3782. People cannot know otherwise but that [they speak] from themselves
This was shown in the case of a spirit speaking from others, who was also told that other spirits were speaking through him, and that he knows no differently than that he speaks on his own. Those other spirits pour into him their own passions and convictions, so that he cannot tell but that they come from himself. This having been said he was given to observe, as he then acknowledged, and then he seemed to withdraw from that group.
So that I might learn this, it has happened both just now and many times before, that spirits poured in lusts and convictions, so that I did not know otherwise than that they came from myself.
I then spoke about the fact that spirits with a person cannot pour in a persuasion when the person had not previously been of that persuasion, but that they can pour in desires, and from the desires, persuasions, as usually happens. Thus they can then not only arouse desires, but also set them afire - sometimes even to the point of disgraceful and insane rage, such as occurs when a person becomes violently angry and thinks of nothing else but revenge and killing.
This was shown in a case of a spirit speaking from others, to whom it was also said, that other spirits spoke through him, and that he did not know otherwise than that it was from himself. These other spirits infuse into him their own cupidities and persuasions, so that he cannot know otherwise than that it is from himself, which when it was said, it was given to him to observe it, so that he acknowledged the fact, and thus seemed to withdraw from that society. In order that I might be aware of the same thing, it has happened now, and on many former occasions, that spirits would infuse cupidities and persuasions, and then I knew no otherwise than that it was from myself I then spoke concerning these matters, intimating that spirits could not infuse persuasions with man when he was not previously in such a persuasion, but that they could do this in regard to cupidities, and thus [beget] persuasions from cupidities, as is often the case, and thus not only excite cupidities, but also inflame them greatly; sometimes [for instance] to a high pitch of unseemly anger and insanity; which is manifest when a man is in a violent rage, and thinks of nothing else than revenge or death. Spirits are then in their delight or in their life, for [than this] there is nothing more exquisitely pleasant to them; hence man contracts the character or nature which makes him such after death, when he has become a spirit. - 1748, October 30.
3782. Quod homo non aliter scire possit, quam quod ex semet
[Hoc] ostensum, apud spiritum loquentem ab aliis, cui etiam dictum, quod alii spiritus per eum loquantur, et quod non sciat aliter quam ex se, qui spiritus alii isti infundunt ei suas cupiditates et persuasiones, ita non potest scire aliter quam quod ex semet, quod cum dictum datum ei observare, quod sic agnovit, et sic a societate ista secedere visus; ut id scirem, etiam nunc et multoties prius contigit, quod spiritus infuderint et cupiditates et persuasiones, et tunc non aliter sciverim, quam quod ex me; loquutus tunc de iis, quod spiritus apud hominem non possint persuasiones infundere, cum is prius non in ea persuasione est, sed quod possint cupiditates, et sic persuasiones a cupiditatibus, sicut solet fieri, tum etiam non solum excitare cupiditates, sed etiam accendere multum, quandoque ad turpem iram et insaniam, quod apparet, cum homo vehementer irascitur, et nihil aliud cogitat quam vindictam aut necem,