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《新教会教义纲要》 第1节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 1

1. A Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church Signified by the New Jerusalem in the Apocalypse

As several works and tracts have been published by me during the past few years concerning the NEW JERUSALEM, by which is meant a New Church to be established by the Lord, and as the Apocalypse has now been revealed 1, I have decided to bring to light the Doctrine of that Church in its fulness, thus as a whole. This, however, is a work which will take some years to complete wherefore I have thought it advisable to produce some sort of a sketch of it, in order that a general idea of this Church and its Doctrine may first be obtained. For, when general things precede, then each and everything stands out clearly in the light; for particulars enter into generals as things homogeneous into their own receptacles. This brief exposition, however, is not designed for critical examination, but is only offered to the world for information; its contents will be fully proved in the major work itself. Yet the doctrinal tenets of today concerning Justification are to be set forth first, on account of what follows concerning the disagreement between the doctrines of the present Church and those of the New Church.


1. See the work entitled THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, published in Amsterdam in 1766.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 1

1. A Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church which is meant by the New Jerusalem in the Apocalypse.

1. Several works and tracts having been published by me, during some years past, concerning the New Jerusalem, by which is meant the New Church about to be established by the Lord; and the book of Revelation having been revealed, I have come to a determination to bring to light the entire doctrine of that church in its fullness. But, as this is a work of some years, I have thought it advisable to draw up some sketch thereof, in order that a general idea may first be formed of that church and its doctrine; because when general principles precede, each and every thing will afterwards appear extant in its breadth in light, for these enter into generals, as things homogenous into their receptacles. This compendium, however, is not designed for critical examination, but is only offered to the world by way of information, as its contents will be fully demonstrated in the work itself. But the doctrinals at present maintained concerning justification shall be prefixed, that the following contrast between the doctrines of the present church, and those of the New Church, may be clearly understood.

Summaria Expositio 1 (original Latin 1769)


Postquam aliqua Opera et Opuscula de NOVA HIEROSOLYMA, per quam intelligitur NOVA Ecclesia a Domino instauranda, intra aliquot annos a me promulgata sunt, et postquam Apocalypsis revelata est, in animum induxi Doctrinam illius Ecclesiae in sua plenitudine, ita integram, in lucem edere: sed quia hoc aliquot annorum opus est, consultum duxi aliquam Sciagraphiam ejus emittere, propter causam, ut communis idea de illa Ecclesia et ejus Doctrina primum concipiatur; quoniam dum communia praecedunt, postea omnia et singula in sua latitudine exstantia in luce apparent, haec enim in communia intrant, sicut homogenea in sua receptacula. Attamen Breviarium hoc non subjicitur judiciis ventilandum, sed modo communicatur ad notitiam, quia hujus Contenta in ipso Opere plene demonstrabuntur. Sed praemittenda sunt Doctrinalia hodierna de Justificatione, propter sequentia de Discordantiis dogmatum Ecclesiae hodiernae et Ecclesiae novae.

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