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《天堂与地狱》 第29节






29. 五, 天堂分为三层

天堂分为三层, 彼此完全不同, 即: 至内层或第三层天堂, 中间层或第二层天堂, 最外层或第一层天堂. 这三层天堂具有如同人的至高部位或头部, 中间部位或躯干, 和最低部位, 或脚部; 或房子的上, 中, 下三层那样的秩序和内在关联. 从主发出并降下的神性也处于这样的秩序. 因此, 天堂出于秩序的必要性而分为三层.



29. 三層天

天國分為三層, 彼此截然不同:內層天(或第三層天), 中層天(或第二層天), 外層天(或第一層天)。三者依次相連, 相互依存, 如同一個人的頭部, 軀幹, 雙足, 亦如房子的頂部, 中部, 底部。主所發的神性依同樣的順序貫注天國, 如此次序的必然性決定了天國的三重佈置。

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Heaven and Hell #29 (NCE, 2000)

29. There Are Three Heavens

There are three heavens, very clearly distinguished from each other. There is a central or third heaven, an intermediate or second one, and an outmost or first. These follow in sequence and are interdependent, like the highest part of the human body, the head; the middle, or torso; and the lowest, or feet; or like the highest, middle, and lowest parts of a house. The divine life that emanates and comes down from the Lord is in this kind of pattern as well. It is this necessity of design that determines the tripartite arrangement of heaven.


Heaven and Hell #29 (Harley, 1958)


There are three heavens, entirely distinct from one another, the inmost or third, the middle or second, and the outermost or first. These are in the same order and inter-relation as are the highest part of a man or his head, the middle part or body and the lowest or feet, or like the upper, middle and lowest stories of a house. In such order also is the Divine that proceeds and descends from the Lord. Consequently, from the necessity of order, heaven is threefold.


Heaven and Hell #29 (Ager, 1900)


There are three heavens, entirely distinct from each other, an inmost or third, a middle or second, and an outmost or first. These have a like order and relation to each other as the highest part of man, or his head, the middle part, or body, and the lowest, or feet; or as the upper, the middle, and the lower stories of a house. In the same order is the Divine that goes forth and descends from the Lord; consequently heaven, from the necessity of order, is threefold.


De Coelo et de Inferno #29 (original Latin)


Tres caeli sunt, et illi inter se distinctissimi, intimum seu tertium, medium seu secundum, et ultimum seu primum consequuntur illi ac subsistunt inter se, sicut supremum hominis quod caput vocatur, medium ejus quod corpus, et ultimum quod pedes; et sicut suprema pars domus, media ejus, et infima ejus: in tali ordine etiam est Divinum quod a Domino procedit et descendit; inde ex necessitate ordinis caelum tripartitum est.

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