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《白马》 第3节

(一滴水译本 2022)


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The White Horse (New Century Edition 2020) 3

3. A horse means understanding because of the way things are represented in the spiritual world. People there often see horses, and people sitting on horses, and also chariots, and everyone there knows that they mean matters of understanding and refer to a body of teaching. I have often seen that when people there were using their understanding to think, they appeared as if they were riding horses. That is how their thought process presented itself to others, even though they themselves were unaware of it.

There is also a meeting place there for large numbers of people who ponder theological truths with their understanding and talk about them. When others come there, they see that whole area full of chariots and horses; and newcomers who wonder why this is happening are informed that this sight is caused by the deep thought that is occurring. The place is called “the Assembly of the Intelligent and the Wise.”

I have also seen shining horses and fiery chariots when particular people were being taken up into heaven, which was a sign that they were being taken up because they had then been taught about heavenly theological truths and had come to understand them.

Seeing this brought to my mind the meaning of the chariot of fire and the horses of fire by which Elijah was taken up into heaven [2 Kings 2:1112] and of the horses and chariots of fire that Elisha’s servant saw when his eyes were opened [2 Kings 6:17].

White Horse (Ryder translation 2007) 3

3. That 'horse' signifies understanding comes from no other source than from representatives in the spiritual world; horses are seen there very often, and those seated on horses, and even chariots, and everyone knows there that they signify things of the intellect and doctrine. It seemed to me quite often, when any there were thinking by using their own understanding of things, that they appeared as if they were riding on horses; this was how their meditating presented itself before others, though they themselves were unaware of it. There is also a place there where many come together who, using their own understanding of things, think and talk about the truths contained in doctrine; and when others come there they see that whole plain full of chariots and horses; and newcomers, who wonder where all this comes from, are taught that this is a manifestation resulting from their own intellectual thought; this place is called the Assembly of the Intelligent and Wise. There even appeared to me horses beaming with light and chariots of fire, when certain souls were taken up into heaven, which was a sign that they were at that time instructed in the truths contained in heavenly doctrine, and made intelligent, and thus were taken up. As a result of my seeing this, there came into my mind what was signified by the chariot of fire and the horses of fire by which Elijah was taken up into heaven; and also by the horses and chariots of fire seen by Elisha's servant when his eyes were opened.

White Horse (Willmott translation 1955) 3

3. That a horse means the understanding is derived from no other source than from representatives in the spiritual world. Horses are seen there frequently, and persons sitting upon horses, and also chariots. And in that world everyone knows that they indicate intellectual and doctrinal things. I have often observed, when any there were thinking from their understanding, that they appeared as if to be riding on horses. Their meditation represented itself in such a manner before others, they themselves being unconscious of it. There is also a place there, where many come together who think and speak from the understanding concerning truths of doctrine. And when others come to that place, they see that entire plain filled with chariots and horses and novitiates, who are curious to know whence this comes about, are taught that this is an appearance resulting from their intellectual thought. That place is called the assembly of the intelligent and wise. I have even seen shining horses and fiery chariots when some were taken up into heaven, which was a sign that they were then instructed in the truths of heavenly doctrine, and had become intelligent, and were thus taken up. As I beheld this attentively, there came into my mind what was signified by the chariot and horses of fire by which Elijah was taken up into heaven, and also by the horses and chariots of fire seen by Elisha's servant when his eyes were opened.

White Horse (Whitehead translation 1892) 3

3. That a horse signifies the understanding, is from no other source than from the representatives in the spiritual world. In that world horses are frequently seen, and persons sitting upon horses, and also chariots; and there everyone knows that they signify intellectual and doctrinal things. I have often observed, when any were thinking from their understanding, that at such times they appeared as if riding on horses; their meditation was thus represented before others, they themselves not knowing it. There is also a place there, where many assemble who think and speak from the understanding concerning the truths of doctrine; and when others approach, they see the whole plain full of chariots and horses; and novitiate spirits, who wonder whence this is, are instructed that it is an appearance resulting from their intellectual thought. That place is called the assembly of the intelligent and the wise. I have likewise seen bright horses and chariots of fire, when some were taken up into heaven, which was a sign that they were then instructed in the truths of heavenly doctrine, and became intelligent, and thus were taken up; on seeing which, it occurred to my mind, what is signified by "the chariot of fire and the horses of fire by which Elijah was taken up into heaven;" and what is signified by "the horses and chariots of fire" that were seen by the young man of Elisha, when his eyes were opened.

De Equo Albo 3 (original Latin 1758)

3. Quod Equus Intellectum significet, non aliunde venit quam ex Repraesentativis in Mundo spirituali; multoties ibi apparent Equi et Insidentes equis, tum etiam Currus, et sciunt ibi omnes quod significent Intellectualia et Doctrinalia; visum est mihi saepius, cum aliqui ibi ex intellectu suo cogitarent, quod apparerent sicut equitantes equis; ita repraesentabat se Meditatio eorum coram aliis, iis nescientibus. Est quoque ibi Locus, ubi conveniunt multi qui ex intellectu cogitant et loquunter de Veris doctrinae; et cum alii illuc veniunt, vident totum illum Campum plenum Curribus et Equis, et novitii, qui mirantur undenam hoc, instruuntur quod Apparentia illa sit ex intellectuali cogitatione eorum; Locus ille vocatur Conventus Intelligentium et Sapientium. Visi etiam mihi sunt Equi lucidi et Currus ignei, cum quidam sublati sunt in Coelum, quod indicium erat quod tunc illi instructi fuerint in Veris doctrinae caelestis, ac Intelligentes facti, et sic sublati: ex quo viso, in mentem venit, quid significatum est per Currum igneum et Equos igneos quibus Elias sublatus est in Coelum; et quid per Equos et Currus igneos visos puero Elisaei, cum oculi ejus aperti sunt.

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