(約翰福音14:9)。你們若認識我, 也就認識我的父(約翰福音8:19)。接受我的, 就是接受那差我的(約翰福音13:20)。祂在父懷中(約翰福音1:18)。凡父所有的, 都是祂的(約翰福音16:15)。祂還被稱為永恆的父(以賽亞書9:6)。因此祂有能力管理凡有血氣的(約翰福音17:2)。天上地上所有的權柄都賜給祂(馬太福音28:18)。

從以上章節, 還有其他多處, 可以顯然看出, 父與子的聯合如同靈魂與身體聯合。因此, 在舊約中, 祂常被稱為"耶和華", "萬軍之耶和華", "耶和華救贖主"(請看第83節)。

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True Christianity #98 (Rose, 2010)

98. The idea that the Father and the Son, meaning the divine nature and the human nature, are united in the Lord like a soul and a body is part of the modern-day church's belief and is based on the Word. Nevertheless barely five out of a hundred or fifty out of a thousand know it. The culprit is the doctrine of justification by faith alone. Many clergy who seek a scholarly reputation to advance their careers and financial situations are focusing all their effort on this doctrine, to the point where nowadays it occupies and obsesses every square inch of their mind. This doctrine has intoxicated their thinking as if it were alcohol. Like drunks, then, they miss the most crucial element in the church, which is that Jehovah God came down and took on a human manifestation. Yet our partnership with God is possible only through this union [of Father and Son]; and our salvation is possible only through our partnership with God. Anyone who takes into consideration that God is everything to all heaven, everything to all the church, and therefore everything to all theology can see that salvation depends on our recognition and acknowledgment of God.

First we will show that the union of the Father and the Son, or the divine nature and the human nature in the Lord, is like the union of a soul and a body. Next we will show that that union is reciprocal.

The concept of a union like the one between a soul and a body was established in the Athanasian Creed - a creed accepted by the entire Christian world as its position on God. There we read, "Our Lord Jesus Christ is both God and a human being. Yet although he is both God and a human being, still he is one Christ, not two. He is one because the divine nature took on a human nature for itself. In fact, he is completely one; he is one person. As a soul and a body is one human being, so God and a human being is one Christ. "

Admittedly, people take this to be a union between an eternally begotten Son of God and a Son born in time; but God is one, not three. Therefore when this is taken to be a union with the one God from eternity then the position in the Athanasian Creed agrees with the Word.

In the Word we read that the Son was conceived by Jehovah the Father (Luke 1:34-35). Since this was the origin of his soul and life, it says that he and the Father are one (John 10:30), and that those who see and know him see and know the Father (John 14:9). "If you had known me you would have known my Father also" (John 8:19). Those who receive me receive the One who sent me (John 13:20). The Word also says that he is close to the Father's heart (John 1:18), that absolutely everything the Father has belongs to him (John 16:15), that he himself is called Father of Eternity (Isaiah 9:6), and that he has power over all flesh (John 17:2) and all power in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18).

From these and many other passages in the Word we can clearly see that the union of the Father and the Son is like the union of a soul and a body. For this reason even in the Old Testament he is often named Jehovah, Jehovah Sabaoth, and Jehovah the Redeemer (see 83 above).

True Christian Religion #98 (Chadwick, 1988)

98. It is in fact a tenet of belief in the church to-day, and also supported from the Word, that the Father and the Son, that is, the Divine and the Human, are united in the Lord like the soul and the body. Yet there are scarcely five in a hundred, or fifty in a thousand, who know this. The reason is the doctrine of justification by faith alone, so zealously propagated by many of the clergy, who seek a reputation for learning for the sake of honours and preferment, to such a point that that doctrine occupies and besets every point in their minds. Because it has made their thoughts drunk, just as the spirits of wine called alcohol, they have, like drunkards, failed to see this most essential tenet of the church, that Jehovah God came down and took human form. Yet that union is the sole means by which man is linked to God, and by being so linked is saved. It is evident that salvation depends upon the knowledge and acknowledgment of God, if anyone considers that God is all in all in heaven, and so all in all in the church, and therefore all in all in theology.

[2] Here I shall first prove that the union of the Father and the Son, that is, the Divine and the Human in the Lord, is like the union of soul and body; and, secondly, that this is a reciprocal union. The concept of a union as of the soul and the body has been established in the Athanasian Creed, which is accepted throughout the Christian world as the doctrine concerning God. In it we read as follows:

Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and Man; and although He is God and Man, they are not two, but one Christ. He is one, because the Divine took to itself a human. Indeed He is altogether one and is one Person, for as the soul and the body are one man, so God and Man are one Christ.

This is understood to mean that this is a union between the Son of God from eternity and the Son born in time; but because God is one and not three, so long as that union is understood to be with the one God from eternity, the doctrine agrees with the Word. There we read that He was conceived of Jehovah the Father (Luke 1:34-35); and that was the source of His soul and life. This is why He says that He and the Father are one (John 10:30); that he who sees and knows Him sees and knows the Father (John 14:9); 'if you knew Me, you would also know My Father' (John 8:19); 'he who receives Me, receives Him who sent Me' (John 13:20); that He is in the Father's bosom (John 1:18); that all things whatsoever the Father has are His (John 16:15); that He is called the everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6); that He thus has power over all flesh (John 17:2), and all power in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). From these and many other passages in the Word it can be clearly seen that the union between the Father and the Son is like that between the soul and the body. For this reason too He is often called in the Old Testament Jehovah, Jehovah Zebaoth, and Jehovah the Redeemer (83 above).

True Christian Religion #98 (Ager, 1970)

98. That the Father and the Son, that is, the Divine and the Human, became united in the Lord like soul and body, is in agreement with the belief of the church at this day and also with the Word; and yet scarcely five in a hundred, or fifty in a thousand, know it. This is because of the doctrine of justification by faith alone, to which most of the clergy who are seeking a reputation for learning with a view to honor or wealth, devote themselves with great zeal, until at present their whole mind has become seized and possessed by that doctrine. And because that doctrine, like the vinous spirit called alcohol, has intoxicated their thoughts, they, like drunken men, have failed to see this most essential truth of the church, that it was Jehovah God who descended and assumed a Human; and yet it is only by means of this union that a conjunction of man with God is possible, and by conjunction, salvation. That salvation depends upon a knowledge and acknowledgment of God, can be seen by anyone who reflects that God is the All in all things of heaven, and therefore the All in all things of the church, consequently the All in all things of theology. But first it shall here be shown that the union of the Father and Son, that is, of the Divine and the Human in the Lord, is like the union of soul and body, and afterwards that this union is reciprocal. A union like that of soul and body is established in the Athanasian Creed, which is accepted in the whole Christian world as the doctrine respecting God. We there read: "Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and Man; and although He is God and Man, yet they are not two, but one Christ. He is one because the Divine took to Itself a Human. He is indeed wholly one, and is one Person; for as soul and body are one man, so is God and Man one Christ." What they understand by this is, that there is such a union between a Son of God from eternity and a Son born in time; but as God is one and not three, when we understand a union between the one God from eternity and the Son born in time, this doctrine agrees with the Word. In the Word it is said:

That He was conceived of Jehovah the Father (Luke 1:34, 35);

this was the source of His soul and life; therefore He says:

That He and the Father are one (John 10:30);

That he that seeth and knoweth Him seeth and knoweth the Father (John 14:9);

If ye knew Me ye would know My Father also (John 8:19);

He that receiveth Me receiveth Him that sent Me (John 13:20);

That He is in the bosom of the Father (John 1:18);

That all things whatsoever the Father hath are His (John 16:15);

That He is called the Father of Eternity (Isaiah 9:6);

That therefore He has power over all flesh (John 17:2);

And all power in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18).

From these and many other passages in the Word it can be clearly seen that the union of the Father and Himself is like the union of soul and body. Therefore in the Old Testament also He is frequently called "Jehovah," "Jehovah of Hosts," and "Jehovah the Redeemer" (see above, n. 83).

True Christian Religion #98 (Dick, 1950)

98. That the Father and the Son, that is, the Divine and the Human, are united in the Lord, like soul and body, is indeed according to the faith of the Church at this day, and is also in agreement with the Word; but yet scarcely five in a hundred, or fifty in a thousand, know it as a truth. This is because of the doctrine of justification by faith alone, to which most of the clergy, eager to gain a reputation for learning for the sake of honor and reward, incline wholeheartedly, till at this day the minds of many are wholly obsessed by that doctrine. Moreover this doctrine, like that vinous spirit called alcohol, has be-clouded their thoughts so that like drunken men they have failed to perceive this, the most essential tenet of the Church, that Jehovah God descended and assumed the Human; although through this union alone can man have conjunction with God, and by conjunction, salvation. That salvation depends upon the knowledge and acknowledgment of God may appear evident to every one who considers that God is the All in all of heaven, and thence of the Church, and consequently of theology.

It will now be shown in the first place that the union of the Father and the Son, or of the Divine and the Human, in the Lord is like the union of the soul and body; and afterwards that this union is reciprocal. A union like that of soul and body is maintained in the Athanasian Creed, 1 which is received throughout the whole Christian world as the doctrine concerning God. We there read:

"Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and Man; and although He is God and Man, yet they are not two but one Christ. He is one, because the Divine took the Human to itself; yea, He is altogether one, and He is one Person; for as the soul and body is one man, so God and Man is one Christ."

But in this passage it is meant that this union exists between the Son of God from eternity and the Son born in time. However, since God is one and not three, if by that union is meant union with the one God from eternity, that doctrine agrees with the Word, where we read:

that He was conceived of Jehovah the Father, Luke 1:34-35

whence He derived His soul and His life. Therefore He says:

that He and His Father are one, John 10:30;

that he who sees and knows Him, sees and knows the Father, John 14:9;

"If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also" John 8:19;

"He that receiveth me, receiveth Him that sent me" John 13:20;

"Which is in the bosom of the Father" John 1:18;

that all things that the Father hath, are His, John 16:15;

that he is called the everlasting Father, Isaiah 9:8;

that therefore He has power over all flesh, John 17:2,

and all power in heaven and in earth, Matthew 28:18.

From these and many other passages in the Word it may be clearly seen that the union of the Father and the Son is like that of soul and body. Therefore also in the Old Testament He is frequently called JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH ZEBAOTH, and JEHOVAH the Redeemer, as may be seen in number 83.


1. Athanasian Symbol or Creed. Although bearing the name of Athanasius, it was probably composed by Hilary, in the century after the formulation of the Nicene Creed, A.D. 325. The name was given to it about the year A.D. 670 as an excellent system of the doctrines of Athansius concerning the Trinity and the Incarnation, principally in opposition to the Arians. It is received by the Romish Church and also by the Reformed.

Vera Christiana Religio #98 (original Latin,1770)

98. Quod Pater et Filius, hoc est, 1 Divinum et Humanum, in Domino unita sint sicut Anima et Corpus, est quidem ex fide hodiernae Ecclesiae, et quoque ex Verbo, sed usque vix quinque inter centum, aut quinquaginta inter mille hoc norunt; causa est Doctrina justificationis per solam fidem, cui plerique ex Clero, qui famam eruditionis propter honores et lucrationes ambiunt, omni studio incumbunt, usque dum illa doctrina omne punctum mentis eorum hodie ferat et obsideat, et quia haec cogitationes illorum sicut spiritus vinosus alcohol dictus inebriavit, ideo sicut ebrii essentialissimum hoc Ecclesiae, quod Jehovah Deus descenderit, et Humanum assumserit, non viderunt; cum tamen per hanc Unionem homini cum Deo unice datur conjunctio, et per conjunctionem salvatio: quod salus ex cognitione et agnitione Dei pendeat, constare potest unicuivis qui expendit, quod Deus sit omne in omnibus Coeli, et inde omne in omnibus Ecclesiae, consequenter omne in omnibus Theologiae.

[2] Sed primum hic demonstrabitur, quod Unio Patris et Filii, seu Divini et Humani in Domino, sit sicut unio animae et corporis, et postea quod Unio illa sit reciproca; Unio sicut animae et corporis constabilita est in Symbolo Athanasii, 2 quod in Universo Christiano Orbe pro Doctrina de Deo receptum est; ibi haec leguntur, "Noster Dominus Jesus Christus est Deus et Homo; et quamvis est Deus et Homo, usque non sunt duo, sed est Unus Christus; est Unus, quia Divinum suscepit ad se Humanum; imo est prorsus Unus, et est Una Persona, nam sicut Anima et Corpus unus est homo, ita Deus et Homo unus est Christus;" sed hic intelligitur, quod talis unio sit Filii Dei ab aeterno cum Filio nato in tempore; verum quia Deus est unus et non tres, dum illa Unio intelligitur cum Deo uno ab aeterno, concordat illa Doctrina cum Verbo; in Verbo haec leguntur, "Quod conceptus sit a Jehovah Patre," Luca 1:34-35, inde 3 Ipsi anima et vita, quare dicit, quod Ipse et Pater unum sint, Johannes 10:30. Quod qui Ipsum videt et cognoscit, videat et cognoscat Patrem, Johannes 14:9. Si Me nossetis, etiam Patrem meum nossetis, Johannes 8:19. Qui Me suscipit, suscipit Ipsum qui misit Me, Johannes 13:20. Quod in sinu Patris sit, Johannes 1:18. Quod omnia quaecunque Pater habet, sua sint, Johannes 16:15. Quod dicatur Pater aeternitatis, Esaias 9:5. 4 Quod inde Ipsi sit potestas omnis carnis, Johannes 17:2. 5 Et omnis potestas in Coelo et in Terra, Matthaeus 28:18. Ex his et pluribus in Verbo clare videri potest, quod Unio Patris et Ipsius sit sicut 6 Animae et Corporis; quare etiam in Veteri Testamento Ipse saepius nominatur Jehovah, Jehovah Zebaoth, et Jehovah Redemptor, videatur supra 83.


1. Prima editio: cst.
2. Prima editio: Athanasiii.
3. Prima editio: 35. inde.
4. Sic Schmidt et Biblia Hebraica, sed 9:6 apud Biblia Anglica.

5. Prima editio: Johannes 18.
6. Prima editio: sict.

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