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《灵界经历》 第3764节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3764

3764. 1They also act upon lower Quaker spirits, for these drift up to them at first out of earthly life, as all do to their idols, and they lead them. They inspire them just as they did in life not ever to tell anything to anyone. Such an aura they have, and their excrements are more putrid than those of other spirits. Their aura is such that others cannot be with them, but they are separated from others, nor are others permitted to approach to them.


1. 3763 is lacking in the original.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3764

3764. These act also on the lower order of Quaker spirits, for these latter flow to them on their departure from life, as do all to their idols, and by them are they led. They still inspire and prompt them, as they did during life, to say nothing to anyone, and thus create a sphere which is more revoltingly fetid than that of other spirits, so that others cannot remain with them, but are obliged to separate, and are debarred all interaction.

Experientiae Spirituales 3764 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3764. 1

Agunt quoque in spiritus Quakerianos inferiores, nam ii ad eos primum e vita, sicut omnes ad sua idola, alluunt, quos ducunt; quibus inspirant sicut in vita, ut nihil usquam dicant alicui, talem sphaeram inde, et quod excrementa putriora sint, quam alii spiritus, sphaeram habent, quod alii non possint cum iis esse, sed quod separati sint ab aliis, nec ad eos liceat aliis accedere.


1. 3763 deest

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