3753. Spirits anchor their mental imagery in material things
As you may see above [3605], when I came into a strange place, or a different room, the spirits were at once like strangers, not knowing where they were; and that the same thing results from a change of clothing, namely that it caused them to derive from it a different mental image, so to speak. A striking example showing that they ground their mental imagery in material things, without which they are absent, was the case of two small, snow-white pots that were used at tea time. Several times I saw that certain spirits wanted this little pot, some others the second one, to be used, and I perceived a kind of dispute was going on from the part of those above, and that there were some childish ones who prized the second one as more beautiful and elegant.
By the spirits above I was impelled to reject this more beautiful and elegant one, and while I was being held in that idea, the childish ones, becoming indignant, wanted to withdraw. But to prevent this, it was suggested by still other spirits that I should break the other pot, and while I was being held in that idea, those spirits began to be afraid, to grieve, coming to me and beseeching me not to do this. I realized that they would then probably withdraw. From their fear and grief I realized that their mental imagery was anchored in it, and that they could not be present if that pot were taken away.
This shows how the mental imagery of spirits is grounded in material things, and I perceived, with the help of a certain portrayal, that it was their foot, which they imagined they would lose if this pot were taken away. So it is in other cases. 1748, 28 Oct.
There are also spirits who have as the lowest step of their order my books, of which there are 4, in which I am writing these things - some having this book, some another.
You will previously have seen 1that when I came into another place or another chamber, the spirits were immediately perceived to be estranged, not knowing where they were, and that a change of garments produced the same effect, so that they received, as it were, a different idea [in consequence] a striking proof that they terminate their ideas in material things, without which they are absent. There were two small snow-white vessels which were used about - 2and I several times perceived that certain spirits wished me to use the one, while others prompted me to use the other. Thus a certain kind of strife was perceived on the part of those above, and [it was perceived also] that those were of an infantile quality who preferred that which was handsomer and neater. By the spirits that were above I was impelled to reject the latter, and while I was held in that idea, the infantile spirits were indignant, and inclined to withdraw, but in order to their being retained it was suggested by still other spirits that I should break the other vessel. When I was held in this idea, then those spirits began to fear and to grieve, coming to me and beseeching that I would not do it. It was perceived that thus they would perhaps withdraw, and also, from their fear and grief, it was perceived that their ideas were terminated in this object, and that they could not be present, if this were taken away. Hence it appears how the ideas of spirits are terminated in material things, and it was perceived, by a certain mode of representation, that such a vessel is a kind of foot to them, which they think they lose whenever the vessel is taken away; and so in other things. - 1748, October 28. There are spirits also who have my books for an ultimate of order, which are four, and in which I am writing this [journal]. Some [prefer] one book, some another.
1. Alluding to No. 3608-3610, where the fact is mentioned. It is worthy of notice, that Swedenborg here speaks as if he expected that what he wrote would come before other eyes than his own. -Tr.
2. We leave a blank for the original word "the" as to the purport of which we are ignorant, it being unknown to the Latin tongue. -Tr.
3753. Quod spiritus terminent suas ideas in materialibus
Prius videas [3605], quod dum in alienum locum, seu aliam cameram veni, quod spiritus illico sicut peregrini essent, nescientes ubinam; quod similiter fit circa vestes, dum mutatae, quod aliam quasi ideam exinde tulerint. Insigne exemplum, quod in materialibus terminent suas ideas, absque quibus absentes sunt, erant bina parva vascula, nivea, quae usitabantur circa the; aliquoties percepi, quod quidam spiritus vellent, quod hoc vasculo, quidam quod altero, uterer, percepta est certatio quaedam a parte eorum qui supra quod infantiles essent, qui diligebant alterum pulchrius concinnius; actus eram a spiritibus qui supra, quod rejicerem hoc pulchrius concinnius, cum in idea ea tenerer, tunc infantiles indignati, recedere volebant; at ut retineretur, ab aliis spiritibus infundebatur, ut frangerem vasculum alterum, cum in idea ea tenerer, tunc spiritus ii incipiebant timere, dolere, venientes me orantes ne hoc facerem; perceptum quod sic forte recederent; ex eorum timore dolore perceptum, quod ideae eorum in eo terminarentur quod non potuissent adesse, si hoc auferretur; constat inde, quomodo ideae spirituum terminantur in materialibus perceptum, cum quadam repraesentatione, quod tale esset pes eorum, quem putarent se amittere, si auferretur vasculum. Ita in caeteris. 1748, 28 Oct. Sunt etiam spiritus, qui pro ultimo ordinis sui habent libros meos, qui 4 sunt, quibus haec inscribo, quidam hunc librum, quidam alterum.