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《天堂与地狱》 第104节





104. 地上的一切事物分为三类, 也可称作三个国度, 即: 动物界, 植物界和矿物界. 动物界的成员是第一层级的对应, 因为它们是活的; 植物界的成员是第二层级的对应, 因为它们只生长; 矿物界的成员是第三层级的对应, 因为它们既不是活的, 也不生长. 在动物界, 对应就是各种活物, 既包括在地上走的, 爬的, 也包括在天上飞的; 无需专门列举这些, 因为它们都是众所周知的. 在植物界, 对应是在花园, 森林, 田野, 草地生长并繁盛的各种植物; 这些也无需列举, 因为它们同样是众所周知的. 在矿物界, 对应是或多或少贵重的金属, 以及宝石和非宝石, 还有各种土地和水域. 除此之外, 还有些通过人类活动为功用所预备的对应, 如各种食物, 衣服, 住所和其它建筑物, 以及许多其它事物.



104. 地上萬物可分三個級別, 也可稱為三"界,"即動物界, 植物界, 礦物界。動物界的成員處於第一層級的對應, 因為它們是活的。植物界的成員處於第二層級的對應, 因為它們能生長。礦物界的成員處於第三層級對應, 因為它們既不是活著的, 也不會生長。在動物界中的對應是各種活著的生物, 如走獸, 爬蟲, 飛鳥等等, 在此無需一一列舉。在植物界中的對應是花園, 樹林, 田野, 草地生長開花的所有植物。礦物界中的對應則是貴重或普通的金屬, 石頭, 各種土壤及水資源。此外, 由以上元素人工製造的物質, 如各種食物, 衣服, 房屋, 建築等等, 也都是對應。

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Heaven and Hell #104 (NCE, 2000)

104. All earthly things are differentiated into three classes that we call "kingdoms," namely the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the mineral kingdom. Members of the animal kingdom are correspondences on the first level because they are alive. Members of the vegetable kingdom are correspondences on the second level because they merely grow. Members of the mineral kingdom are correspondences on the third level because they neither live nor grow.

The correspondences in the animal kingdom are the living creatures of various kinds, both those that walk and creep on the earth and those that fly in the air. We need not list them by name, because they are familiar. Correspondences in the vegetable kingdom are all the things that grow and bloom in gardens and forests and farms and meadows, which again are so familiar that they need not be listed by name. Correspondences in the mineral kingdom are metals noble and base, stones precious and common, and soils of various kinds, as well as bodies of water. Beyond these, things made from these elements by human industry for our use are correspondences, things such as foods of all kinds, garments, houses, major buildings, and so on.


Heaven and Hell #104 (Harley, 1958)

104. All things of the earth are distinguished into three kinds, called kingdoms, namely, the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and the mineral kingdom. The things in the animal kingdom are correspondences in the first degree, because they live. The things in the vegetable kingdom are correspondences in the second degree, because they merely grow. The things in the mineral kingdom are correspondences in the third degree because they neither live nor grow. The correspondences in the animal kingdom are living creatures of various kinds, both those that walk and creep on the ground as well as those that fly in the air. These are not named specifically as they are well known. The correspondences in the vegetable kingdom are all things that grow and flourish in gardens, forests, fields and meadows. These, too, are not named as they are well known. The correspondences in the mineral kingdom are metals, more and less noble, stones, precious and not precious, earths of various kinds and also waters. Besides these, there are also the correspondences prepared from those by human activity for use, such as foods of every kind, clothing, homes, buildings and many other things.


Heaven and Hell #104 (Ager, 1900)

104. All things of the earth are distinguished into three kinds, called kingdoms, namely, the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the mineral kingdom. The things of the animal kingdom are correspondences in the first degree, because they live; the things of the vegetable kingdom are correspondences in the second degree, because they merely grow; the things of the mineral kingdom are correspondences in the third degree, because they neither live nor grow. Correspondences in the animal kingdom are living creatures of various kinds, both those that walk and creep on the ground and those that fly in the air; these need not be specially named, as they are well known. Correspondences in the vegetable kingdom are all things that grow and abound in gardens, forests, fields, and meadows; these, too, need not be named, because they are well known. Correspondences in the mineral kingdom are metals more and less noble, stones precious and not precious, earths of various kinds, and also the waters. Besides these the things prepared from them by human activity for use are correspondences, as foods of every kind, clothing, dwellings and other buildings, with many other things.


De Coelo et de Inferno #104 (original Latin)

104. Omnia quae telluris sunt, distinguuntur in tria genera, quae vocantur regna; nempe regnum animale, regnum vegetabile, et regnum minerale. Quae in regno animali sunt, correspondentiae in primo gradu sunt, quia vivunt quae in regno vegetabili, correspondentiae in secundo gradu sunt, quia modo crescunt; quae in regno minerali sunt, correspondentiae in tertio gradu sunt, quia non vivunt nec crescunt. Correspondentiae in regno animali sunt animantia varii generis, tam quae gradiuntur eI repunt super terra, quam quae volant in aere; quae in specie non nominantur, quia nota sunt. Correspondentiae in regno vegetabili sunt omnia quae in hortis, silvis, agris, et campis crescunt et florent; quae nec nominantur quia etiam nota sunt. Correspondentiae in regno minerali sunt metalla nobiliora et ignobiliora, lapides pretiosi et non pretiosi, ac terrae varii generis, tum etiam aquae. Praeter illa etiam correspondentiae sunt, quae ab industria humana ex illis ad usum parantur; sicut omnis generis cibi, vestes, domus, aedes, et plura.

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