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《新教会教义纲要》 第42节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 42


The reason why this faith, which is a faith in one God, is acknowledged and received as truly saving when the former faith in three Gods is rejected is because, until this is done, a faith in one God cannot be seen in its proper aspect. For the faith of the present day is preached as the only saving faith, because it is a faith in one God, and in a Saviour. But there are two aspects to this present day faith, one internal, the other external. The internal is formed from the perception of three Gods; for who perceives or thinks otherwise? Let everyone examine himself. But the external is formed from the confession of one God. Again, who acknowledges or says otherwise? Let everyone examine himself. These two aspects are altogether discordant with each other, so that the external is not acknowledged by the internal; nor is the internal known by the external. Because of this discord and discrepancy when the one is compared with the other, a confused idea of the means of salvation has been conceived and brought forth in the Church.

It is otherwise when the internal and external aspects agree, and when they mutually regard and acknowledge each other as a concordant unity. That this is the case when one God in Whom is a Divine Trinity is not only perceived by the mind but also acknowledged by the mouth, is self-evident. Then the dogma concerning the alienation of the Father from the human race is abolished, together with that of His reconciliation, and quite another doctrine results concerning imputation, remission of sins, regeneration and thence salvation. This will be clearly seen in the major work, in the light of reason illuminated by divine truths from the Sacred Scripture. This faith is called a faith united with good works, because without this union it is impossible to have faith in one God.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 42


The reason why this faith, which is a faith in one God, is acknowledged and received as truly saving, when the former faith, which is a faith in three gods, is rejected, is because till this is the case it cannot be seen in its own form; for the faith of the present day is set forth as the only saving faith, because it is a faith in one God, and a faith in the Savior; but still there are two faces of that faith, the one internal and the other external; its internal face is formed from the perception of three Gods, for who perceives or thinks otherwise? let everyone consult himself; but its external face is formed from the confession of one God, for who confesses or speaks otherwise? let everyone consult himself. These two faces are altogether discordant with each other; so that the external is not acknowledged by the internal, nor is the internal known by the external. From this disagreement, and the vanishing of the one out of sight of the other, a confused idea of things pertaining to salvation has been conceived and brought forth in the church. It is otherwise when the internal and external faces agree together, and mutually regard and acknowledge each other as one unanimous thing; that this is the case, when one God, in whom is the Divine Trinity, is not only perceived by the mind, but is likewise acknowledged by the mouth, is self-evident. That the dogma of the Father's being alienated from mankind, is then abolished, and thence also that of His reconciliation; and that an altogether different doctrine goes forth concerning imputation, remission of sins, regeneration, and salvation thence derived, will clearly be seen in the work itself, in the light of reason illustrated by Divine truths from the Sacred Scripture. This faith is called a faith united with good works, because faith in one God without union with good works is not given.

Summaria Expositio 42 (original Latin 1769)


Quod haec fides, quae est in unum Deum, ut vere salvifica agnoscatur et recipiatur, dum prior fides, quae est tres Deos, disparatur, est quia illa antea in sua facie non videri potest; praedicatur enim Fides hodierna sicut unice salvifica, quia est in unum Deum, et quia est in Salvatorem; sed usque sunt binae Facies istius fidei, una Interna et altera Externa, Interna formata est ex Perceptione trium Deorum, quis aliter percipit aut cogitat, consulat se quisque, Externa autem ex confessione unius Dei, quis aliter confitetur et loquitur, consulat se quisque: hae duae Facies inter se prorsus discordant, adeo ut Externa non agnoscatur ab Interna, nec Interna cognoscatur ab Externa. Propter hanc discordantiam et disparationem unius e conspectu alterius, concepta et nata est confusa idea de salutiferis in Ecclesia. Aliter fit, dum Facies interna et externa concordant, ac se mutuo vident ut unanimum unum et se cognoscunt; quod hoc fit cum unus Deus, in Quo est Divina Trinitas, non modo mente percipitur, sed etiam ore agnoscitur, ex se patet. Quod tunc aboleatur Dogma de abalienatione Patris a Genere humano, et inde quoque de Reconciliatione Ipsius; quodque prorsus alia Doctrina de Imputatione, Remissione peccatorum, Regeneratione, et inde Salvatione exeat, in ipso Opere, in luce rationis illustratae a Divinis veris ex Scriptura Sacra, pervidebitur. Dicitur Fides unita bonis operibus, quia Fides in unum Deum absque unione cum illis non dabilis est.

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