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《新教会教义纲要》 第40节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 40


The reason why the dogmas of the present Church, which are based upon the idea of three Gods, derived from the doctrine of a Trinity of Persons, literally understood, are seen to be erroneous after the idea of one God in Whom is the Divine Trinity has been received instead, is because it is not possible to see what is erroneous before this has been done. For it is like one who in the night, by the light of a few stars, sees various objects, especially statues, and believes them to be living men; or, like one who in the twilight before sunrise, as he lies in bed, beholds, as it were, spectres in the air, and believes them to be angels or, again, like one who sees many things in the foolish light of phantasy, and believes them to be real. Such things, as is well known, do not appear for what they really are, and are not perceived as such, until the man comes into the light of day; that is, until his understanding is wide awake. It is similar with the spiritual things of the Church, which have been erroneously and falsely perceived and confirmed, when genuine truths are presented to view in their own light, which is the light of heaven.

Who cannot understand that all dogmas founded on the idea of three Gods are erroneous and false from within? I say, from within, because the idea of God enters into all things of the Church, of religion and of worship; also because theological matters reside higher than all others in the human mind, and among these the idea of God is supreme. Wherefore, if this is false, all things that follow from this initial falsity from which they flow are false or are falsified. For what is supreme, being also the inmost, constitutes the very essence of all that is derived from it; and the essence, like a soul, forms them into a body after its own image; and when, in its descent, it comes upon truths, it even infects them with its own blemish and error. The idea of three Gods in theology may be compared to a disorder seated in the heart or in the lungs, when yet the invalid fancies himself to be in health, because his physician, not knowing his disease, persuades him that he is so. But if the physician knows of the disease, and still persuades the patient that he is healthy, he deserves to be charged with excessive malignity.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 40


The reason why the dogmas of the present church, which are founded upon the idea of three Gods, derived from the doctrine of a Trinity of Persons literally understood, appear erroneous, after the idea of one God, in whom is the Divine Trinity, has been received in its stead, is, because, till this truth is received, we cannot see what is erroneous. The case herein is like a person, who in the night time, by the light of some stars only, sees various objects, especially images, and believes them to be living men; or like one, who in the twilight before sunrise, as he lies in his bed, fancies he sees specters in the air, and believes them to be angels; or like a person, who sees many things in the delusive light of fantasy, and believes them to be real; such things, it is known, do not appear according to their true qualities, until the person comes into the light of the day, that is, until he comes into the light of the understanding awake. The case is the same with the spiritual things of the church, which have been erroneously and falsely perceived, and also confirmed, when genuine truths also present themselves to be seen in their own light, which is the light of heaven. Who is there that cannot understand, that all dogmas founded on the idea of three Gods, must be interiorly erroneous and false? I say interiorly, because the idea of God enters into all things of the church, religion, and worship; and theological matters have their residence above all others in the human mind, and the idea of God is in the supreme place there; wherefore if this be false, all beneath it, in consequence of the principle from whence they flow, must likewise be false or falsified; for that which is supreme, being also the inmost, constitutes the very essence of all that is derived from it; and the essence, like a soul, forms them into a body, after its own image; and when in its descent it lights upon truths, it even infects them with its own blemish and error. The idea of three Gods in theology may be compared to a disease seated in the heart or lungs, in which the patient fancies himself to be in health, because his physician, not knowing his disease, persuades him that he is so; but if the physician knows it, and still persuades, he may justly be charged with deep malignity.

Summaria Expositio 40 (original Latin 1769)


Quod Dogmata hodiernae Ecclesiae, quae fundantur super idea trium Deorum, capta ex doctrina Trinitatis Personarum intellecta sicut sonat appareant erronea, postquam idea unius Dei, in Quo est Divina Trinitas, loco ejus recepta est, est causa, quia erroneum non prius videri potest; est enim sicut qui noctu solum in luce aliquot stellarum videt varia, imprimis simulacra, et credit esse homines vivos; aut qui in crepusculo ante ortum solis in lecto videt in aere sicut larvas, et credit esse angelos; aut qui in fatua luce phantasiae videt plura, et credit esse realia; quod talia non appareant et percipiantur qualia in se sunt, antequam homo in lucem diei, hoc est, in lucem vigiliae intellectus venit, notum est. Simile est cum Spiritualibus Ecclesiae, quae erronee et false percepta et quoque confirmata sunt, quando ipsa vera in sua luce, quae est lux Caeli, sistuntur videnda. Quis non intelligere potest, quod omnia dogmata, quae super idea trium Deorum fundata sunt, ab interiori sint erronea et falsa: dicitur ab interiori, quia idea Dei intrat in omnia Ecclesiae, Religionis, et Cultus; et Theologica supra omnia in mentibus humanis resident, et in supremis ibi est idea Dei, quare si haec falsa est, omnia quae sequuntur, trahunt a principio, a quo defluunt, quod falsa vel falsificata sint; supremum enim, quod etiam est intimum, facit ipsam Essentiam consequentium, ac Essentia, sicut anima, format illa in corpus suae imaginis, et dum in descensu incidit in vera, etiam inficit illa suo naevo et errore. Idea trium Deorum in Theologicis potest comparari morbo inhaerenti cordi aut pulmoni, in quo aeger opinatur se esse sanum, quia Medicus id nesciens persuadet; at dum hic illud scit, et usque persuadet, merito redarguendus est malignitatis supra modum.

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