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《天堂与地狱》 第583节





583. 天堂在灵界的高地, 灵人界在较低区域, 地狱则在这二者之下. 灵人界的灵人看不见天堂, 除非他们的内在视觉被打开. 有时, 他们看天堂就像薄雾或亮云. 这是因为就聪明和智慧而言, 天堂天使处于更内在的状态; 因此, 灵人界的人是看不见他们的. 但住在平原和山谷里的灵人能看见彼此. 然而, 当他们在那里分离时(这是他们被引入其内层时所发生的情形), 恶灵就看不见善灵; 但善灵却能看见恶灵. 善灵虽能看见恶灵, 但会转身离开他们; 当灵人转身离开时, 他们就变得不可见了. 不过, 地狱本身也是不可见的, 因为它们被封闭了. 只有被称为门户的入口在被打开放同类灵人进入时, 才能被所有人看见. 所有地狱之门都从灵人界打开, 无一从天堂打开.



583. 在心靈世界, 天國顯現于高處, 靈界在較低處, 地獄在兩者之下。靈界之靈看不見天國, 除非他們的內在視覺被打開。有時, 天國向他們顯現出來, 看似閃亮的白雲。就聰明和智慧而言, 天國的天人處於更內在的狀態, 故不為靈界之人所見。

住在平原和山谷的靈能彼此相見。但是, 當他們進入內在秉性, 被分門別類以後, 惡靈就看不見善靈了。善靈依然能看見惡靈, 一遇見便啟開。一啟開, 就不為他人所見了。

地獄本身也是不可見的, 因為它們是閉合的。當地獄之門被打開, 以接收同類之靈時, 也只有地獄的入口可見。所有地獄之門都從靈界而開, 不可能從天國而開。

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Heaven and Hell #583 (NCE, 2000)

583. The heavens there are on the higher ground, the world of spirits there is in the lower areas, and beneath both lie the hells.

The heavens are not visible to spirits in the world of spirits unless their inner sight has been opened. Sometimes they do appear, looking like gleaming white clouds. This is because heaven's angels are in a more inward state as regards their intelligence and wisdom, so they are beyond the sight of people in the world of spirits.

The spirits who are in the plains and valleys can see each other, though when they are being sorted out (which happens when they are being let into their inner natures), then evil spirits do not see the good ones. The good ones can still see the evil ones, but they turn away from them, and spirits who turn away become hard to see.

The hells themselves, though, are not visible, because they are closed. All one can see are the entrances, called gates, when they open to admit spirits like the ones already there. All the gates into the hells open from the world of spirits, none from heaven.


Heaven and Hell #583 (Harley, 1958)

583. The heavens are in the more elevated localities of the spiritual world, the world of spirits in those that are low-lying, and under both are the hells. The heavens are not visible to the spirits in the world of spirits except when their interior sight is opened; although they are sometimes visible as mists or as bright clouds. This is because the angels of heaven are in an interior state as to intelligence and wisdom; and for this reason they are above the sight of those who are in the world of spirits. But spirits who are in the plains and valleys see one another; and yet when they are separated there, which takes place when they are let into their interiors, then the evil spirits do not see the good spirits; but the good spirits can see the evil spirits. Nevertheless, the good spirits turn themselves away from the evil spirits; and when spirits turn themselves away they become invisible. But the hells do not appear because they are closed up. Only the entrances, which are called gates, are seen when they are opened to let in other like spirits. All the gates to the hells open from the world of spirits, and none of them from heaven.


Heaven and Hell #583 (Ager, 1900)

583. The heavens are in the higher parts of the spiritual world, the world of spirits in the lower parts, and under both are the hells. The heavens are visible to spirits in the world of spirits only when their interior sight is opened; although they sometimes see them as mists or as bright clouds. This is because the angels of heaven are in an interior state in respect to intelligence and wisdom; and for this reason they are above the sight of those who are in the world of spirits. But spirits who dwell in the plains and valleys see one another; and yet when they are separated there, which takes place when they are let into their interiors, the evil spirits do not see the good spirits; but the good spirits can see the evil spirits. Nevertheless, the good spirits turn themselves away from the evil spirits; and when spirits turn themselves away they become invisible. But the hells are not seen because they are closed up. Only the entrances, which are called gates, are seen when they are opened to let in other like spirits. All the gates to the hells open from the world of spirits, and none of them from heaven.


De Coelo et de Inferno #583 (original Latin)

583. In locis editioribus ibi sunt caeli in humilibus ibi est mundus spirituum sub his et sub illis sunt inferna. Caeli non apparent spiritibus qui in mundo spirituum sunt, nisi cum interior visus eorum aperitur: aliquoties tamen apparent sicut nimbi, aut sicut candidae nubes causa est, quia angeli caeli in statu interiori sunt quoad intelligentiam et sapientiam, ita supra visum illorum qui in mundo spirituum. Spiritus autem, qui in planitiebus et vallibus sunt, se mutuo vident; verum cum ibi separati sunt, quod fit cum intromissi in interiora sua; tunc mali spiritus non vident bonos boni autem videre possunt malos, sed avertunt se ab illis; ac spiritus qui se avertunt, inconspicui fiunt. Inferna autem non apparent, quoniam clausa sunt solum introitus, qui portae vocantur, cum aperiuntur pro intromittendis similibus aliis. Omnes portae ad inferna patent e mundo spirituum, et nullae e caelo.

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