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《新教会教义纲要》 第29节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 29

29. From all this, then, the truth of what is asserted in nos. 19, 21 appears namely, that the Reformers derived their tenets concerning a Trinity of Persons in the Godhead, Original Sin, the Imputation of Christ's merit, and Justification by Faith, from the Roman Catholics. These things have been advanced in order to show the origin of their tenets, especially of the separation of faith from good works, or the doctrine of faith alone, and to show that this was done with no other aim than to be severed from the Roman Catholics and to show that, after all, their disagreement is more in words than in reality. From the above passages, it clearly appears upon what foundation the faith of the Reformed Churches has been erected, and from what inspiration it arose.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 29

29. Hence then appears the truth of what is asserted (n. 19 and n. 21), namely, that the reformers derived their opinions concerning a Trinity of Persons in the Divinity, original sin, the imputation of the merit of Christ, and justification by faith, from the Roman Catholics. These things have been advanced, in order to point out the origin of their dogmas, especially the origin of the separation of faith from good works, or the doctrine of faith alone, and to show that it was with no other view than to be severed from the Roman Catholics, and that, after all, their disagreement is more in words than in reality. From the passages above adduced, it evidently appears upon what foundation the faith of the Reformed churches has been erected and from what inspiration it took its rise.

Summaria Expositio 29 (original Latin 1769)

29. Ex his nunc patent veritates; n. 19 et n. 21, assertae, quod Reformatores sua dogmata de Trinitate personarum in Divinitate, de Peccato Originali de Imputatione meriti Christi et de Justificatione per fidem, a Romano-Catholicis acceperint. Haec allata sunt ob finem, ut illorum dogmatum origo exstet, imprimis origo separationis fidei a boni, operibus; seu doctrinae de sola fide; quod modo fuerit, ut a Romano Catholicis divellerentur, et quod tamen dissensus sit verbalis plus quam realis. Ex supra allatis manifeste patet, super qua fundatione Fides in Ecclesiis reformatis constructa est, et ex qua inspiratione orta.

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