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《灵界经历》 第3754节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3754

3754. The vaporous idea of spirits presents a mental image of no society

When spirits of that character are present and operating who have no mental image of spirits or spiritual things - like those discussed earlier [3741-3749], who ascribe all things to their own wisdom, and despise the Word and worship, saying they are only restraints of conscience for the common people - then even while they are speaking, there appears something vaporous, like an atmospheric emptiness, and no society, much less any order. For all things that delineate and define vanish away, so to speak, out of their mental view, which is thus vaporous.

I spoke with them about the fact that even though it so appears to them, yet there is an order in which all things are held by the Lord, and that the starry heaven also in the sight of mankind appears as void of order. But although such is the appearance, yet all things are most orderly; and that no one can speak except in society, has several times appeared to be a similar case. 1748, 28 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3754


When such spirits are present and operate as have no idea of spirits and spiritual things - like those above mentioned, who ascribe everything to their own prudence, and despise the Word and worship, saying that they are merely bonds of conscience for the vulgar - then, although they speak, it appears so diffused as to resemble an atmospheric emptiness [inane]. [There appears to be] no society, still less any order, for all such things as distinguish and determine vanish, as it were, in consequence of their idea, which is of the same quality. I then spoke with them concerning this, [saying] that although it appeared thus, yet still the utmost order was maintained by the Lord, and that it was like the case of the starry heaven, which appears to the view of man as if void of order, when yet notwithstanding this appearance, everything was in the most exact order. That no one could speak except in society, often appeared on former occasions [very] similar. - 1748, October 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 3754 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3754. Quod idea diffusa spirituum sistat ideam quasi nulla societas

Cum tales spiritus adsunt et operantur, qui nullam ideam de spiritibus et spiritualibus habent, sicut ii de quibus prius [3741-3749], qui suae prudentiae omnia adscribunt, et contemnunt Verbum et cultum, dicentes esse modo vinculum conscientiae pro vulgo, tunc tametsi loquuntur, apparet ita diffusum, sicut inane atmosphaericum, nulla societas, minus ullus ordo; nam evanescunt quasi omnia talia, quae distinguunt et determinant ex idea eorum, quae talis, cum iis tunc loquutus de eo, quod tametsi appareat ita usque omnium ordo tenetur a Domino, quodque appareat sicut coelum stelliferum, quod etiam ad conspectum hominis apparet sicut non ordo, sed quamvis apparentia talis, usque ordinatissima omnia; et quod nullus loqui possit, nisi in societate, aliquoties prius simile apparuit. 1748, 28 Oct.

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