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《灵界经历》 第4086节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4086

4086. They may appear in other places.

Certain evil and deceitful spirits are in hell, and yet appear in the world of spirits as the most deceitful overhead. They are in the hell beneath the buttocks, which those under the buttocks also declared, namely, that they are together with the most deceitful ones overhead. That they appear so very high up is due to the fantasy of their loftiness, and when this is taken away, they are at once in their hell, as was also shown when, having fallen down, they gravitated onto my head [4068]. So also do others who are in Gehenna, in the abode of dragons, when the fantasy of magic and deceit comes upon them, seem to themselves to be elsewhere, as long as the fantasy lasts - yet still they are in hell, for [the other] place is only a fantasy. 1748, 27 Nov. This is the case with many others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4086


Certain evil and deceitful spirits who are in hell yet appear in the world of spirits as the most deceitful above the head. They are in hell under the nates, which those who occupied this position confessed notwithstanding that they were apparently among the most deceitful above the head. But this appearance of great elevation is merely a phantasy of their loftiness, which phantasy being taken away they are forthwith in their hell, as appeared also from their sinking down and pressing heavily on my head. Thus also others who are in hell, in the abode of demons, when the phantasy of magic and deceit comes upon them, seem then to be elsewhere as long as the phantasy continues, but yet they are in hell, for the other place is a mere phantasy. - 1748, November 27. So likewise with many others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4086 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4086. Quod in aliis locis appareant

Quidam spiritus mali et dolosi, sunt in inferno, sed apparent in mundo spirituum, ut dolosissimi supra caput, sunt in inferno sub natibus, quod etiam ii qui sub natibus dixerunt, quod una sint cum dolosissimis supra caput, sed quod appareant tam altissime, est phantasia eorum altitudinis, qua ablata, illico sunt in inferno suo, ut quoque constabat, cum delapsi gravitabant in caput [4068] : ita quoque alii, qui in Gehenna, qui in domicilio draconum, cum phantasia magiae doli venit, tunc inde videntur alibi, quamdiu perstat phantasia, sed usque sunt in inferno, nam locus est modo phantasia. 1748, 27 Nov. Ita plures alii.

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