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《天堂与地狱》 第575节






575. 咬牙切齿是指虚假彼此间的不断冲突和碰撞, 因而是指那些陷入虚假之人的战争, 加上蔑视他人, 敌对, 嘲笑, 讥诮和亵渎; 这些邪恶甚至会爆发为各种杀戮; 因为那里的每个人都为自己的虚假而战, 称其为真理. 这些冲突和碰撞在地狱之外听上去就像咬牙切齿的声音, 并且当真理从天堂流入地狱时, 也的确转变成咬牙切齿的声音. 所有承认自然界, 否认神性的人都住在这些地狱里; 那些确认这种否认的人则住在更深的地狱. 由于这种人不能接受丝毫天堂之光, 因而不能从内在看到自己里面的任何事物, 所以他们大多是肉体感官的灵人, 除了亲眼看见, 亲手摸到的东西外, 什么也不信. 因此, 对他们来说, 一切感官幻觉都是真理; 他们基于这些幻觉进行争论. 这就是为何他们的争执听上去就像咬牙切齿; 因为在灵界, 一切虚假都会发出刺耳的摩擦声, 牙齿就对应于自然界的最外层, 并对应于人的最外层, 也就是涉及人的感官和肉体的事物. 关于地狱里的咬牙切齿, 可参看马太福音(8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30)和路加福音(13:28).

注: 关于牙齿的对应关系(天国的奥秘 5565-5568节). 纯感官人对应于牙齿, 几乎没有任何属灵之光(天国的奥秘 5565节). 在圣言中, 牙齿表示感官层, 也就是人生命的最外层(天国的奥秘 9052, 9062节). 在来世, 咬牙切齿出自那些相信自然界是一切, 而神性什么也不是的人(天国的奥秘 5568节).



575. 咬牙切齒則指偽謬之間不停地衝突和碰撞, 進而也指持守偽謬之人彼此的衝突和碰撞, 其中夾雜著對他人的蔑視, 敵對, 嘲笑, 譏誚, 譭謗, 甚至演變成各種形式的殺戮。地獄裡的每個人都維護自己的謬見, 稱之為"真理"。這種衝突和碰撞在地獄之外聽似咬牙切齒的聲音, 當真理從天國流入地獄, 也轉變成咬牙切齒的聲音。住在這些地獄裡的, 為否認上帝, 將創造歸功於自然的人。故意持守偽謬的人, 住在更深的地獄。他們不能接受天國之光, 不能觀照自己的心靈, 多數沉迷於肉體和感官。任何看不見摸不著的事物, 他們不願相信。所以, 對他們來說, 感官幻相就是真理, 也是他們辯論的基礎;這是其爭辯聽似咬牙切齒的原因。因為在心靈世界, 一切偽謬之間是相互摩擦的, 加之牙齒對應人間的最外層, 也對應人的最外層, 即人的肉體和感官。(關於地獄裡的咬牙切齒之聲, 見馬太福音8:13, 13:42, 50, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30; 路加福音13:28)


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Heaven and Hell #575 (NCE, 2000)

575. The gnashing of teeth, though, is the constant clash and strife of false convictions with each other (and therefore the warfare of the individuals who hold the false convictions) united to contempt for others, hostility, derision, mockery, and blasphemy. These even break out into various kinds of butchery. Everyone there is defending his or her own false convictions and calling them true. From outside the hells, these clashes and battles sound like gnashing teeth, and they turn into the gnashing of teeth when truths from heaven flow into hell.

In these hells dwell all the people who acknowledged nature and denied the Divine. The people who deliberately convinced themselves are in the deeper hells. Since they cannot accept any ray of light from heaven and can therefore not see anything within themselves, most of them focus on their senses and their bodies. These are people who do not believe anything they cannot see with their eyes and touch with their hands. So for them, all sensory illusions are the truths on which they base their arguments. This is why their arguments sound like the gnashing of teeth. It is because in the spiritual world all false statements grate, and teeth correspond to the outmost aspects of nature and to our own outmost natures, which have to do with our senses and our bodies. 1

On the gnashing of teeth in the hells, see Matthew 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30, and Luke 13:28.


1. On the correspondence of teeth: Arcana Coelestia 5565-5568. People who are merely sensory correspond to teeth and have hardly any spiritual light: 5565. In the Word, a tooth [reading dens for the obviously erroneous Deus, "God"] refers to the sensory level that is the outmost level of human life: 9052, 9062. Gnashing of teeth in the other life comes from people who give nature credit for everything and credit the Divine with nothing: 5568.


Heaven and Hell #575 (Harley, 1958)

575. Gnashing of teeth, however, is the continual dispute and combat of falsities with each other, consequently of those who are in falsities, joined with contempt of others, with enmity, mockery, ridicule, blaspheming; and these evils burst forth into lacerations of various kinds, since everyone fights for his own falsity and calls it truth. These disputes and combats are heard outside these hells like the gnashings of teeth; and are also turned into guashings of teeth when truths from heaven inflow hither. In these hells are all who have acknowledged nature and have denied the Divine. In the deeper of these hells are those who have confirmed themselves in such denials. Because such are unable to receive anything of light from heaven, and are thus unable to see anything inwardly in themselves, they are for the most part corporeal sensual spirits, who believe nothing except what they see with their eyes and touch with their hands. Therefore all the fallacies of the senses are true to them; and it is from these that they dispute. This is why their contentions are heard as gnashings of teeth; for in the spiritual world all falsities give a grating sound, and the teeth correspond to the outermost things in nature and to the outermost things with man, which are corporeal sensual. 1(That there is gnashing of teeth in the hells may be seen in Matthew 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28.)


1. The correspondence of the teeth (Arcana Coelestia 5565-5568).

Those who are purely sensual and have scarcely anything of spiritual light correspond to the teeth (Arcana Coelestia 5565).

In the Word a "tooth" signifies the sensual, which is the ultimate of the life of man (Arcana Coelestia 9052, 9062).

Gnashing of teeth in the other life comes from those who believe that nature is everything and the Divine nothing (Arcana Coelestia 5568).


Heaven and Hell #575 (Ager, 1900)

575. Gnashing of teeth is the continual contention and combat of falsities with each other, consequently of those who are in falsities, joined with contempt of others, with enmity, mockery, ridicule, blaspheming; and these evils burst forth into lacerations of various kinds; since everyone fights for his own falsity and calls it truth. These contentions and combats are heard outside of these hells like the gnashings of teeth; and are also turned into gnashings of teeth when truths from heaven flow in among them. In these hells are all who have acknowledged nature and have denied the Divine. In the deeper of these hells are those that have confirmed themselves in such denials. As such are unable to receive any thing of light from heaven, and are thus unable to see any thing inwardly in themselves, they are for the most part corporeal sensual spirits, who believe nothing except what they see with their eyes and touch with their hands. Therefore all the fallacies of the senses are truths to them; and it is from these that they dispute. This is why their contentions are heard as gnashings of teeth; for in the spiritual world all falsities give a grating sound, and the teeth correspond to the outmost things in nature and to the outmost things in man, which are corporeal sensual. 1(That there is gnashing of teeth in the hells may be seen in Matthew 8:12; Matthew 13:42, 50; Matthew 22:13; Matthew 24:51; Matthew 25:30; Luke 13:28.)


1. The correspondence of the teeth (Arcana Coelestia 5565-5568).

Those who are purely sensual and have scarcely anything of spiritual light correspond to the teeth (5565).

In the Word a tooth signifies the sensual, which is the outmost of the life of man (9052, 9062).

Gnashing of teeth in the other life comes from those who believe that nature is everything and the Divine nothing (5568).


De Coelo et de Inferno #575 (original Latin)

575. Stridor autem dentium est continua disceptatio et pugna falsorum inter se, proinde illorum qui in falsis sunt, conjuncta quoque cum contemptu aliorum, inimicitia, irrisione, subsannatione, blasphematione quae quoque erumpunt in dilaniationes varii generis quisque enim pro suo falso pugnat, et dicit verum. Hae disceptationes et pugnae extra illa inferna audiuntur sicut stridores dentium: et quoque in stridores dentium vertuntur cum vera e caelo illuc influunt. In iis infernis sunt omnes illi qui agnoverunt naturam et negaverunt Divinum in profundioribus ibi qui se in eo confirmarunt. illi quia nihil lucis e caelo possunt recipere, et inde nihil videre intus in se, ideo plerique sensuales corporei sunt, qui sunt qui nihil credunt quam quod oculis vident et manibus tangunt: inde omnes fallaciae sensuum illis sunt vera, ex quibus etiam disceptant. Ex eo est, quod disceptationes illorum audiantur sicut stridores dentium nam omnia falsa in mundo spirituali strident, et dentes correspondent ultimis in natura, et quoque ultimis apud hominem, quae sunt sensualia corporea. 1(Quod in infernis sit stridor dentium, videatur, Matthaeus 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luca 13:28.)


1. De Correspondentia dentium (5565-5568).

Quod illi correspondeant dentibus qui mere sensuales sunt, et vix aliquid lucis spiritualis habent (5565).

Quod "dens" in Verbo significet sensuale quod ultimum vitae hominis (9052, 9062).

Quod stridor dentium in altera vita sit ex illi qui credunt naturam esse omne, ac Divinum nihil (5568).

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