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《灵界经历》 第3766节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3766

3766. They maintain an abominable sharing of wives, in which their wives declare that they are obsessed by a devil, from whom they say they cannot be freed unless someone acted upon by the holy spirit lie with them. Then the invited [husbands] sit at the table, which was portrayed to me, awaiting the operation of the holy spirit, and when they feel the operation of their spirits, they declare themselves to be the ones who, moved by the holy spirit, may lie with them. This they do, and then [the wives] declare that the devil has been cast out and that they have obtained the holy spirit and thereby been absolved from their sins - thus by means of wicked adulteries.

So their worship, or holiness, consists in wicked adulteries, and they then not only receive the remission of sins, but also attach, infuse, and attribute holiness to them. For this purpose they are invited by the wives in the presence of the husband - and indeed whichever ones the wife prefers above the others. And she lies down in a bed in the same room, and confesses to them that she has been obsessed by a devil, begging to be delivered by someone driven by the holy spirit. These, on awaiting as they do in their meeting places the inflow of their spirit, then declare that they are the ones, and then lie with them: thus promiscuously.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3766

3766. They have a vile communion of wives; their wives saying that they are obsessed by the devil, from whom they say they cannot be liberated unless some one who is actuated by the Holy Spirit shall cohabit with them. Being then invited they sit down at a table, which was represented to me, and wait the operation of the Holy Spirit, and when they feel the operation of their own spirits, they then say that they are the ones who are prompted by the Holy Spirit to cohabit with them, which they do, and thus, as they say, the devil is cast out, and they have obtained the Holy Ghost, and thus too, they are absolved from their sins, and that by means of abominable adulteries. Their worship or holy, therefore, consists of base adulteries, and thus their women not only receive remission of sins, but these men communicate, infuse, and attribute holiness to them. Such persons as the wife prefers above others, are invited for this end, even while the husband is present. She lies in bed in the same room, and professing to be obsessed by the devil, seeks to be delivered by someone who is actuated by the Holy Spirit, and these, after awaiting the influx of the Spirit, as in their conventicles, say they are the persons, and cohabitation takes place; thus promiscuously.

Experientiae Spirituales 3766 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3766. Communionem abominabilem uxorum habent, nempe quod uxores eorum dicant se obsessas esse diabolo, a quo non liberari se dicunt, nisi aliquis qui a spiritu sancto actus, cum iis concumbat; tunc invitati sedent ad mensam, quae repraesentata mihi, et exspectant operationem spiritus sancti, et cum sentiunt operationem spirituum suorum, tunc dicunt se esse, qui a spiritu sancto acti, concumbent cum iis, quod etiam faciunt, et sic dicunt diabolum expulsum esse, et eas nactas esse spiritum sanctum, et sic a peccatis suis esse immunes, ita per nefanda adulteria; sic ut in nefandis adulteriis consistat eorum cultus seu sanctum, et sic peccatorum remissionem non solum accipiunt, sed etiam sanctitatem iis communicant, infundunt, et tribuunt; invitantur ob eum finem ab uxoribus, marito praesente, et quidem tales, quos uxor prae aliis eligit, et cubat in lecto, in eodem conclavi, et confitetur his quod a diabolo obsessa, et petit deliberari a quodam, qui actus spiritu sancto, qui cum sicut in eorum conventiculis exspectant influxum spiritus sui, tunc dicunt se eos esse, et sic concumbunt; ita promiscue.

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