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《新教会教义纲要》 第3节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)

  BE3.引自《特兰托会议信纲》,关于原罪: (a)亚当因他的过犯而经历了身体和灵魂的全然改变和品性的堕落;亚当犯罪的不良影响并不仅限于他自己,也延伸到他的后代;它不仅向全人类传递了死亡和肉身受苦,而且还传递了罪,这是灵魂的死亡。(第5届会议.1,2) (b)亚当的这种罪,起源于单一的过犯,但是通过繁殖而不是通过模仿传播,被植入每个人的自我之中,除了唯一的拯救者我们的主耶稣基督的功德之外,不能通过任何其他措施去除,借着他的宝血使我们与上帝和好,使我们称义和成圣,并完成救赎。(第5届会议.3)(c)因着亚当的过犯,所有人都失去了自己的清白,变得不洁净,并且天生就是愤怒之子。(第6届会议,第1章)

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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 3

3. From the Council of Trent, concerning Original Sin.

(a) Adam, by his transgression, was wholly changed for the worse, both in body and soul. This transgression proved injurious not only to Adam but to his offspring. It not only transmitted death and bodily sufferings to the whole human race, but also sin which is the death of the soul: Session V, 1-2.

(b) This sin of Adam, which in origin was a single transgression, but which has been transmitted by propagation, not by imitation, is implanted in everyone as his own, and cannot be removed by any other remedy than the Merit of our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Saviour, Who has reconciled us to God by His blood, being made for us righteousness, sanctification and redemption: Session V, 3.

(c) By Adam's transgression all men lost their innocence and became unclean, and by nature children of wrath: Session VI, chapter 1.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 3

3. From the Council of Trent, concerning Original Sin.

(a) That Adam, by the offense of his transgression, experienced an entire change and depravation of nature, both in body and soul; and that the ill effects of Adam's transgression were not confined to himself, but also extended to his posterity; and that it not only transmitted death and corporal sufferings upon all mankind, but likewise sin, which is the death of the soul (Session 5. 1, 2).

(b) That this sin of Adam, which originally was a single transgression, and has been transmitted by propagation, and not by imitation, is so implanted in the proprium of every man, and cannot be taken away by any other means than by the merit of the only Saviour our Lord Jesus Christ, who has reconciled us to God by His blood, being made unto us justice, sanctification, and redemption (Session 5. 3).

(c) That by the transgression of Adam, all men lost their innocence, and became unclean, and by nature the sons of wrath (Session 6, Chapter 1).

Summaria Expositio 3 (original Latin 1769)


(a) Quod totus Adam per suae praevaricationis offensam secundum corpus et animam in deterius commutatus fuerit; et quod Adae praevaricatio non illi solum nocuerit, sed etiam ejus propagini; et quod illa non modo mortem et paenas corporis in omne genus humanum transfuderit, sed etiam peccatum, quod est mors animae, Sess. V: 1, 2.

(b) Quod hoc Adae peccatum, quod origine unum est, ac propagatione non imitatione transfusum, insit unicuique proprium, et quod non per aliud remedium possit tolli, quam per Meritum unius Salvatoris Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Qui nos Deo reconciliavit in sanguine suo, factus nobis Justitia, Sanctificatio, et Redemptio, Sess. V: 3.

(c) Quod omnes homines in praevaricatione Adae innocentiam perdiderint, et facti sint immundi, et natura filii irae, Sess. VI: Cap. I.

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