3781. From all this, i.e. the practices of the Quakers, it is clear how dangerous it is on this planet, when spirits speak with people, or people listen to spirits operating in them, if they do not have faith in the Lord. If they have faith, it does no harm, for the Lord liberates them; but if they do not have faith, like Quakers and Fanatics, they are not only persuaded that it is the holy spirit [speaking], but are also aroused and incited toward wicked acts. For almost the whole world of spirits is wicked, and fanatical, and eager with all their effort to obsess mankind. But the Lord is guarding and taking care of them. 1748, 30 Oct. These words [were written] before spirits.
3781. Thence, namely, from the Quakers, it appears how dangerous it is, in this world, for spirits to speak with men, or for men to attend to the operations of spirits upon themselves, if they are not in faith towards the Lord; if they are in faith, it is harmless, for the Lord delivers them; but if not in faith, like Quakers and Enthusiasts, they are persuaded not only that it is the Holy Spirit [who speaks] but they are excited and goaded to enormities; for almost the whole world of spirits is wicked and enthusiastic, and sedulously anxious to obsess man; but the Lord takes precautions against it, and exercises [constant] care for man. - 1748, October 30. This in the presence of spirits.
3781. Exinde, nempe a Quakerianis constat, quam periculosum sit, in hac tellure, ut spiritus loquantur cum hominibus, aut homines attendant ad spirituum operationes in semet, si non in fide in Dominum, si in fide, tunc non nocet, nam Dominus liberat eos, at si non in fide, sicut Quakeriani et Enthusiastae, persuadentur non solum quod spiritus sanctus sit, sed etiam excitantur et irritantur ad scelesta; nam totus spirituum mundus fere est sclestus, et enthusiasticus, et hominem obsidere omni studio cupit, sed Dominus praecavit, et curam hominis habet. 1748, 30 Oct.; haec coram spiritibus.