I noticed that they were not so deceitful as others, but do possess a kind of secret deceitfulness. When angered, they then openly cast forth their insults, at other times behaving somewhat cunningly, but as it were non-committal, which they also derive from their life in the body, for so they operated in me, with a hidden cunning scarcely detectable.
3780. It was observed that they are not so deceitful as others, but that there is still a kind of secret deceit [among them], while, under the influence of anger, they then openly vent their calumnies; at other times they act, as it were, craftily, but still in a clandestine manner, which they contract from their life in the body, as they thus acted with me by a secret deceit scarcely to be detected.
3780. Observatum quod non ita dolosi sint ut alii, sed quod secreti doli genus [habeant], dum in ira tunc aperte calumnias projiciunt, alioquin subdole quodam agunt, sed quasi incognito, quod trahunt quoque a vita in corpore, nam sic cum dolo secreto vix cognoscibili apud me agebant.