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《揭秘启示录》 第294节

(一滴水译本 2019)





  他们又被要求思想主的人性,进而说“神性人”(DIVINE HUMAN)。在场的神职人员无一能做到,却有一些平信徒能。于是,这个问题引发了一场深刻的讨论。首先,以下福音书中的经文被读给他们:
























上一节  目录  下一节

Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 294

294. To this I will append the following narrative account:

In the natural world people possess two levels of speech, because they possess two levels of thought, one inward and one outward. For a person can speak from his inner thought and at the same time then from his outer one, or he can speak from his outer thought and not from his inner one, and even contrary to his inner one. This is what makes possible pretenses, flatteries, and hypocrisies.

In the spiritual world, however, people do not possess two levels of speech, but a single one. A person there speaks as he thinks. Otherwise his voice becomes grating and hurts the ears. Still, he can remain silent and so not divulge the thoughts of his mind. Consequently, when a hypocrite comes into the company of people who are wise, either he goes away, or he hurries to a corner of the room and makes himself inconspicuous, and sits silent.

[2] Many spirits once gathered in the world of spirits and discussed this circumstance with each other, saying that being unable to speak as one thinks in the company of good spirits was a hardship for those who had not thought correctly about God and the Lord.

At the center of the gathering were the Protestant Reformed, and many of their clergy, and next to them Roman Catholics with some monks. Both groups said at first that it was not a hardship. What need is there to speak otherwise than as one thinks? And if perchance one does not think correctly, can he not purse his lips and remain silent?

Moreover, one of the clergy said, "Who does not think correctly about God and the Lord?"

But some of the gathering said, "Still, let's put it to the test."

And regarding God, there were some who had confirmed themselves in a trinity of persons - particularly because of the statement in the Athanasian doctrine,

The person of the Father is one person, that of the Son another, and that of the Holy Spirit still another.


As the Father is God, so is the Son God, and the Holy Spirit God.

These were told to say "one God." But they could not. They contorted their lips and twisted them into many convolutions, but they could not articulate the sound into any other words than those in keeping with the ideas of their thought, which were ideas of three persons and so of three Gods.

[3] Moreover, those who had affirmed a faith divorced from charity were told to say the name Jesus. But they could not, even though they could all say Christ, and also God the Father. They were surprised at this, and inquiring into the reason, they found that they prayed to God the Father for the sake of the Son, and did not pray to the Savior Himself. For Jesus means Savior.

[4] They were further told to speak from their thought about the Lord's humanity and say, "Divine humanity." But none of the clergy present there could do so, though some of the laity could, and therefore the subject was presented for a serious ventilation.

So then, 1. They had read to them these statements in the Gospels:

The Father... has given all things into (the Son's) hand. (John 3:35)

(The Father has) given (the Son) authority over all flesh... (John 17:2)

All things have been delivered to Me by My Father. (Matthew 11:27)

All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. (Matthew 28:18)

They were then told to retain in thought therefore the idea that Christ is God of heaven and earth, both in respect to His Divinity and in respect to His humanity, and so to utter the term, "Divine humanity." But still they could not. And they said that they even retained from the quotations some thought of the idea from an understanding of it, but nevertheless without any acknowledgment of it, and that for that reason they could not.

[5] 2. After that they had read to them statements from Luke 1:32, 34-35, 1saying that the Lord in respect to His humanity was the Son of Jehovah God, and statements showing that in respect to His humanity He is everywhere in the Word called the Son of God, and also the only-begotten. 2And the examiners asked them to retain this idea in their thought, along with the idea that the only begotten Son of God born into the world could not but be God, as the Father is God, and to utter the term, "Divine humanity."

But they said, "We cannot, because our spiritual thought, which is the inner one, does not allow into the thought nearest our speech any other than like ideas."

They said, too, that they perceived from this that it is now not possible to keep separate their levels of thought as in the natural world.

[6] 3. Next they had read to them the Lord's words to Philip:

Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father...." (And the Lord) said to him, ."..He who sees Me has seen the Father... Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me?" (John 14:8-11)

And moreover other passages, saying that the Father and He are one (John 10:30, and elsewhere). And they were told to retain this idea in thought and then say "Divine humanity." But because their thought was not rooted in an acknowledgment that the Lord was God even in respect to His humanity, therefore they could not. They contorted their lips into convolutions to the point of becoming irate, and they tried to force their mouths into uttering it and to spit it out. But without success. The reason was that mental ideas flowing from an acknowledgment unite with spoken words in people who live in the spiritual world; and when those ideas do not exist, words are lacking, for ideas become words when uttered in speech.

[7] 4. Then they had read to them statement from the church's doctrine accepted throughout the world, saying that the Divine and human in the Lord are not two but one, indeed one person, united altogether like soul and body - statements from the Athanasian Creed. And they were told, "You may take from this an idea in keeping with your acknowledgment, that the Lord's humanity is Divine, because His soul is Divine, for it comes from your church's doctrine which you acknowledged in the world. Moreover the soul is the underlying essence and the body the form, and the essence and form are united, like being and expression, or like the efficient cause of an effect and the effect itself."

The spirits retained this idea and tried in accord with it to utter the term, "Divine humanity." But they could not, for their inner idea of the Lord's humanity dismissed and expunged this novel new idea, as they called it.

[8] 5. Again they had read to them the following from John:

...the Word was with God, and the Word was God... And the Word became flesh... (John 1:1, 14)

And the following from Paul:

...in (Christ Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. (Colossians 2:9)

And they were told to think hard that God, who was the Word, became flesh, and that all the Divine dwells in Him bodily. "Perhaps," they were told, "you can then utter the term, 'Divine humanity.'"

But they could not, saying openly that they could not entertain the idea of a Divine humanity, as God is God and man is man, and God is a spirit, "and we can think of a spirit only as being like a puff of wind or bit of ether."

[9] 6. Finally they were told, "You know that the Lord said, "Abide in Me, and I in you... He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:4-5)" And because some of the English clergy were present, they had read to them also something from one of their prayers before Holy Communion:

For, when we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ, and drink the blood, then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us.

"If you now think that this would not be possible unless the Lord's humanity is Divine, utter then the term, "Divine humanity," from an acknowledgment in the thought."

But still they could not. For they had the idea so deeply impressed on them that the Lord's Divinity was one thing and His humanity another, so that His Divinity was like the Divinity of the Father, and His humanity like the humanity of any other man.

The examiners said to them, however, "How can you think so? Is it possible for a rational mind ever to think that God is three and the Lord two?"

[10] 7. After that the examiners turned to the Lutherans, saying that the Augsburg Confession and Luther taught that the Son of God and the Son of Man in Christ are one person, that He is also in respect to His human nature the true, almighty and eternal God, and that being in respect to that nature at the right hand of almighty God, He governs everything in heaven and on earth, fills everything, is present with us, and dwells and acts in us. Moreover, there is no difference in any worship of them, since through the nature that is seen, the Divinity that is not seen is worshiped. Thus in Christ, God is man, and man is God.

Hearing this, the Lutherans replied, "Is that right?" And having looked around, they presently said, "We have not known this before. Consequently we cannot."

But one or two of them said, "We have read this and written it, yet when we have thought about it to ourselves on our own, the words were still only words, of which we could not form an interior idea."

[11] 8. Finally, turning to the Roman Catholics, the examiners said, "Perhaps you can pronounce the term 'Divine humanity,' because you believe that Christ is wholly present in the bread and wine of your Eucharist and in every particle of it, and you also worship Him as God when you present the host and distribute it, and you call Mary the mother of God. Consequently you acknowledge that she gave birth to God, which is to say, to His Divine humanity."

They then tried to utter the term in accord with those mental ideas they had of the Lord. But they could not, because of the physical idea they had of His body and blood, and because of their assertion that it was human power and not Divine power that He conferred on the Pope.

A monk then rose and said that he could think of the term "Divine humanity" as applying to the Virgin Mary, mother of God, and also to the patron saint of his monastery.

And another monk came forward saying, "I can, in accord with my mental idea of it, say 'Divine humanity' as a term applying to our most holy Pope rather than to the Christ."

But at that other monks pulled him back and said, "Shame on you."

[12] After that I saw heaven opened, and I saw little flame-like tongues descending and flowing into some of those present, and they then began to celebrate the Lord's Divine humanity, saying, "Put aside the idea of three Gods and believe that in the Lord dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, that the Father and He are one as a soul and body are one, and that God is not a puff of wind or bit of ether, but human, and you will then be conjoined with heaven, and the Lord will enable you thereby to say the name Jesus and utter the term, "Divine humanity."


1. "He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David... Then Mary said to the angel, 'How can this be, since I do not know a man?' And the angel answered and said to her, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.'"

2. John 1:14, 18; 3:16, 18

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 294

294. To these things I will add this MEMORABLE OCCURRENCE.

In the natural world a man has a two-fold way of speaking, because he has a two-fold thought, exterior and interior. For a man is able to speak out of the interior thought and at the very same time out of the exterior thought, and he is able to speak out of the exterior thought and not out of the interior, in fact, contrary to the interior thought. This is the origin of pretences, flattering assents, and hypocrisies. In the spiritual world, however, a man does not have a two-fold but a straightforward way of speaking, for he speaks as he is thinking, otherwise the sound is harsh and offends the ears. Nevertheless he can be silent, and so not divulge the thoughts of his mind; and therefore the hypocrite, when he comes among the wise, either goes away, or hastens to a corner in the room and makes himself inconspicuous and sits silent.

[2] Once there were many people assembled in the world of spirits, and they were discussing this subject, saying that being unable to speak except as one is thinking is hard on those in the company of the good when they have not thought rightly of God and the Lord. In the midst of the assembly were the Reformed, and many of the clergy, and near them the followers of the Pontiff (Pontificii) with some monks. Both of these groups at first said that it was not hard. 'What need is there to speak otherwise than as one is thinking, and if perchance one should not be thinking aright, can he not close the lips and keep silence?' And one of the clergy said, 'Who does not think rightly of God and the Lord?' But some of those assembled said, 'All the same let us put it to the test.' And those who had confirmed themselves concerning a GOD in a Trinity of Persons, especially as a result of the words in the Athanasian doctrine, 'There is One Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy

Spirit: and as the Father is God, so also the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God,' were told to say 'One God' But they were not able. They twisted and folded their lips into many curves and could not articulate a sound into any other words than were consonant with the ideas of their thought, which were ideas of three Persons and consequently of three Gods.

[3] Then it was said to those who had confirmed a faith separated from charity that they should pronounce the name 'JESUS,' but they could not; yet they could all say 'Christ,' and also 'God the Father.' They marvelled at this, and sought out the cause, and found it to be that they had prayed to God the Father for the sake of the Son, and had not prayed to the Saviour Himself; for 'Jesus' signifies Saviour.

[4] Again it was said to them that out of thought concerning the Lord's Human they should say 'DIVINE HUMAN'; but none of the clergy who were present could do so though some of the laity were able, and so the subject was submitted to a serious discussion; and then,

I. These statements in the Evangelists were read in their presence:

The Father has given all things into the hand of the Son. John 3:35.

The Father has given the Son authority over all flesh. John 17:2.

All things are delivered unto Me by the Father. Matthew 11:27.

All authority is given unto Me in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18, and it was said to them, 'Keep therefrom in the thought [the idea] that Christ both as to His Divine and His Human is the God of heaven and earth, and so pronounce 'DIVINE HUMAN.' But still they could not do so, and they said that they had indeed kept from the statements some [idea] of thought out of the understanding concerning it, but yet there was not anything of acknowledgment, and that therefore they were unable.

[5] II. Afterwards, out of Luke (chapter 32, 34-35) there was read to them that the Lord as to the Human was the Son of Jehovah God, and that everywhere in the Word He as to the Human is said to be 'Son of God' and also 'Only-begotten and they were asked to hold this in the thought, and also that the Only-begotten Son of God born in the world cannot but be God, as the Father is God, and to utter DIVINE HUMAN.' But they said, 'We cannot, because our spiritual thought, which is interior, does not admit other than similar ideas into the thought nearest to speech'; and [they said] that as a result they perceive that it is not permitted them now to divide their thoughts, as in the natural world.

[6] III. Then the words of the Lord to Philip were read to them:

Philip said, Lord, show us the Father, and the Lord said, He that sees Me, sees the Father; believest thou not that I am in the Father and the Father in Me? John 14:8-11, and also in another place that:

The Father and Himself are One. John 10:30; and elsewhere; and it was said to them that they should keep this in the thought and so say 'DIVINE HUMAN'; but as that thought was not rooted in the acknowledgment that the Lord was God even as to the Human, therefore they could not. They twisted the lips into folds till they were angry and wanted to compel their mouth to litter and force it out, but all to no purpose. This was because the ideas of a thought that flows out of acknowledgment make one with the words of the tongue in the case of those who are in the spiritual world, and where such ideas do not exist there are no words, for the ideas become words in the speaking.

[7] IV. Moreover, these [words] were read to them out of the Doctrine of the Church received throughout all the world:

That the Divine and the Human in the lord are not two, but one, indeed one Person, united altogether like soul and body.

They are out of the Athanasian Creed. And it was said to them, 'Undoubtedly you are able therefrom to have an idea [derived] out of the acknowledgment that the Lord's Human is Divine because His Soul is Divine, for [such an idea] is from the doctrine of your Church, which you acknowledged in the world. Moreover the soul is the essence itself and the body is the form and the essence and the form make one, as being (esse) and existing (existere), and as the efficient cause of an effect and the effect itself.' They held on to that idea and wished as a result to pronounce 'DIVINE HUMAN,' but were not able; for the interior idea concerning the Lord's Human drove out and expunged this new additional idea, as they called it.

[8] V. Further, there was read to them this [statement] out of John:

The Word was with God, and the Word was God; and the Word was made flesh. John 2:14; and this of Paul,

In Christ Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, Colossians 2:9; and it was said to them that they should think firmly that God, Who was the Word, was made flesh, and that all the Divine dwells in Him bodily. 'Perhaps in this manner you can pronounce DIVINE HUMAN.' But still they were not able, openly saying that they could not have the idea of a Divine Human, 'because God is God, and man is man, and God is a Spirit, and we have not thought of a spirit otherwise than as of wind or ether.

[9] VI. At length it was said to them, You know that the Lord said,

Abide in Me, and I in you. He that abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for without Me you cannot do anything. John 15:4-5; and because some of the English clergy were present there was read to them out of an exhortation of theirs before the Holy Communion,

For when we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ, and drink the blood, then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us. 1

'If now you think this cannot come about unless the Lord's Human is Divine, pronounce "DIVINE HUMAN" accordingly out of the acknowledgment in thought.' But still they were unable, so deeply impressed upon them was the idea that the Lord's Divine was one thing and His Human another, so that His Divine was like the Divine of the Father, and the Human like the human of another man. It was, however, said to them, 'How can you think so? Is it possible for a rational mind ever to think of God being three, and the Lord two?'

[10] VII. Afterwards they turned to the Lutherans, saying that the Augustan [Augsburg] Confession and Luther taught that the Son of God and the Son of Man in Christ are one Person, and that He even as to the Human Nature is the True, Omnipotent and Eternal God, and that as to that Nature also, being present at the right hand of God Almighty, He directs all things in the heavens and on earth, fills all things, is with us, and dwells and works in us; and that there is no difference of adoration, because by means of the Nature that is discerned the Divinity that is not discerned is adored, thus that in Christ God is Man and Man God. Having heard these things, they [the Lutherans] replied, 'Is it so?' And they looked around and presently said, 'We did not know these things before, and therefore we were not able.' But one and another said, 'We have read it, and written it, but when we thought about it in and from ourselves they were only words of which we had no interior idea.'

[11] VIII. At length, having turned to the followers of the Pontiff (ad Pontificos), they said, 'Perhaps you can name the DIVINE HUMAN, because you believe that in your Eucharist, in the bread and the wine and in every part thereof, is the whole Christ, and also you adore Him as God when you show the host and bear it about, also because you call Mary the mother (genetrix) of God, consequently you acknowledge that she brought forth God, that is, the Divine Human.' And these then wished to pronounce it out of those ideas of thoughts about the Lord, but were not able on account of a material idea about His body and blood, and on account of the assertion that the Human and not the Divine power has been transferred by Him to the Pope. And a monk then rose up and said that he could think 'Divine Human' of the most holy virgin Mary, mother of God, and also of the saint of his monastery. And another monk approached saying, 'I am able out of the idea of my thought to say "Divine Human" of His Holiness the Pope rather than of Christ.' But then other monks pulled him back and said, 'You should be ashamed of yourself.'

[12] After these things heaven was seen opened, and tongues like little flames were seen coming down and inflowing with some; and these then celebrated the LORD'S DIVINE HUMAN, saying, 'Remove the idea of three Gods, and believe that in the Lord dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and that the Father and He are one as soul and body are one, and that God is not wind or ether, but that He is a Man, and then you will be conjoined to heaven, and through that you will from the Lord be able to name "JESUS," and to say "DIVINE HUMAN".'


1. In the Original Edition these words are quoted in English.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 294

294. To the above I will add this Relation. In the natural world the speech of man is twofold, because his thought is twofold, exterior and interior; for a man can speak from interior thought and at the same time from exterior thought, and he can speak from exterior thought and not from interior, yea, contrary to interior thought, whence come dissimulations, flatteries, and hypocrisies. But in the spiritual world man's speech is not twofold, but single. He there speaks as he thinks, otherwise the sound is harsh and offends the ear; but yet he may be silent, and so not publish the thoughts of his mind. Therefore, a hypocrite, when he comes among the wise, either goes away, or retires to a corner of the room and withdraws himself from observation, and sits silent.

[2] On one occasion there were many gathered together in the world of spirits, who were discoursing on this subject, and saying, that not to be able to speak except as one thinks, must be a hard thing for those who might be in company with the good, but yet who have not thought justly concerning God and the Lord. In the midst of the assembly were those of the Reformed, and many of the clergy, and next to them were papists and monks; and they all at first said it was not a hard thing. "What need is there to speak otherwise than one thinks, and if one should happen not to think justly, can he not close his lips and keep silence?" And one of the clergy said, "Who does not think justly of God and the Lord?" But some of the company said, "Let us, however, try." And to those who had confirmed themselves in the idea of a Trinity of Persons in God, especially from these words in the Athanasian doctrine, "There is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit, and as the Father is God, so the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God," it was said that they should say, "one God;" but they could not; they distorted and folded their lips in many ways, but could not articulate a sound in any other words than such as were consonant with the ideas of their thought, which were ideas of three Persons, and thence of three gods.

[3] They who had confirmed themselves in faith separate from charity, were then asked to name "Jesus;" but they could not; yet they could all say Christ, and also God the Father. This they wondered at, and inquired into the cause, which they found to be this, that they had prayed to God the Father for the Son's sake, and had not prayed to the Savior Himself; for "Jesus" signifies Savior.

[4] They were then requested that from thinking of the Lord's Divine Human, they should say, "Divine Human;" but none of the clergy that were present could do so, though some of the laity could, wherefore the matter was taken into serious discussion; and then:

1. The following passages from the Evangelists were read to them:

The Father hath given all things into the Son's hand, (John 3:35).

The Father hath given the Son power over all flesh, (John 17:2).

All things are delivered unto Me by the Father, (Matthew 11:27).

All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth, (Matthew 28:18).

And they were directed to keep in the thought, that Christ, both as to His Divine and as to His Human, is the God of heaven and earth, and thus to pronounce "Divine Human." But still they could not; and they said that they indeed retained from those passages something of the thought of it from their understanding concerning it, but not acknowledgment, and that on its account they were not able.

[5] 2. Afterwards was read to them out of Luke 1:32, 34-35, that the Lord as to the Human was the Son of Jehovah God, and that everywhere in the Word He is called, as to the Human, "the Son of God," and also "the Only-begotten," and they were asked to hold this in the thought; and likewise that the Only-begotten Son of God born in the world cannot but be God, as the Father is God, and to utter the words, "Divine Human." But they said, "We cannot, by reason that our spiritual thought, which is interior, does not admit into the thought which is next to the speech any other than similar ideas;" and that thence they could perceive, that it is not permitted them to divide their thoughts, as it was in the natural world.

[6] 3. Then were read to them these words of the Lord to Philip:

Philip said, Lord, show us the Father, and the Lord said, he who seeth Me seeth the Father; believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? (John 14:8-11).

And in another place:

The Father and He are one, (John 10:30, and elsewhere).

And it was enjoined them to hold this in the thought and say, "Divine Human." But as their thought was not rooted in the acknowledgment that the Lord was God as to His Human also, therefore they could not; they twisted and folded their lips even to indignation, and would have forced their mouth to utter and force it out, but they were not able. The reason was, because the ideas of thought, which flow from acknowledgment, make one with words uttered by the tongue, with those who are in the spiritual world; and where such ideas do not exist, there are no words, for the ideas become words in speaking.

[7] 4. Moreover there was read to them from the doctrine of the church received throughout the whole world, the following passage, taken from the Athanasian Creed: "That the Divine and Human in the Lord are not two but one, yea, one Person, united altogether like soul and body;" and it was said to them, "From this you may possibly have an idea from the acknowledgment that the Lord's Human is Divine, because His soul is Divine, for it is from the doctrine of your church, acknowledged by you when in the world. Moreover the soul is the essence itself, and the body is its form, and the essence and form make one, like being and existing, and like the efficient cause of the effect, and the effect itself." They retained that idea, and wished to utter "Divine Human;" but they could not; for their interior idea concerning the Lord's Human exterminated and expunged this new supplemental idea, as they called it.

[8] 5. Again there was read to them this passage from John:

The Word was with God, and God was the Word; and the Word became flesh, (John 1:1, 14).

And the following from Paul:

In Jesus Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Divinity bodily, (Malachi 2:9).

And they were told to think firmly that God, who was the Word, was made flesh, and that all the Divine dwells in Him bodily, and perhaps then they might be able to pronounce "Divine Human." But still they could not, saying openly that they could not have the idea of the Divine Human, because God is God, and man is man, and God is spirit, and of a spirit we have never thought any otherwise than as of wind or ether.

[9] 6. At length it was said to them: you know that the Lord said:

Abide in me, and I in you, he who abideth in Me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit, for without Me ye can do nothing, (John 15:4-5).

And as some of the English clergy were present, there was read to them this passage out of one of their exhortations before the holy communion, "For when we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ, and drink the blood, then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us.""If now you will but think that this cannot take place, except the Lord's Human be Divine, you may pronounce 'Divine Human,' from an acknowledgment in thought." But still they could not; so deeply was the idea impressed upon them that the Lord's Divine was one thing and His Human another, and that His Divine was like the Divine of the Father, and His Human like the human of another man. But it was said to them, "How can you think thus? Is it possible for a rational mind ever to think that God is three, and the Lord two?"

[10] 7. Afterwards they turned to the Lutherans, saying that the Augustan confession and Luther taught that the Son of God and the Son of man in Christ are one Person, and that He even as to the Human nature, is the true, omnipotent, and eternal God, and that as to this nature also, being present at the right hand of God Almighty, He governs all things in the heavens and on earth, fills all things, is with us, and dwells and operates in us; and that there is no distinction of adoration, because by the nature which is seen, the Divinity which is not seen is adored, thus that in Christ God is Man and Man is God. On hearing this, they said, "Is it so?" And they looked round, and presently they said, "This is what we did not know before; therefore we are not able." But one and another said, "We have read it and written it, but yet when we thought of it in ourselves from ourselves, they were only words of which we had no interior idea."

[11] 8. At length, turning to the papists, they said, "Possibly you can name the 'Divine Human,' because you believe that in your Eucharist, in the bread and wine and in every part, there is the whole of Christ, and also you adore Him as God, when you show and carry about the host; and likewise because you call Mary the bringer forth of God, consequently you acknowledge that she brought forth God, that is, the Divine Human." They then wished to pronounce it from those ideas, of the thought concerning the Lord, but could not, by reason of their entertaining a material idea of His body and blood; and by reason of the assertion that the Human and not the Divine power is transferred by Him to the Pope. Then a certain monk rose up and said that he could think of the Divine Human, concerning the most holy virgin Mary, the God-bearer, and also of the saint of his monastery. And another monk came, and said, "From my idea of thought, I could rather call his holiness, the Pope, the Divine Human, than Christ;" but then some other monks pulled him back, and said, "Shame on you."

[12] After this heaven was seen open, and there were seen tongues, as little flames, descending and flowing in with some; and they then celebrated the Divine Human of the Lord, saying, "Remove the idea of three Gods, and believe that in the Lord dwells all the fullness of Divinity bodily, and that the Father and He are one, as the soul and body are one, and that God is not wind, or ether, but that He is Man, and then you will be conjoined with heaven, and thereby have power from the Lord to pronounce the name of 'Jesus,' and say 'Divine Human. '"

Apocalypsis Revelata 294 (original Latin 1766)

294. His adjiciam hoc MEMORABILE:-

In mundo naturali est homini duplex loquela, quia duplex cogitatio, exterior et interior; potest enim homo loqui ex cogitatione interiore et simul tunc ex cogitatione exteriore, et potest loqui ex cogitatione exteriore et non ex interiore, imo contra interiorem; inde simulationes, assentationes et hypocrises. At in mundo spirituali non est homini duplex loquela, sed simplex: loquitur ibi sicut cogitat, alioquin sonus stridet, et laedit aures; at usque potest silere, et sic non evulgare mentis suae cogitata: quare hypocrita, dum inter sapientes venit, vel abit, vel proripit se ad angulum in conclavi, et facit se inconspicuum, et sedet mutus.

Quondam erant multi in mundo spirituum congregati, et de hac re inter se loquebantur, dicentes, quod non posse loqui nisi sicut cogitat, sit durum illis in bonorum consortio, qui non juste cogitaverunt de Deo et de Domino. In medio congregatorum erant Reformati, et multi ex Clero, et juxta illos Pontificii cum Monachis: ac hi et illi primum dixerunt, quod hoc non durum sit; "Quid opus aliter loqui quam sicut cogitat: et si forte non juste cogitet, potestne comprimere labia, et tenere silentium."

Et Clerus dixit, "Quis non cogitat juste de Deo et de Domino." Sed aliqui ex congregatis dixerunt, "Tentemus tamen."

Et dictum est illis qui se confirmaverunt in Trinitate Personarum de Deo, imprimis ex his verbis in Doctrina Athanasiana, "Una Persona est Patris, alia Filii, et alia Spiritus Sancti, et sicut Pater est Deus ita Filius est Deus et 1Spiritus Sanctus est Deus," ut dicerent "Unum Deum," sed non potuerunt. Contorserunt et plicaverunt labia in plures sinus, et non potuerunt articulare sonum in voces alias quam ideis cogitationis eorum consonas, quae erant trium Personarum, et inde trium Deorum.

Porro dictum est ad illos, qui confirmaverunt fidem separatam a charitate, ut nominarent Jesum, sed non potuerunt; at omnes potuerunt dicere Christum, et quoque Deum Patrem. Hoc mirati sunt, et quaesiverunt causam, et invenerunt hanc, quod oraverint Deum Patrem propter Filium, et non oraverint Ipsum Salvatorem; "Jesus" enim significat Salvatorem.

Porro dictum est illis, ut ex cogitatione de Humano Domini dicerent "Divinum Humanum;" sed nemo ex Clero, qui ibi aderat, potuit, at aliqui ex Laicis potuerunt; quare hoc in seriam ventilationem missum est: et tunc,

1. Lecta sunt coram illis haec apud Evangelistas:

Pater dedit omnia in manum Filio, (Johannes 3:35);

Pater dedit Filio potestatem omnis carnis," (Johannes 17:2);

"Omnia Mihi tradita sunt a Patre, (Matthaeus 11:27);

Data est Mihi omnis potestas in Caelo et in Terra," (Matthaeus 28:18);

et dictum est illis, "Tenete inde in cogitatione, quod Christus tam quoad Divinum quam quoad Humanum Suum sit Deus Caeli et terrae, et sic enuntiate Divinum Humanum.

Sed usque non potuerunt, et dixerunt, quod quidem exinde tenerent aliquid cogitationis ex intellectu de eo, sed usque non aliquid agnitionis, et quod ideo non possent.

2. Postea lectum est coram illis ex Luca 1:32, 34-35), quod Dominus quoad Humanum esset Filius Jehovae Dei et quod ubivis in Verbo quoad Humanum dicatur "Filius Dei," et quoque "Unigenitus;" et petierunt ut hoc tenerent in cogitatione, et quoque quod Unigenitus Filius Dei natus in mundo non possit non esse Deus, sicut Pater est Deus, et eloquerentur "Divinum Humanum."

Sed dixerunt, "Non possumus, ex causa quia spiritualis nostra cogitatio, quae est interior, non admittit in cogitationem proximam loquelae alias ideas quam similes," et quod inde percipiant, quod non liceat nunc cogitationes suas dividere, sicut in mundo naturali.

3. Deinde lecta sunt coram illis Domini verba ad Philippum haec:

"Dixit Philippus, Domine, monstra nobis Patrem: et dixit Dominus, Qui videt Me, vidit Patrem; nonne credis quod Ego in Patre et Pater in Me," (Johannes 15:8-11);

et quoque alia loca, quod Pater et Ipse unum sint, (Johannes 10:30; et alibi);

et dictum est illis, ut tenerent id in cogitatione, et sic dicerent "Divinum Humanum."

Sed quia illa cogitatio non fuit radicata in agnitione quod Dominus esset Deus etiam quoad Humanum, ideo non potuerunt; contorserunt labia in plicas usque ad indignationem, et voluerunt cogere os suum ad enuntiandum, et extorquere, sed non valuerunt.

Causa erat, quia ideae cogitationis, quae fluit ex agnitione, unum faciunt cum vocibus linguae apud illos qui in mundo spirituali sunt; et ubi ideae illae non sunt, non dantur voces, nam ideae fiunt voces in loquela.

4. Porro lecta sunt coram illis, ex Doctrina Ecclesiae in universo terrarum Orbe recepta, haec: "Quod Divinum et Humanum in Domino non sint duo, sed unum, imo una Persona, unita prorsus sicut anima et corpus" (haec ex Fide Symbolica Athanasiana); et dictum est illis," Ex inde potestis omnino habere ideam ex agnitione, quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum, quia Anima Ipsius est Divinum; est enim ab Ecclesiae vestrae doctrina, quam in mundo agnoveratis: insuper est anima ipsa essentia et corpus est forma, ac essentia et forma unum faciunt sicut esse et existere, et sicut causa efficiens effectus et ipse effectus."

Retinuerunt illam ideam, et voluerunt ex illa enuntiare "Divinum Humanum," sed non potuerunt; interior enim idea de Humano Domini exterminavit et expunxit "ideam hanc novam adscititiam," ut illam vocabant.

5. Adhuc coram illis lectum est ex Johanne, hoc:

Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum: et Verbum Caro factum est," (Johannes 1:1, 14);

et ex Paulo hoc:

"In Christo Jesu habitat omnis plenitudo Divinitatis corporaliter," (Colossenses 2:9);

et dictum est illis ut firmiter cogitarent, quod Deus Qui fuit Verbum, factus sit Caro, et quod omne Divinum in Ipso habitet corporaliter: "forte sic potestis enuntiare Divinum Humanum." Sed usque non potuerunt, dicentes aperte, quod non possent habere ideam Divini Humani, quia Deus est Deus, et homo est homo: et "Deus est Spiritus, et de spiritu non alter cogitavimus quam sicut de vento aut aethere."

6. Tandem dictum est illis, "Nostis quod Dominus dixerit,

"Manete in Me, et Ego in vobis: qui manet in Me et Ego in illo, (hic) fert illorum multum, quia sine Me non potestis facere quicquam," (Johannes 15:4-5);

et quia aliqui ex Clero Angliae aderant, lectum est coram illis ex una illorum Oratione ante Sanctam Communionem, "For, when we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ, and drink the blood, then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us:" "Si nunc cogitatis, quod hoc non dari possit, nisi Humanum Domini sit Divinum, enuntiate itaque Divinum Humanum ex agnitione in cogitatione."

Sed usque non potuerunt; fuit enim idea illis tam alte impressa, quod aliud esset Divinum Domini, et aliud Humanum Ipsius, ut quod Divinum Ipsius esset simile Divino Patris, et Humanum simile humano alterius hominis.

At dictum est illis, "Quomodo potestis ita cogitare: num rationalis mens potest usquam cogitare Deum esse tres, et Dominum esse duos."

7. Postea converterunt se ad Lutheranos, dicentes, quod Augustana Confessio et Lutherus docuerint, quod Filius Dei et Filius Hominis in Christo sint una Persona,et quod Ipse etiam quoad Humanam Naturam sit Verus, Omnipotens ac Aeternus Deus; et quod quoad illam etiam ad dextram Omnipotentis Dei praesens gubernet omnia in Caelis et in Terris, impleat omnia, nobiscum sit, et in nobis habitet et operetur; et quod non sit adorationis differentia, quia per Naturam quae cernitur, adoratur Divinitas quae non cernitur; ita quod in Christo Deus sit Homo et Homo Deus.

His auditis responderunt, "Est ne ita." Et circumspexerunt, et mox dixerunt, "Haec prius non novimus, quare nec possumus."

At unus et alter dixit, "Legimus id et scripsimus id, sed usque dum de eo in nobis ex nobis cogitavimus, fuerunt modo verba, quorum ideam interiorem non habuimus."

8. Tandem conversi ad Pontificios dixerunt, "Forte vos potestis nominare Divinum Humanum, quia creditis quod in vestra Eucharistia in Pane et Vino et in omni ejus parte sit integer Christus: et quoque adoratis Ipsum, cum monstratis et circum fertis hostias, ut Deum: tum quia vocatis Mariam Dei genetricem, consequenter agnoscitis quod genuerit Deum, hoc est, Divinum Humanum.

Et illi tunc voluerunt enuntiare illud ex illis ideis cogitationum de Domino, sed non potuerunt, propter materialem ideam de Corpore et Sanguine Ipsius; et propter assertionem quod Humana potestas et non Divina translata sit ab Ipso in Papam.

Et surrexit unus Monachus et dixit, quod possit cogitare Divinum Humanum de Sanctissima Virgine Maria Deipara, et quoque de Sancto monasterii sui.

Et alter Monachus accessit dicens, "Ego possum ex idea cogitationis meae dicere Divinum Humanum de Sanctissimo Papa potius quam de Christo;" sed tunc alii Monachi retraxerunt illum, et dixerunt, "Pudeat te."

Post haec visum est Caelum apertum, et visae sunt Linguae sicut flammulae descendentes et influentes apud quosdam; et illi tunc celebrabant Divinum Humanum Domini, dicentes, "Removete ideam trium Deorum, et credite quod in Domino habitet omnis plenitudo Divinitatis corporaliter, et quod Pater et Ipse unum sint, sicut anima et corpus unum sunt, et quod Deus non sit ventus aut aether, sed quod sit Homo, et tunc conjungemini Caelo, et per id a Domino poteritis nominare Jesum, et dicere Divinum Humanum."

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