3767. As regards the streaming in of their spirits, it was also shown in some measure that it is not felt as strongly at this day as it was formerly. Formerly they were obviously driven into a tremor, so that the spirit convulsed their whole body, whereas today they only feel a shaking sensation at the left side of the stomach and the left side of the arm just above the palms (at one time also in the palms); they also hold the left side of the face in a cheerful expression. I asked whether they did not flow into their thoughts with some noticeable operation, but this was not yet permitted me to find out.
3767. As it respects the influx of their spirits, it was in some measure shown, though not perceived at the present day as formerly; formerly they were manifestly moved to a trembling, so their spirits convulsed their whole body. At this day they barely perceive a commotion at the left side of the abdomen, and in the left arm just above the palms (:formerly in the palms also:); the left side of the face also is held in a kind of exhilaration, I inquired whether they did not flow into their thoughts by a certain manifest influence; but this it is not yet permitted to know.
3767. Quod influxum eorum spirituum attinet, aliquantum quoque ostensum, quod non sentiatur hodie ut prius, prius acti manifeste in tremorem, sic ut spiritus convulserit omne eorum corpus, hodie autem solum sentiunt commotionem ad sinistrum ventris latus, et sinistrum brachii proxime super palmas (olim etiam in palmis) ; tum sinistram partem faciei tenent hilarem; quaesivi annon influerent in cogitationes eorum, manifesta quadam operatione, sed hoc non adhuc licuit scire.