3810. When I awoke in the night, I felt them creeping amidst the hairs on my head like a multitude of little snakes or serpents, and I realized that such had lain in wait for me throughout the night, so as to seize me, but in vain, for they only fantasized being among the hairs of my head, where I felt them. Thus I realized that there were very many conspiring against me. I heard that they had called together very many.
3810. When I awoke in the night I suddenly felt among the hair upon my head a multitude of very small snakes or serpents, and it was perceived that such had been plotting against me in the night, but in vain; it was only by the phantasies that they were among the hairs of my head, where I felt them. Thus I perceived that those who had conspired were very numerous; it was heard also that they had called a great multitude together.
3810. Cum noctu evigilatus sentiebam inter crines super capite repentes sicut anguiculos seu sepentulos parvulos plures, et perceptum, quod tales per noctem mihi insidiati, ut occuparent, sed incassum, solum phantasiis suis inter crines capitis mei erant, ubi sentiti, sic quod perplures essent, qui conspirarent; auditum, quod convocaverint plures.