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《灵界经历》 第4085节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4085

4085. Those of this character are in hell under the buttocks, engulfed in the most foul excrement. But they are purged even to the bones, because they are most deceitful, in fact so much so that they appear outwardly blameless, but internally most foul. They therefore withdraw the inner person, which is most filthy, from the outer one in such a way that nothing [bad] appears outwardly; and they end up among the thieves who today represent the general involuntary sense [3860-3868].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4085

4085. Those of this character are in hell under the nates, in the vilest excrements, and are wasted to the bones, as being most deceitful, yet so that their externals appear innocent, while their internals are most foul. They thus abstract the internal man, which is most vile, from the external, so that nothing [offensive] appears in externals. They come to be at length among the robbers, who at this day represent the common sense of the involuntaries; concerning which I have spoken before.

Experientiae Spirituales 4085 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4085. Tales sunt in inferno sub natibus, in excrementis foedissimis; at vastantur usque ad ossa, quia dolosissimi, et quidem ita ut externa appareant insontia, at interna foedissima, abstrahit sic internum hominem qui foedissimus, ab externo ita, ut nihil in externis appareat, suntque tandem inter latrones qui referunt sensum communem involuntariorum hodie, de quibus prius [3860-3868] .

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